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Myrmecia gulosa
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Myrmeciinae
Tribe: Myrmeciini
Genus: Myrmecia
Fabricius, 1804
Type species
Formica gulosa, now Myrmecia gulosa
93 species
(Species Checklist, Species by Country)

Myrmecia gulosa casent0103310 profile 1.jpg

Myrmecia gulosa

Myrmecia gulosa casent0103310 dorsal 1.jpg

Specimen Label


Heterick (2009) - Myrmecia are principally predators, but also garner nectar and plant juices (Shattuck 1999). The sting of at least some of these species can be dangerous, even life threatening to people who have a sensitivity to hymenopteran (i.e. bee, ant and wasp) venoms (Street et al. 1994).

At a Glance • Jumping ants  

Photo Gallery

  • Shattuck C21684-web, ANIC32-009445, Myrmecia pilosula group, near Bungendore, NSW.jpg
  • Shattuck C25757-web, ANIC32-023626, Myrmecia, near Bungendore, NSW.jpg
  • Shattuck C25795-web, ANIC32-023626, Myrmecia, near Bungendore, NSW.jpg
  • Shattuck N2-7834-web, ANIC32-009445, Myrmecia pilosula group.jpg
  • Ajay pyriformis scale.jpg
  • Ajay IMG 3267.jpg

MyrmeciaEconomo-header (  X-ray micro-CT scan 3D model of Myrmecia (worker) prepared by the Economo lab at OIST.

See on Sketchfab. See list of 3D images.


This genus has been divided into a number of species groups.

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Keys to Species in this Genus


Distribution and Richness based on AntMaps

Species by Region

Number of species within biogeographic regions, along with the total number of species for each region.

Afrotropical Region Australasian Region Indo-Australian Region Malagasy Region Nearctic Region Neotropical Region Oriental Region Palaearctic Region
Species 0 93 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Species 2841 1736 3045 932 835 4379 1741 2862


Vision and activity schedules

With more than 3000 facets in each eye, Myrmecia have the second largest eyes in the ant world (Greiner et al. 2007) and are unusually responsive to moving visual targets. Workers of different species range from diurnal, diurnal-crepuscular, crepuscular-nocturnal to nocturnal. However the activity times of conspecific winged sexuals do not always match. This behavioural diversity correlates with interspecific and caste-specific differences in compound eyes and ocelli (Narendra et al. 2010). Ajay Narendra has studied vision and navigation in the nocturnal Myrmecia pyriformis (see references therein).

Range of head and eye sizes in workers, queens and males of Myrmecia croslandi, M. tarsata, M. nigriceps and M. pyriformis. From Narendra et al. 2010

Mating biology

Studied in four species by Narendra et al. 2011 - Sexuals walk out of natal nests, climb the nearest tree and fly off from the tips of branches (Myrmecia croslandi), or walk away (Myrmecia tarsata) or fly from the vicinity of the nest (Myrmecia nigriceps and Myrmecia pyriformis). Mating in all species occurred on hilltops. We recorded 18 matings in M. croslandi, six in M. tarsata and 23 in M. nigriceps. We did not witness mating in M. pyriformis, but are confident that alates did not leave the nest during the night.

Human Health Concerns

The stings of one species group of Myrmecia (the M. pilosula group) can cause a strong anaphylactic reaction in some people. The severity of this reaction can develop over time, with initial stings causing no particular reaction while subsequent stings can have serious consequences. People with known sensitivities to these ants often carry an EpiPen or similar device to counteract the affects of a sting.

Association with Other Organisms

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Species Uncertain

  • Unknown species of Myrmecia are hosts for the eucharitid wasps Austeucharis sp. and Chalcura affinis (parasites) (Universal Chalcidoidea Database).
  • An unknown species is a host for the eucharitid wasp Chalcura affinis (a parasitoid) (Quevillon, 2018) (multiple encounter modes; direct transmission; transmission outside nest).

All Associate Records for Genus

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Taxon Relationship Associate Type Associate Taxon Associate Relationship Locality Source Notes
Myrmecia desertorum host cricket Myrmecophilus testaceus myrmecophile Australia
Myrmecia forficata host eucharitid wasp Austeucharis fasciiventris parasite Universal Chalcidoidea Database primary host
Myrmecia forficata host eucharitid wasp Austeucharis myrmeciae parasite Universal Chalcidoidea Database primary host
Myrmecia forficata host nematode Mermithidae (unspecified "Mermix") parasite Australia (Victoria) Wheeler, 1933; Laciny, 2021
Myrmecia gulosa host eucharitid wasp Austeucharis fasciiventris parasite Universal Chalcidoidea Database primary host
Myrmecia nigriceps host eucharitid wasp Austeucharis sp. parasitoid Quevillon, 2018 multiple encounter modes; direct transmission; transmission outside nest
Myrmecia nigriscapa associate (details unknown) fungus Purpureocillium lilacinum associate (details unknown) Quevillon, 2018
Myrmecia nigriscapa host fungus Beauveria bassiana parasitoid Quevillon, 2018 encounter mode primary; direct transmission; transmission within nest
Myrmecia pavida host eucharitid wasp Austeucharis sp. parasitoid Quevillon, 2018 multiple encounter modes; direct transmission; transmission outside nest
Myrmecia pilosula host eucharitid wasp Austeucharis implexa parasite Universal Chalcidoidea Database primary host
Myrmecia pilosula host eucharitid wasp Austeucharis sp. parasitoid Quevillon, 2018 multiple encounter modes; direct transmission; transmission outside nest
Myrmecia pilosula host gregarine species unknown parasite Australia Crosland, 1988
Myrmecia pyriformis host eucharitid wasp Austeucharis sp. parasitoid Quevillon, 2018 multiple encounter modes; direct transmission; transmission outside nest
Myrmecia rufinodis host gregarine species unknown parasite Australia Crosland, 1988
Myrmecia tarsata host eucharitid wasp Austeucharis sp. parasitoid Quevillon, 2018 multiple encounter modes; direct transmission; transmission outside nest
Myrmecia vindex host eucharitid wasp Austeucharis sp. parasitoid Quevillon, 2018 multiple encounter modes; direct transmission; transmission outside nest

Flight Period

All Flight Records for Genus

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Taxon Month Source Notes
Myrmecia brevinoda Mar
Myrmecia tarsata Nov

Life History Traits

  • Queen type: winged or dealate; ergatoid; brachypterous (Peeters, 1997)
  • Worker-produced males: present (Haskins and Haskins, 1950; Frumhoff & Ward, 1992)
  • Mean colony size: 15-1586 (Greer et al., 2021)
  • Compound colony type: not parasitic (Greer et al., 2021)
  • Nest site: hypogaeic (Greer et al., 2021)
  • Diet class: omnivore (Greer et al., 2021)
  • Foraging stratum: subterranean/leaf litter; arboreal (Greer et al., 2021)
  • Foraging behaviour: cooperative (Greer et al., 2021)


Myrmecia queen.jpg

Myrmecia queen.

Queen-worker dimorphism in size is moderate to pronounced, according to species (Peeters 1997). Myrmecia chasei exhibits the largest size dimorphism between winged queens and workers. Several species evolved non-flying queens. Brachypterous (i.e. short-winged) queens and ergatoid (permanently wingless) queens disperse on foot (Clark 1951; Haskins & Haskins 1955). Gamergates (mated, egg-laying workers) were found in one colony of Myrmecia pyriformis that was collected without the dealate queen (Dietemann et al. 2004), but a larger sample of colonies needs to be studied.

In Myrmecia gulosa, 14 colonies contained an average of 992 +/- 551 workers (average+/-standard deviation, range 134–1859), and usually one dealate queen. Workers are polymorphic in size (14-23 mm, from tip of mandibles to gaster end), and this is associated with differences in ovariole numbers (Dietemann et al. 2002). Queens are not much larger than the major workers, but have disproportionately more ovarioles and a 10-fold higher egg-laying rate. (See References.)

Ovarian differences in the queen (left), major (bottom right) and minor workers of Myrmecia gulosa. Photograph by Christian Peeters


Myrmecia gracilis larva collected by Bede Lowery

Wheeler and Wheeler describe the larvae of several species of Myrmecia in 1971.


Worker Morphology

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• Antennal segment count: 12 • Antennal club: absent • Palp formula: 6,4 • Total dental count: 9-18 • Spur formula: 2 pectinate, 2 pectinate; 2 (1 simple-barbulate, 1 barbulate-pectinate), 2 simple, 2 (1 simple, 1 pectinate); 2 simple, 2 (1 simple, 1 pectinate) • Eyes: >100 ommatidia • Scrobes: absent • Pronotal Spines: absent • Mesonotal Spines: absent • Propodeal Spines: absent • Petiolar Spines: absent • Caste: monomorphic, polymorphic • Sting: present • Metaplural Gland: present • Cocoon: present


Species Uncertain

  • Myrmecia sp. cf. fulvipes: n = 6, 2n = 12, karyotype = 8M+4ST (Australia) (Imai et al., 1977) (as cf. fulvipes).
  • Myrmecia sp.2: 2n = 68 (Indonesia) (Imai et al., 1985).

All Karyotype Records for Genus

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Taxon Haploid Diploid Karyotype Locality Source Notes
Myrmecia arnoldi 53 Australia Hirai et al., 1996
Myrmecia arnoldi 55 Australia Hirai et al., 1996
Myrmecia arnoldi 57 Australia Hirai et al., 1996
Myrmecia arnoldi 59 Australia Hirai et al., 1996
Myrmecia arnoldi 60 Australia Hirai et al., 1996
Myrmecia arnoldi 60 Australia Meyne et al., 1995
Myrmecia arnoldi 64 Australia Hirai et al., 1996
Myrmecia arnoldi 66 Australia Hirai et al., 1996
Myrmecia banksi 10 Australia Imai et al., 1994; Hirai et al., 1994; Hirai et al., 1996; Taylor, 2015
Myrmecia banksi 9 Australia Imai et al., 1977; Imai et al., 1994; Taylor, 2015 putative mutant individual
Myrmecia brevinoda 84 Australia Imai et al., 1977
Myrmecia cephalotes 66 Australia Imai et al., 1977
Myrmecia chasei 47 Australia Meyne et al., 1995; Hirai et al., 1996
Myrmecia croslandi 1 2 Australia Taylor, 1991; Meyne et al., 1995; Hirai et al., 1994; Hirai et al., 1996; Imai et al., 1994 Complex ''pilosula''
Myrmecia croslandi 2 3 1M+1M+1A Australia Taylor, 1991; Meyne et al., 1995; Hirai et al., 1994; Hirai et al., 1996; Imai et al., 1992; Imai et al., 1994 Complex ''pilosula''
Myrmecia croslandi 2 3 1M+1SM +1M Australia Taylor, 1991; Meyne et al., 1995; Hirai et al., 1994; Hirai et al., 1996; Imai et al., 1992; Imai et al., 1994 Complex ''pilosula''
Myrmecia croslandi 2 4 2SM +1A+1A Australia Taylor, 1991; Meyne et al., 1995; Hirai et al., 1996; Imai et al., 1992; Imai et al., 1994 Complex ''pilosula''
Myrmecia forficata 50 44M+6A Australia Imai et al., 1977
Myrmecia forficata 51 Australia Imai et al., 1977
Myrmecia forficata 52 Australia Hirai et al., 1996
Myrmecia forficata 52 Australia Meyne et al., 1995
Myrmecia forficata 54 Australia Hirai et al., 1996
Myrmecia fulvipes 48 Australia Meyne et al., 1995; Hirai et al., 1996
Myrmecia fulvipes 50 Australia Hirai et al., 1996
Myrmecia fulvipes 30 60 Australia Imai et al., 1977
Myrmecia gulosa 38 Australia Imai et al., 1977; Meyne et al., 1995; Hirai et al., 1996
Myrmecia haskinsorum 12 Australia Imai et al., 1994 Complex ''pilosula''
Myrmecia haskinsorum 15 Australia Imai et al., 1994 Complex ''pilosula''
Myrmecia haskinsorum 17 Australia Imai et al., 1994 Complex ''pilosula''
Myrmecia haskinsorum 18 Australia Imai et al., 1994; Meyne et al., 1995; Hirai et al., 1996 Complex ''pilosula''
Myrmecia haskinsorum 20 Australia Imai et al., 1994 Complex ''pilosula''
Myrmecia haskinsorum 23 Australia Imai et al., 1994 Complex ''pilosula''
Myrmecia haskinsorum 24 Australia Imai et al., 1994 Complex ''pilosula''
Myrmecia imaii 6 Australia Imai et al., 1994 Complex ''pilosula''
Myrmecia imaii 8 8A Australia Imai et al., 1994; Hirai et al., 1994; Hirai et al., 1996 Complex ''pilosula''
Myrmecia mandibularis 27 56 Australia Hirai et al., 1996
Myrmecia mandibularis 28 56 Australia Hirai et al., 1996
Myrmecia michaelseni 27 Australia Hirai et al., 1996
Myrmecia occidentalis 64 Australia Hirai et al., 1996
Myrmecia pavida 44 Australia Hirai et al., 1996
Myrmecia piliventris 6 Australia Imai & Taylor, 1986; Imai et al., 1988a
Myrmecia piliventris 17 34 Australia Imai & Taylor, 1986; Imai et al., 1988a
Myrmecia piliventris 2 4 4ST Australia Imai & Taylor, 1986; Imai et al., 1988a
Myrmecia piliventris 32 64 Australia Imai & Taylor, 1986; Imai et al., 1988a
Myrmecia pilosula 10 Australia Imai et al., 1977; Crossland & Crozier, 1986; Crosland et al., 1988 as ''Myrmecia ruginoda'' or ''Ponera ruginoda''
Myrmecia pilosula 16 Australia Crossland & Crozier, 1986
Myrmecia pilosula 18 Australia Crosland et al., 1988
Myrmecia pilosula 19 Australia Hirai et al., 1996
Myrmecia pilosula 2 Australia Crosland et al., 1988; Imai et al., 1988b; Imai & Taylor, 1989
Myrmecia pilosula 20 Australia Crosland et al., 1988
Myrmecia pilosula 21 Australia Crosland et al., 1988
Myrmecia pilosula 22 Australia Crosland et al., 1988
Myrmecia pilosula 22 Australia Hirai et al., 1996
Myrmecia pilosula 23 Australia Crosland et al., 1988; Imai et al., 1988a
Myrmecia pilosula 23 Australia Hirai et al., 1996
Myrmecia pilosula 23 Australia Imai et al., 1994
Myrmecia pilosula 23 Australia Meyne et al., 1995
Myrmecia pilosula 24 Australia Crossland & Crozier, 1986
Myrmecia pilosula 24 Australia Crosland et al., 1988; Imai et al., 1988a
Myrmecia pilosula 24 Australia Imai et al., 1994
Myrmecia pilosula 25 Australia Crosland et al., 1988; Imai et al., 1988a
Myrmecia pilosula 26 Australia Crosland et al., 1988; Imai et al., 1988a
Myrmecia pilosula 26 Australia Imai et al., 1994
Myrmecia pilosula 27 Australia Crosland et al., 1988
Myrmecia pilosula 27 Australia Hirai et al., 1994
Myrmecia pilosula 27 Australia Imai et al., 1994
Myrmecia pilosula 30 Australia Crossland & Crozier, 1986; Crosland et al., 1988
Myrmecia pilosula 31 Australia Imai et al., 1977; Crossland & Crozier, 1986; Crosland et al., 1988; Imai et al., 1988a as ''Myrmecia ruginoda'' or ''Ponera ruginoda''
Myrmecia pilosula 32 Australia Imai et al., 1977; Crossland & Crozier, 1986; Crosland et al., 1988; Imai et al., 1988a as ''Myrmecia ruginoda'' or ''Ponera ruginoda''
Myrmecia pilosula 32 Australia Hirai et al., 1996
Myrmecia pilosula 32 Australia Meyne et al., 1995
Myrmecia pilosula 4 Australia Imai et al., 1988b; Imai & Taylor, 1989
Myrmecia pilosula 9 Australia Imai et al., 1977; Crossland & Crozier, 1986; Crosland et al., 1988 as ''Myrmecia ruginoda'' or ''Ponera ruginoda''
Myrmecia pilosula 1 Australia Crosland et al., 1988 Population from Tridbinbilla
Myrmecia pilosula 1 19 Australia Crosland et al., 1988
Myrmecia pilosula 10 Australia Crosland et al., 1988 Population from Lawson
Myrmecia pilosula 10 Australia Crosland et al., 1988 Population from Mt Victoria
Myrmecia pilosula 10 Australia Crosland et al., 1988 Population from Wentworth Falls
Myrmecia pilosula 11 Australia Crosland et al., 1988 Population from Lawson
Myrmecia pilosula 11 Australia Crosland et al., 1988 Population from Mt Victoria
Myrmecia pilosula 13 Australia Crosland et al., 1988 Population from Mt Victoria
Myrmecia pilosula 15 Australia Crosland et al., 1988 Population from Mt Victoria
Myrmecia pilosula 15 Australia Crozier, 1966
Myrmecia pilosula 16 Australia Crosland et al., 1988 Population from Piccadilly Circus
Myrmecia pilosula 5 Australia Crosland et al., 1988 Population from HMAS Albatross
Myrmecia pilosula 9 Australia Crosland et al., 1988 Population from Wentworth Falls
Myrmecia pyriformis 41 81 Australia Imai et al., 1977
Myrmecia simillima 35 70 Australia Hirai et al., 1996
Myrmecia tepperi 70 Australia Browning, 1987
Myrmecia vindex 74 Australia Hirai et al., 1996
Myrmecia vindex 76 Australia Hirai et al., 1996



Archimyrmex  (4 species)


Myrmecia  (93 species, 0 fossil species)


Prionomyrmex  (4 species)

Avitomyrmex  (3 species)

Macabeemyrma  (1 species)

Nothomyrmecia  (1 species, 0 fossil species)

Ypresiomyrma  (4 species)

See Phylogeny of Myrmeciinae for details.


The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World.

  • MYRMECIA [Myrmeciinae: Myrmeciini]
    • Myrmecia Fabricius, 1804: 423. Type-species: Formica gulosa, by subsequent designation of Shuckard, in Swainson & Shuckard, 1840: 173.
    • Myrmecia senior synonym of Promyrmecia (and its junior synonyms Halmamyrmecia, Pristomyrmecia): Brown, 1953c: 1.
  • HALMAMYRMECIA [junior synonym of Myrmecia]
    • Halmamyrmecia Wheeler, W.M. 1922b: 195 [as subgenus of Myrmecia]. Type-species: Myrmecia pilosula, by original designation.
    • Halmamyrmecia junior synonym of Promyrmecia: Clark, 1927: 37; Clark, 1951: 119.
    • Halmamyrmecia junior synonym of Myrmecia: Brown, 1953j: 1.
  • PRISTOMYRMECIA [junior synonym of Myrmecia]
    • Pristomyrmecia Emery, 1911d: 21 [as subgenus of Myrmecia]. Type-species: Myrmecia mandibularis, by original designation.
    • Pristomyrmecia junior synonym of Promyrmecia: Clark, 1927: 37; Clark, 1951: 119.
    • Pristomyrmecia junior synonym of Myrmecia: Brown, 1953j: 1.
  • PROMYRMECIA [junior synonym of Myrmecia]
    • Promyrmecia Emery, 1911d: 19 [as subgenus of Myrmecia]. Type-species: Myrmecia aberrans, by original designation.
    • Promyrmecia raised to genus: Clark, 1943: 84.
    • Promyrmecia senior synonym of Halmamyrmecia, Pristomyrmecia: Clark, 1927: 37; Clark, 1943: 84; Clark, 1951: 119.
    • Promyrmecia junior synonym of Myrmecia: Brown, 1953j: 1.

