Character States for Extant Ant Genera of the Formicidae

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Notes on Table Use

Antennomere Count (AC): the total number of antennal segments. A count given as 8-10 indicates that species with 8, 9 and 10 antennal segments have all been recorded within the genus.
A count given as 8,10 indicates that no species with 9 antennal segments have been recorded within the genus.
A number in parenthesis following the count indicates the number of segments that constitute a club. Hences 12(3) = 12 antennomeres of which the apical three form a club. A suffixed (0) = antenna filiform, and (gi) = antenna gradually incrassate towards apex but without a distinctly differentiated club.

Palp Formula (PF): the number of segments in the maxillary palp and labial palp, always given in that order. For exampLe PF 6.4 = maxillary palp with 6 segments, labial palp with four.
A count of pf 6-5,4 indicates varying fusion of palpomeres (maxillary in this case) to give a count of 6 in some, 5 in others, within a species.

Total Dental Count (TDC): the total number of teeth and denticles on the masticatory (apical) margin of the mandible. In Dolichoderinae an entry "(+)" following the TDC indicates the presence of uncounnted denticles or crenulations on the basal margin; except in Dolochoderinae this is uncommon. Elsewhere a number in parenthesis following the TDC indicates the number of teeth/denticles on the basal margin of the mandible, e.g. TDC 6 (1) = six teeth on the masticatory margin and one on the basal. No entry in parentheses means that no basal margin armament occurs.
TDC 0 = fully edentate or lobate mandible where even an apical tooth or point is lacking.
TDC 1 = a falcate mandible or one where only the apical tooth or point is present.

Spur Formula (SF): the number and form of the apical spur or spurs on the mesotibia and metatiba, always in that order. For example SF 1,2 = mesotibia with one spur, metatibia with two (protibia is not recorded as there is always a specialized spur present, the strigil). Form of each spur is indicated by a letter following the number: s = simple, b = barbulate, p = pectinate. Thus an entry such as SF 1s, 2(1s, 1p) means that the mesotibia has one simple spur and the metatibia has 2 spurs, the first (anterior) of which is simple, the second (posterior, main spur)pectinate.
"Barbulate" is a broad grade, basically any spur that is not simple but is not broadly pectinate.
SF 0 means either that a spur is entirely absent or is so reduced and hair-like that it cannot easily be distinguished from any apicotibial setae that may be present.
When two spurs are present on the meso- and metatibia the anterior is smaller than the posterior, generally much smaller, and the spurs on the mesotibia are usually smaller than the corresponding metatibial spurs.
In the table all castes of both sexes are understood to be monomorphic and unmodified except where otherwise stated. The table is based mainly on the BMNH collection, with additional data from other large collections (ANIC, MCZ) and from the literature. Where any data is entirely literature-based it is stated as such after the appropriate sex.
The list is not exhaustive in that it does not include every caste of both sexes of every species of all genera. In a number of genera one sex remains unknown and in most genera the data for female castes is more abundant than for males.

This table lists the character states for workers of extant genera. Modified from Bolton, 2003.

Genus Subfamily Antennomere Count Palp Formula Total Dental Count Spur Formula Eyes Scrobes Notes
Acanthognathus Myrmicinae 11(2) 0,1 3-8 0,0 Y N
Acanthomyrmex Myrmicinae 12(3) 4,3 7-12 (minor worker), 0-3 (major worker and queen) 1s,1s Y Y workers dimorphic Male: AC 13(0). PF 4,3. TDC 6-8. SF 1s,1s
Acanthoponera Heteroponerinae 12(4-5) 6,4 6-9 1p,1p Y N from literature
Acanthostichus Dorylinae 12(gi) 2,3 1-10 1p,1p Y N some species ergatoid/subdichthadiiform
Acromyrmex Myrmicinae 11(gi) 4,2 8-11 0,0 Y N polymorphic
Acropyga Formicinae 7-11(0-gi) 5,3; 4,3; 2,3; 1,3 3-7 0,0 Y N
Adelomyrmex Myrmicinae 12(2) 2,2; 1,2; 1,1 4-7(1) 0,0 Y N male unknown
Adetomyrma Amblyoponinae 12(gi) 3,3 5-6 1s,2(1s,1p) N N ergatoid queen
Adlerzia Myrmicinae 11(3) 4,3 4-5 ? Y N from literature
Aenictogiton Aenictogitoninae NA NA NA NA NA NA worker and queen unknown
Aenictus Dorylinae 8-10(gi,2-3 weak) 2,2 1-20(0-5) 2s,2s; 1s-b,1s-p; 1s-b,0; 0,0 Y N most monomorphic, a few species weakly polymorphic
Agraulomyrmex Formicinae 10(gi) 6,4; 5,3 4-6 ? Y N from literature
Alloformica Formicinae 12(0) 6,4 5 1s,1s Y N queen and male unknown
Allomerus Myrmicinae 7-11(3) 3,2 5 0,0 Y N from literature
Amblyopone Amblyoponinae
Amyrmex Dorylinae NA NA NA NA NA NA Worker/Queen unknown
Ancyridris Myrmicinae 12(2-3) 3,2; 2,2 7-9 00 Y N queen and male unknown
Aneuretus Aneuretinae 12(gi) 3,4 9-11 1s,1s Y N dimorphic
Anillidris Dolichoderinae 12 2,3 7-8 ?,1p Y N from literature
Anillomyrma Myrmicinae 10(3) 2,1 3-4 0,0 N N male unknown
Anisopheidole Myrmicinae 12(3) 2,2 8-10 (worker minor); 2-7 (blunt and ill-defined, worker maxima 0,0 Y N polymorphic. Male: AC 13(0). PF ?. TDC 1. SF ?.
Ankylomyrma Agroecomyrmecinae 12(3-4) 5,3 5 1s,1b Y Y queen and male unknown
Anochetus Ponerinae 12(0) 4,4; 4,3 2-22 2(1s,1p), 2(1s,1p); 2s,2(1s,1p); 1s,2(1s,1p); 1s,1p; 0,1p ? N Male: AC 13(0). PF 6,3; 4,4; 4,3. TDC 0. SF 2s,2(1s,1p)
Anomalomyrma Leptanillinae 12(0) 2,2; 1,2 >20 1s,1p; 2s,2s N N male unknown
Anonychomyrma Dolichoderinae 12(gi) 6,4 7-12(+) 1p,1p Y N at least one species dimorphic
Anoplolepis Formicinae 11(gi) 64 6-9(0-2) 1s,1s Y N several polymorphic
Aphaenogaster Myrmicinae 12(0, gi, 4 weak) 5,3; 4,3 7-16 )-6) 1s,1s; 0,0 Y N at least one species polymorphic
Aphomomyrmex Formicinae 9(gi) 5,3 5-6 0,0 Y N polymorphic
Apomyrma Amblyoponinae 12(gi-4 weak) 2,2 3-6 2(1s-b,1p), 2(1s-b,1p) N N male unknown
Apterostigma Myrmicinae 11(gi-3 weak) 3,2 8-14 0,0 Y N
Aptinoma Dolichoderinae 12 6,3 4-6 ? Y N polymorphic
Arnoldius Dolichoderinae 12 4,3; 2,2 5-6 ?,1b Y N
Asphinctanilloides Leptanilloidinae 12(gi) 2,2 7-11 1s,1p N N from literature; queen and male unknown
Asphinctopone Ponerinae 12(gi) 4,4 5 1p,1p Y N male unknown
Atopomyrmex Myrmicinae 9, 10, 12(3) 5,3; 4,3 4-7 0,0 Y N polymorphic
Atta Myrmicinae 11(gi) 4,2 8-12 0,0 Y N
Aulacopone Heteroponerinae NA NA NA NA NA NA worker unknown
Austromorium Myrmicinae 12(3) 2,2 4-5 ? Y N
Axinidris Dolichoderinae 12(gi) 6,4 7-12(+) 1s,1p Y N
Azteca Dolichoderinae 12(gi) 6,4; 5,3; 4,3; 4,2 7-9 (some +) 1s,1p Y N polymorphic
Bajcaridris Formicinae 12(0) 6,4 5 1s,1s Y N queen unknown
Bannapone Amblyoponinae 11(gi) 7 3 0,1p (from literature) Male: unknown
Baracidris Myrmicinae 12 (2) 2,2 5 0,0 Male unknown
Bariamyrma Myrmicinae 12(3) 3,2 9 1s,1s Male: unknown. Worker unknown.
Basiceros Myrmicinae 12(2) 2,2; 1,2 11-15 0,0
Belonopelta Ponerinae 12(gi) 3,3 5-6 1p, 1p Male unknown
Blepharidatta Myrmicinae 11(2) 3,2 5 0,0 Male: AC 13(0). PF 3,2. TDC 1. SF 0,0.
Boloponera Ponerinae
Bondroitia Myrmicinae 11(3) 2,2 4 (worker), 3(queen) 0,0 Male: AC 12-12(0). PF 2,2. TDC 2. SF 0,0.
Bothriomyrmex Dolichoderinae 12(gi) 4,3; 2,3; 2,2 5-9 1s,1p Y N
Brachymyrmex Formicinae 9(0-gi weak) 6,4 5 0,0 Y N
Bregmatomyrma Formicinae NA NA NA NA NA NA inquiline suspected, worker unknown. Male: unknown. Queen: AC 12(0). PF 3,3. TDC 5. SF 0,0.
Calomyrmex Formicinae 12(0) 6,4 5 1s-p,1s-p Y N
Calyptomyrmex Myrmicinae 12(3) 2,2 6-9 0,0 (a few species ergatoid). Male: AC 12(0). PF 3,2; 2,2. TDC 5-6. SF 0,0.
Camponotus Formicinae 12(0-gi) 6,4; 5,4 4-9 1s-b,1s-p; 0,0 Y N polymorphic
Cardiocondyla Myrmicinae 11-12(3) 5,3 5 0,0 Male: (dimorphic, alate/ergatoid) AC 8-13(0; gi in some ergatoids). PF 5,3. TDC 1-5. SF 0,0.
Carebara Myrmicinae
Carebarella Myrmicinae
Cataglyphis Formicinae 12(0) 6,4 5-7 1s,1s Y N a few dimorphic, some with marked size-variation
Cataulacus Myrmicinae 11(3) 5,3 3-8 0,0 Y N
Centromyrmex Ponerinae 12(gi) 4,3 4-14 2(1s,1p),2(1s-b,1p); 1s-p,1p; 0,1p Male:AC 13(0). PF 4,3. TDC 0-1. SF 0,1p
Cephalotes Myrmicinae
Cerapachys Dorylinae 9-12(gi,1) 4,3; 3,3; 3,2; 2,2 1-15(0-3) 2p,2p; 2(1s,1b-p),2(1s,1p); 1s-b,1p; 1p,1p Y N at least two species polymorphic
Cheliomyrmex Dorylinae 12(0) 2,3 2-18(0-5) 1p,1p Y N polymorphic; queen unknown
Chimaeridris Myrmicinae 12(3) 2,2 2 0,0 Male: unknown
Chronoxenus Dolichoderinae
Cladomyrma Formicinae 8(gi) 6,4; 5,3 4-9 0,0 Y N dimorphic
Colobostruma Myrmicinae
Concoctio Amblyoponinae 9(4) ? 1-2 0,0 Male: unknown
Crematogaster Myrmicinae
Cryptomyrmex Myrmicinae
Cylindromyrmex Dorylinae 12(gi, 3 weak) 2,3; 2,2 4-14 2p,2p Y Y
Cyphoidris Myrmicinae 11(3) 4,3 9-12 0,0 Male: AC 10(0). PF 4,3. TDC 7. SF 0,0.
Cyphomyrmex Myrmicinae
Dacatria Myrmicinae 12(3) 3,2 5 0,0 Male: unknown. Queen: unknown.
Dacetinops Myrmicinae 11(3) 2,2 9-15 0,0 Male: AC 11-12(0). PF 2,2. TDC 0. SF 0,0.
Daceton Myrmicinae
Diacamma Ponerinae 12(0) 4,4; 4,3 11-13 2(1s,1b-p),2(1s,1p); 2s,2(1s,1p) Male: AC 13(0). PF 6,4. TDC 0-1. SF 2(1s,1b),2(1s-b,1p)
Diaphoromyrma Myrmicinae (incertae sedis)
Dicroaspis Myrmicinae 11(3) 2,2 7-9 1s,1s; 0,0 Male: AC 11(gi). PF 2,2. TDC 6. SF 1s,1s
Dilobocondyla Myrmicinae 12(3) 4,3; 3,3 6 0,0 Male: AC 13(0). PF 4,3. TDC 5. SF 0,0.
Dinoponera Ponerinae 12(0) 4,4 6(1) 2(1s,1p),2(1s,1p) Male:AC 13(0). PF 5,3. TDC 0. SF 2p,2p;2(1b,1p),2(1b,1p)
Diplomorium Myrmicinae
Discothyrea Proceratiinae
Doleromyrma Dolichoderinae 12 6,4 5-9(+) 1s,1p Y N from literature
Dolichoderus Dolichoderinae 12(gi) 6,4 9-30(+) 1s-p,1s-p Y N
Dolioponera Ponerinae 12(gi) ? 2 1p,1p (from literature) Queen: unknown. Male: unknown.
Dolopomyrmex Myrmicinae
Dorylus Dorylinae 7-12(0-gi) 2,2; 1,2 1-8(0-7) 1p,1p Y N polymorphic
Dorymyrmex Dolichoderinae 12(gi) 6,4 6-9(+) 1s-p,1p Y N
Echinopla Formicinae 12(0-gi) 6,4 5 1s-p,1s-p Y N
Eciton Dorylinae 12(0) 2,3 1-18 1p,1p N Y polymorphic
Ecphorella Dolichoderinae 12 ? 7 ?,1p Y N from literature
Ectatomma Ectatomminae 12(0) 2,2 12-30 1s-b,1s-b Male: AC 13(0). PF 5,3;4,3. TDC 8-9. SF 1b-p,1b-p.
Emeryopone Ponerinae 12(gi) 3,3 5 1s, 1p Male unknown
Epopostruma Myrmicinae
Euprenolepis Formicinae 12(0) 3,4 6 1s,1s Y N from literature
Eurhopalothrix Myrmicinae
Eutetramorium Myrmicinae 12(3) 4,3; 4,2 6-8 1s-b,1s-b; 0,0 Y N Male: AC 13(0). PF 4,3. TDC 7. SF 1s-b,1b-p.
Feroponera Ponerinae
Forelius Dolichoderinae 12(gi) 6,4 5-8 1s,1s-p Y N some size-variable
Forelophilus Formicinae 12(gi) 6,4 5 1s,1s Y N polymorphic, male unknown
Formica Formicinae 12(0) 6,4; 5,4 7-10(0-3) 1s,1s Y N some with marked size-variation
Formicoxenus Myrmicinae 11(3) 5,3; 4,3 5-6 0,0 Male: (alates/intermediates/ergatoids): AC 12(0 in alates; gi in ergatoids). PF 5,3; 4,3. TDC 0-4. SF 0,0.
Formosimyrma Myrmicinae
Froggattella Dolichoderinae 12(gi) 6,4 6-9(+) 1s,1p Y N from literature
Gaoligongidris Myrmicinae
Gauromyrmex Myrmicinae 11(3) 2,2 5-6 0,0 (at least one species ergatoid). Male: unknown.
Gesomyrmex Formicinae 8(gi)in worker 10(gi) in queen 6,4 6-10 1s,1s; 0,0 Y N polymorphic. Male: AC 11(0). PF 6,4. TDC 1. SF ? (from literature).
Gigantiops Formicinae 12(0) 6,4 10 1s,1s Y N
Gnamptogenys Ectatomminae 12(gi,3,4) 3,2; 2,2 1-25 1s-p,1s-p Male: AC 13(0). PF5,3; 4,3. TDC 5-12. SF 1s-p,1b-p.
Goniomma Myrmicinae 12(2,3) 2,2 2 0,0 Male: AC 13(0,gi,4 weak). PF 4,3. TDC 3-6. SF 1s,1s.
Gracilidris Dolichoderinae
Harpagoxenus Myrmicinae 11(3-4) 5,3 0 0,0 Male: AC 12(0). PF 5,3. TDC 0-2. SF 0,0.
Harpegnathos Ponerinae 12(0) 4,4 >50 2s,2(1s,1p) Male: AC 13(0). PF 6,4. TDC 0. SF 2b-p,2(1b-p,1p)
Heteroponera Heteroponerinae 12(3-4) 4,3; 3,3; 3,2; 2,2 5-9 1p,1p Y N from literature
Huberia Myrmicinae 11(3-4) 5,3 6-12 0,0 Male: AC 12(0). PF 5,3. TDC 7-9. SF 0,0.
Hylomyrma Myrmicinae 12(4) 4,3 5-7 1s-p,1b-p Male: AC 13(0). PF 4,3. TDC 4-6. SF 1p,1p.
Hypoponera Ponerinae 12(gi, 4,5) 1,2; 1,1 7-18 1p,1p; 1b,1p a few species ergatoid
Iberoformica Formicinae
Indomyrma Myrmicinae 11(3) 2,2 8-9 0,0 Male: AC 12(0). PF 2,2. TDC 1. SF 0,0.
Iridomyrmex Dolichoderinae 12(0-gi) 6,4 8-15(+) 1s-p,1p Y N
Ishakidris Myrmicinae
Kalathomyrmex Myrmicinae
Kartidris Myrmicinae
Labidus Dorylinae 12(0, gi) 2,3 3-15 1p,1p N N polymorphic
Lachnomyrmex Myrmicinae 11(2) 2,2 5 0,0 Male: unknown.
Lasiomyrma Myrmicinae 11(3) 2,2 7-9 0,0 Male: unknown.
Lasiophanes Formicinae 12(gi) 6,4 6-8 1s,1s Y N
Lasius Formicinae 12(0-gi) 6,4 6-10 (0-1) 1s,1s; 0,0 Y N a few species weakly polymorphic
Lenomyrmex Myrmicinae 11(2) 2,2 10-12 0,0 Male: unknown.
Lepisiota Formicinae 11(0) 6,4 5-6 0,0 Y N a few species are size-variable to weakly polymorphic
Leptanilla Leptanillinae 12(0-gi)
Leptanilloides Leptanilloidinae 12(gi) 2,2 7--11 1s,1p N N queen and male unknown
Leptogenys Ponerinae
Leptomyrmex Dolichoderinae 12(0) 6,4 16-25(+) Yes No many ergatoid
Leptothorax Myrmicinae 11(3) 5,3 5-6 (6 usual) 0,0 Male: AC 12(0). PF 5,3. TDC 0. SF 0,0.
Linepithema Dolichoderinae 12(gi) 6,4 10-20(+) 1s-p,1s-p Y N
Liometopum Dolichoderinae 12(gi) 6,4 7-14(+) 1s-p,1p Y N
Liomyrmex Myrmicinae 11(3) 2,2 4 2(1s,1b),2(1s,1b-p); 2s,2(1s,1b-p) Male: AC 12(0). PF 2,2. TDC 3. SF 2(1s,1b),2(1s,1b)
Loboponera Ponerinae 12(gi) 2,2 2-6 1p,1p Male: unknown
Lophomyrmex Myrmicinae
Lordomyrma Myrmicinae
Loweriella Dolichoderinae 12(gi) 6,4 9-12 1s,1s Y N male and queen unknown
Machomyrma Myrmicinae
Manica Myrmicinae 12(4-5) 6,4 10-16 1s-p,1s-p Male: AC 13(0). PF 6,4. TDC 11-13. SF 1p,1p
Martialis Martialinae
Mayriella Myrmicinae
Megalomyrmex Myrmicinae 12(gi,3) 4,3; 3,2; 3,1 5-15 (usually 5-6) 1s,1s; 0,0 Male: AC 11(4); 13(0). PF 4,3; 3,2. TDC 2-5. SF 1s,1s.
Melissotarsus Myrmicinae 6(2) 0,1 1-4 0,0 Male: 11-12(0). PF 0,1. TDC 0-2. SF 0,0.
Melophorus Formicinae 12(0) 6,4 3-6(0-1) 1s,1s Y N polymorphic
Meranoplus Myrmicinae 9(3) 5,3 3-5 1s,1s; 0,0 Male: AC 13(0). PF 5,3. TDC 1. SF 0,1s; 0,0.
Mesostruma Myrmicinae
Messor Myrmicinae
Metapone Myrmicinae 11(3) 2,3; 1,3 4-5 1p,1p Male: AC 12(0). Pf 2,2; 1,2. TDC 3-5. SF 1p,1p
Microdaceton Myrmicinae
Monomorium Myrmicinae 10-12(gi,3,4) 5,3; 3,3; 2,3; 2,,2; 1,2; 1,1 3-5 (2 in some inquilines) 1s,1s; 0,0 Y N some species polymorphic/intercastes in at least one species
Mycetagroicus Myrmicinae
Mycetarotes Myrmicinae
Mycetophylax Myrmicinae
Mycetosoritis Myrmicinae
Mycocepurus Myrmicinae
Myopias Ponerinae 12(gi,4) 4,4; 3,3; 2,2 3-7 2(1s,1p),2(1s,1p); 1p,2(1s,1p); 1p,1p Male: unknown
Myopopone Amblyoponinae 12(gi) 4,3 9-12 2(1s-b, 1p), 2(1s-b, 1p); 2s,2(1s,1p) Male:AC 13(0), PF 4,3. TDC1. SF 2(1s-b,1p), 2(1s-1b, 1p).
Myrcidris Pseudomyrmecinae 11(0) 5,3 4(1) 2(1s,1b),2(1s,1p)
Myrmecia Myrmeciinae 12(0) 6,4 9-18 2p,2p; 2(1s-b,1b-p),2s,2(1s,1p); 2s,2(1s,1p) Y N
Myrmecina Myrmicinae 11-12(3) 4,3; 3,2 7-9 0,0 Male: AC 13(0). PF 4,3. TDC 0. SF 0,0.
Myrmecocystus Formicinae 12(0) 6,4 6-11 1s,1s Y N some species polymorphic
Myrmecorhynchus Formicinae 12(gi) 6,4 6-13 1s,1s Y N from literature
Myrmelachista Formicinae 9-10(3-4) 6,4 5 0,0 Y N
Myrmica Myrmicinae 12(3-4) 6,4 6-10 1s-p,1s-p;0,0 Male: AC 12-13(4-5; gi-3 in some social parasites). PF 6,4. TDC 3-8. SF 1b-p,1b-p; 0,1b-p; 0,0
Myrmicaria Myrmicinae 7(gi-3) 3,3 4-5 1s,1s; 0,0 Male: AC 13(0). PF 3,3. TDC 0. SF 1s,1s.
Myrmicocrypta Myrmicinae
Myrmoteras Formicinae 12(0-gi weak) 6,4; 5,4; 5,5; 4,3; 4,2; 3,3 8-16 1s,1s; 0,0 Y N Male: AC 13(0). PF 6,4; 3,3. TDC 0. SF 1s,1s.
Mystrium Amblyoponinae 12(4) 4,3 19-30 2s, 2(1s-1p);1s, 2(1s, 1p) Male: AC 13(0), PF?, TDC 0, SF 1s-b, 2(1s-b, 1p)
Nebothriomyrmex Dolichoderinae
Neivamyrmex Dorylinae 12(0,gi) 2,3; 2,2 1-15(0-1) 1p,1p N N most polymorphic, some species monomorphic
Nesomyrmex Myrmicinae 11-12(3) 5,3 3-5 2s,2s; 0,0 Male: AC 12-13(0). PF 5,3. TDC 5. SF 0,0.
Nomamyrmex Dorylinae 12(0) 2,3 4-8 1p,1p N N polymorphic
Nothomyrmecia Myrmeciinae 12(0) 6,4 27-32 2(1s,1p),2(1s,1p) Y N
Notoncus Formicinae 12(gi) 6,4 6-7 1s,1s Y N male:no data
Notostigma Formicinae 12(0) 6,4 11-13 1p,1p Y N dimorphic, from literature
Nylanderia Formicinae
Ochetellus Dolichoderinae 12(gi) 6,4 7-12(+) 1s-p,1p Y N
Ochetomyrmex Myrmicinae 11(3) 3,2 4 0,0 Male: AC 13(0). PF 3,2. TDC 4. SF 0,0.
Octostruma Myrmicinae 8(2) 1,2 6-12 0,0 Male: AC 13(0). PF 1,2. TDC 1-2. SF 0,0.
Ocymyrmex Myrmicinae 12(0) 5,3; 4,3; 4-3,3; 3-3; 2,3 5-7 (plus 1-2 on internal masticatory margin) 1s,1s; 0,0 Male: AC 13(0). PF 3,2. TDC 0-1. SF 1s,1s; 0,0.
Odontomachus Ponerinae 12(0) 4,4; 4,3 3-20 2(1s,1p),2(1s,1p) Y N Male: AC 13(0). PF 6,4; 5,3. TDC 0. SF 2(1s,1p),2(1s,1p)
Odontoponera Ponerinae 12(0-gi) 4,4 5-6 2(1s,1p),2(1s,1p) Male: AC 13(0). PF 6,4. TDC 0. SF 2(1s-b,1b-p),2(1s-b,1p)
Oecophylla Formicinae 12(0-gi weak) 5,4 9-16 0,0 Y N trimorphic
Onychomyrmex Amblyoponinae 12(gi) 2,2 9-10 1s,1s; 0,0 Male: AC 13(0). PF 2,2. TDC 1-2. SF ? (from literature)
Opamyrma Amblyoponinae
Opisthopsis Formicinae 12(0) 6,4 5-6 1s,1s Y N some size-variable
Orectognathus Myrmicinae
Overbeckia Formicinae 12(gi) 6,4 5 ? Y N from literature
Oxyepoecus Myrmicinae
Oxyopomyrmex Myrmicinae
Pachycondyla Ponerinae
Papyrius Dolichoderinae 12(gi) 5,3 12-17 1p,1p Y N
Paramycetophylax Myrmicinae
Paraparatrechina Formicinae
Paraponera Paraponerinae
Paraprionopelta Amblyoponinae (incertae sedis) 10 2,2 0 0,2(1s,1p) Y N worker, queen unknown
Paratopula Myrmicinae 12(3) 5,3 8-11 0,0 Male: AC 13(0). PF 5,3. TDC 5-8. SF 0,0.
Paratrechina Formicinae
Perissomyrmex Myrmicinae 9(3) 4,2 3(1) 0,0 Male: unknown
Peronomyrmex Myrmicinae 11(gi) 5,3 5-6 0,0 (from literature) Queen: unknown. Male: unknown.
Petalomyrmex Formicinae 9(gi) 3,3 6 0,0 Y N
Phalacromyrmex Myrmicinae
Phasmomyrmex Formicinae 12(0) 6,4 5 1s-p,1s-p Y N
Phaulomyrma Leptanillinae NA NA NA NA NA NA worker, queen unknown
Pheidole Myrmicinae
Pheidologeton Myrmicinae
Philidris Dolichoderinae 12(gi) 6,4 9-12(+) 1s,1p Y N many polymorphic
Phrynoponera Ponerinae 12(gi) 4,4 4-6 2(1s-b,1p),2(1s-b,1p) Male: AC 13(0). PF6,4. TDC 0-1. SF 2(1b,1p),2(1b,1p)
Pilotrochus Myrmicinae
Plagiolepis Formicinae 11(0-gi weak) 6,4 5-6 0,0 Y N at least one species polymorphic
Platythyrea Ponerinae 12(0,gi) 6,4; 4,4; 4,3; 3,3; 3,2 1-15 2p,2p; 2(1b,1p),2(1b,1p) Male: AC 13(0). PF 6,4; 5,3; 4,3. TDC 1-15. SF 2p,2p; 2(1b,1p),2p
Plectroctena Ponerinae 12(gi) 3,4; 2,3; 2,2 0-2 1p,1p Male: AC 13(0). Pf 6,4; 5,4; 4,4. TDC 0-1. SF 1p,1p
Podomyrma Myrmicinae 11(3) 5,3; 4,3 5-6 0,0 Male: AC 12(0). Pf 5,3; 4,3. TDC 1-2. SF 0,0.
Poecilomyrma Myrmicinae 12(3) 5,3 6 0,0 Male: AC 12(0).PF 5,3. TDC 5. SF 0,0.
Pogonomyrmex Myrmicinae 12(4-5) 5,4; 4,3 5-8 1s-p,1s-p Male: AC 13(0). PF 5,4; 4,3. TDC 2-8. SF 1s-p,1b-p.
Polyergus Formicinae 12(0) 4,3; 4,2 1 1s,1s Y N
Polyrhachis Formicinae 12(0-gi) 6,4 5-6 1s-p,1s-p; 0,0 Y N
Ponera Ponerinae 12(gi,4,5) 2,2 7-13 1p,1p; 1b,1p Male:AC 13(0,gi). PF 5,3; 5,2; 2,2. TDC 1. SF 1p,1p.
Prenolepis Formicinae 12(0-gi weak) 6,4 6-7 1s,1s Y N
Prionopelta Amblyoponinae 8,10-12(3-4) 2,2 3 1p,1p; 1s,1p; 0,1p Male: AC 13(0). PF 2,2. TDC 1-2. SF 1s-b ,1p
Pristomyrmex Myrmicinae 11(3) 5,3; 4,3; 4,2; 2,3; 2,2; 1,3; 1,2 3-5(0-1) 1s,1s; 0,0 Male: AC 12(0). PF 5,3; 2,3; 1,3. TDC 0. SF 0,0.
Proatta Myrmicinae 12(3) 3,2 4-5 0,0 Male: AC 13(0). PF 3,2. TDC 4. SF 0,0.
Probolomyrmex Proceratiinae
Proceratium Proceratiinae
Procryptocerus Myrmicinae
Proformica Formicinae 12(0) 6,4 5 1s,1s Y N marked size-variation
Prolasius Formicinae 12(gi) 6,4 5-6 1s,1s Y N from literature
Promyopias Ponerinae
Propodilobus Myrmicinae
Protalaridris Myrmicinae
Protanilla Leptanillinae 12(0) 4,1 4-20 0,1p N N queen and male unknown
Psalidomyrmex Ponerinae 12(gi) 3,4 1-11(0-4) 1p,1p Male: AC 13(0). PF 3,4. TDC 0-1. SF 1p,1p
Pseudoatta Myrmicinae
Pseudolasius Formicinae 11-12(0-gi weak) 5,5; 4,3 3,3; 2,3; 2,2 4-7 1s1s; 0,0 Y N mostly dimorphic or polymorphic
Pseudomyrmex Pseudomyrmecinae 12(0) 6,4; 6,3; 5,4; 5,3; 4,3 5-10(1-2) 2(1s,1b-p),2(1s,1p); 2s,2(1s,1p); 1s,2(1s,1p); 1s,1p Y N
Pseudonotoncus Formicinae 12(gi) 6,4 6 1s,1s Y N male unknown
Ravavy Dolichoderinae
Recurvidris Myrmicinae
Rhopalomastix Myrmicinae 10(2) 1,1; 0,1 2-4 0,0 Male: AC 12(gi). PF 1,1. TDC 0. SF 0,0.
Rhopalothrix Myrmicinae
Rhoptromyrmex Myrmicinae 11-12(3) 4,2; 4-3,2; 3,2 7-9 1s,1s; 0,0 Y N polymorphic in some species
Rhytidoponera Ectatomminae 12(0,gi) 3,2; 2,2 12-30 1s-p,1s-p; 0,1b-p;0,0 Male: AC 13(0). PF6,4;5,3; 4,3. TDC 9-18. SF 2(1s,1s-p);2(1s,1p);2s,2(1s,1p); 1b-p,1p.
Rogeria Myrmicinae 12(3) 3,3; 3,2; 2,2; 2,1 4-9 0,0 Male: AC 13(0-gi). PF ?. TDC 4-5. SF 0,0.
Romblonella Myrmicinae 12(3) 5,3 6 0,0 Male: AC 13(0). PF 5,3. TDC 6-7. SF 0,0 (from literature).
Rossomyrmex Formicinae 12(0) 6,4 4-6 1s,1s Y N
Rostromyrmex Myrmicinae 9(3) 2,2 6-8 0,0 Male: AC 10(0). PF 2,1. TDC 0. SF 0,0.
Rotastruma Myrmicinae 12(3) 5,3 6 0,0 Male: unknown.
Santschiella Formicinae 12(gi) 6,4 7-8 ? Y N queen and male unknown
Secostruma Myrmicinae 12(3) 4,3 5 1s,1s Queen: unknown. Male: unknown.
Sericomyrmex Myrmicinae
Simopelta Ponerinae 12(gi) 2,3; 2,2 1-8 1p, 1p Male unknown
Simopone Dorylinae 11-12(gi) 6.4; 3,2 (latter in only one species) 1-9 0,1p Y N male unknown
Solenopsis Myrmicinae
Sphinctomyrmex Dorylinae 11-12(gi,1) 3,3 4-9(0-4) 1p,1p Y N some species ergatoid/subdichthadiiform queen
Stegomyrmex Myrmicinae 12(3) 2,2 12-15 1s-b,1s-b Male: AC 13(0) (from literature)
Stenamma Myrmicinae 12(3-4) 4,3; 3,2; 2,2 6-9(0,1) 1s,1s; 0,1s; 0,0 Male: AC 11,13(gi). PF 4,3; 3,2; 2,2. TDC 3-6. SF 1s,1s; 0,0.
Stereomyrmex Myrmicinae 11(3) 5,3 4-5 0,0 (at least one species ergatoid). Male: AC 11(4-5) (from literature).
Stigmacros Formicinae 11(gi) 6,4 4-5 1s,1s Y N from literature
Stigmatomma Amblyoponinae
Streblognathus Ponerinae 12(0) 4,4 5-7 2(1s-b,1p),2(1s-b,1p) Male: AC 13(0). PF 5-4,3. TDC 0. SF 2(1b,1p),2(1b,1p). Gamergate (queen absent)
Strongylognathus Myrmicinae 12(3) 4,3 1 1s,1s Y N
Strumigenys Myrmicinae
Syllophopsis Myrmicinae
Talaridris Myrmicinae
Tanipone Dorylinae
Tapinolepis Formicinae 11(0) 6,4 5 0,0 Y N size-variable to weakly polymorphic
Tapinoma Dolichoderinae 8,11-12(0-gi) 6,4 5-20(+) 1s-p,1s-p Y N
Tatuidris Agroecomyrmecinae 7(2) 1,2 2 1b-p,1p Male unknown
Technomyrmex Dolichoderinae 12(gi) 6,4; 5,3; 4,3 9-25(+) 1s,1p Y N at least one species polymorphic
Temnothorax Myrmicinae
Terataner Myrmicinae 12(3) 5,3; 4,3 5-6 1s,1s; 0,0 Male: AC 13(0). PF 4,3. TDC 5-6. SF 1s,1s.
Teratomyrmex Formicinae 12(gi) 6,4 (by dissection) 6 1s,1s Y N queen and male unknown
Tetheamyrma Myrmicinae 11(2) 2,2 6-7 0,0 (queen unknown). Male: unknown
Tetramorium Myrmicinae 10-12(3) 4,3; 4,2; 3,3; 3,2; 2,2 6-11 1s,1s,1s-b; 0,0 Y Y,N
Tetraponera Pseudomyrmecinae 12(0) 6,4; 4,3; 3,3 3-6(0-2) 2p,2p; 2(1s-b,1b-p),2(1s-b,1p); 2s,2(1s,1p); 1s,2(1s,1p) Y N
Thaumatomyrmex Ponerinae
Trachymyrmex Myrmicinae
Tranopelta Myrmicinae
Tricytarus Myrmicinae
Tropidomyrmex Myrmicinae
Turneria Dolichoderinae 12(gi) 6,4 6-10(+) 1s,1p Y N from literature
Typhlomyrmex Ectatomminae
Tyrannomyrmex Myrmicinae
Vicinopone Dorylinae
Vollenhovia Myrmicinae 11-12(3) 2,2; 2,1 5-8 0,0 Male: AC 12-13(gi). PF 2,2. TDC 0. SF 0,0
Vombisidris Myrmicinae 12(3) 5,3 5 0,0 Male: unknown
Wasmannia Myrmicinae 11(2) 3,2 5 0,0 Male: AC 13(0). PF 3,2. TDC 5. SF 0,0.
Xenomyrmex Myrmicinae 11(2-3) 4,2 5-6 0,0 Male: AC 12(0). PF ?. TDC 3-4. SF 0,0 (from literature).
Xymmer Amblyoponinae
Zatania Formicinae