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The types of the only species of the genus, Overbeckia subclavata, were reported as being collected from nests in hollow bamboo and the hollow branches of a mango tree.


The short sub-quadrate antenna combined with a sub-truncate head (similar to Colobopsis) are important diagnostic features for this monotypic genus. Their resemblance to Camponotus (which included Colobopsis at that time) led Bolton (2003) to suggest revisionary work will lead to Overbeckia becoming a junior synonym of that diverse genus.

General & Alpert (2012) note that the only known species within this genus has an antenna that gradually widens to a relatively broad terminal segment, and has a mesosoma that is flat and pinched at the metapleural spiracles.

Heterick (2019) expanded this diagnosis with the following: Overbeckia has generally been distinguished from other formicines by the incrassate appearance of the distal portion of the antennal funiculus, although this feature is subtle and not particularly accentuated, and the short sepals of the calyx of the proventriculus (this latter character requires the ant to be dissected). The metapleural gland is vestigial and is indicated by a fine transverse ridge terminating in a very small thin, vertical slit overhung by three or four guard hairs, and is probably not functional. The Overbeckia worker also lacks a thin, median, longitudinal depression between the frontal carinae (B. Heterick, unpubl.). This separates it from the Camponotus worker and workers of most species in Colobopsis of similar appearance. The worker and the queen possess a five-toothed mandible. These characters, combined, will identify a worker as Overbeckia.

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Only known from Singapore.

Distribution and Richness based on AntMaps

Species by Region

Number of species within biogeographic regions, along with the total number of species for each region.

Afrotropical Region Australasian Region Indo-Australian Region Malagasy Region Nearctic Region Neotropical Region Oriental Region Palaearctic Region
Species 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0
Total Species 2841 1736 3045 932 835 4379 1741 2862



Worker Morphology

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  • Antennal segment count: 12
  • Antennal club: gradual
  • Palp formula: 6,4
  • Scrobes: absent
  • Sting: absent



Gesomyrmex  (7 species, 12 fossil species)


Oecophylla  (15 species, 16 fossil species)


Gigantiops  (1 species, 0 fossil species)


Santschiella  (1 species, 0 fossil species)


Myrmoteras  (41 species, 0 fossil species)


See Phylogeny of Formicinae for details.


The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World.

  • OVERBECKIA [Formicinae: Camponotini]
    • Overbeckia Viehmeyer, 1916a: 151. Type-species: Overbeckia subclavata, by monotypy.

Unless otherwise noted the text for the remainder of this section is reported from the publication that includes the original description.



Fuhler 12-gliedrig, Einlenkung vorn Hinterrande des Clypeus abgeruckt, GeiBel gegen das Ende verdickt, die vorletzten Glieder schwach quer. Stirnleisten schwach geschweift, nach ruckwarts divergierend, Stirnfeld dreieckig. Vorderkopf etwas abgestutzt, Clypeul schwach konvex, Clypeal und Antennalgrube getrennt, Mandibeln dreieckig und gezahnt ; Kiefertaster 6-gliedrig, das 1. Glied sehr klein; Lippentaster 4-gliedrig. Augen in der Mitte der Kopfseiten, Punktaugen fehlen. Thorax ahnlich Calomyrmex, oben ziemlich flach, mit deutlicher Promesonotal und feiner Mesoepinotalsutur, an dem Epinotum seitlich eingeschnurt, Pronotum vorn und Meso und Epinotum seitlich gerandet. Petiolus mit senkrechter Schuppe. Pumpmagen wie bei Prenolepis longicornis, mit kurzen, schwach gebogenen Kelchblattern. Kein Dimorphisrnus.


Wie der (worker symbol) Schuppe des.Petiolus niedriger und dicker, Epinoturn seitlich nicht gerandet, Epinotumwinkel gerundet rechtwinklig. Flugelgeader wie bei Camponotus, mit langgestreckter Cubital und geschlossener Radialzelle, aber ohne Discoidalzelle. Drei Punktaugen.


Kopf hinter den Augen halbkreisformmig, mit den Augen etwa so breit als ohne die Mandibeln lang. Fiihler 13-gliedrig, mit langem Scapus, aIle GeiBelglieder etwas langer als breit; Kieferund Lippentaster wie beim (worker symbol); Mandibeln mit ungezahntem Kaurande. Schuppe niedrig und dick. AuBere Genitalanhange kurz, auBere Klappen nicht dornformig.


Puppen bedeckt.


This genus was named after Hans Friedrich Overbeck in honor of his contributions to myrmecology. Viehmeyer noted that Overbeck had meticulously studied, packaged, shipped and made notes about a large number of ant species that formed the subject matter of his paper "Ameison von Singapore." Viehmeyer then notes that these research efforts were halted by WWI and he both praises and thanks Overbeck for his work.
