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Erromyrma latinodis
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Myrmicinae
Tribe: Solenopsidini
Genus: Erromyrma
Bolton & Fisher, 2016
Type species
Monomorium latinode, now Erromyrma latinodis
1 species
(Species Checklist, Species by Country)

Monomorium latinode casent0132440 profile 1.jpg

Monomorium latinode casent0132440 dorsal 1.jpg

Specimen Label

Recently discovered as part of a systematic study that revealed what had appeared to be an unusual Monomorium species was actually a distinctive representative of its own genus. As of 2019, the only descriptive information is what had previously been published for Monomorium latinode.

At a Glance • Monotypic  


Bolton (1987) as given for description of the Monomorium latinode group (Monomorium species groups), which contained the lone species of this genus, E. latinodis: Worker. Size variable in any given series, showing simple monophasic allometric variation. Palp formula 3,3 (latinode). Mandibles unsculptured, with 5 teeth which decrease in size from apex to base. Median portion of clypeus broad and weakly bicarinate; posteriorly distinctly broader than the maximum width of either frontal lobe where it passes between them. Anterior clypeal margin without a pair of projecting teeth. Cephalic dorsum unsculptured except for hair-pits. Lateral portions of clypeus, area immediately behind clypeus, and area around antennal fossae mostly or entirely smooth, sometimes with vestiges of striolate or costulate sculpture. Eyes of moderate size, with 7-9 ommatidia in the longest row, their maximum diameter 0.19-0.21 x HW. Eyes situated conspicuously in front of the midlength of the sides in full-face view. In profile the long axis of the eye not strongly oblique with respect to the long axis of the head, the eyes not reniform. Antennae with 12 segments, with a strongly developed club of 3 segments. Propodeal spiracle circular. Propodeal dorsum transversely sculptured and rounding into the declivity. Track of metanotal groove in dorsal view not transverse but anteriorly arched or even inverted V-shaped medially. Petiolar spiracle close to level of anterior face of node. Fine standing hairs present on all dorsal surfaces of head and body.

Female. As worker but larger, the mesosoma with a full complement of flight sclerites and the head with ocelli present. HW slightly greater than maximum width of mesoscutum. With mesosoma in dorsal view the pronotum not forming part of the dorsum. Mesoscutum longer than broad. Axillary sclerites large and subtriangular in dorsal view, separated medially by a short impressed area between them. Parapsidal grooves faint. Forewing with cross-vein m-cu present.

Male character matrix of Solenopsidini genera that are superficially analogous to Unicumyrmex (Chung et al. (2025), Table 3)
Genus Palp formula: number of maxillary palps, number of labial palps Number of mandible teeth Distance between antennal socket Antennal socket Number of antennal segments Antennal scape exceeding lateral margin of compound eyes Head shape Lower metapleuron Petiole and postpetiole with laterally projecting spins
Anillomyrma 4,3 1/3 apart from each other exposed 13 absent rectangular not fused absent
Bondroitia 2,2 2-3 apart from each other exposed 12-13 absent rectangular not fused absent
Dolopomyrmex 2,1 4 apart from each other partially covered by frontal lobe 11 present rectangular not fused present
Epelysidris 3 closely approximated exposed 13 absent rounded fused with propodeum absent
Erromyrma 5,3 4 apart from each other partially covered by frontal lobe 13 absent triangular fused with propodeum absent
Monomorium 1,1/2,2 1-4 apart from each other partially covered by frontal lobe 11-13 absent rectangular fused with propodeum absent
Solenopsis 1,2 1-3 apart from each other partially covered by frontal lobe 12-13 absent triangular fused with propodeum absent
Unicumyrmex 2,2 1-2 closely approximated exposed 12 absent triangular fused with propodeum absent
Data sources: Anillomyrma - Yamane & Jaitrong (2019), Bondroitia - Bolton (1987), Dolopomyrmex - Cover & Deyrup (2007), Epelysidris - Ito & Yamane (2014), Erromyrma - Ramamonjisoa & al. (2023), Monomorium - DuBois (1986), Solenopsis - Pitts & al. (2018), Unicumyrmex - Chung et al (2025).
  • Chung et al. (2025), Fig. 27: Workers of Unicumyrmex and three phylogenetically related genera. The illustrations were accessed from AntWeb (2023). A - C, Unicumyrmex fushanensis (NCUESIL002532); D - F, Epelysidris brocha (CASENT0102361, April Nobile); G - I, Erromyrma latinodis (CASENT0107541, April Nobile); J - L, Tyrannomyrmex legatus (CASENT0106177, Michael Branstetter).
  • Chung et al. (2025), Fig. 30 Male ants. The illustrations were accessed from AntWeb (2023). A - C, Erromyrma latinodis (CASENT0788835, Michele Esposito); D - F, Monomorium chinense (NCUESIL002524); G - I, Solenopsis geminata (NCUESIL002528).
  • Chung et al. (2025), Fig. 31: Forewings of male ants. A, Unicumyrmex fushanensis illustration newly drawn in this study; B, Anillomyrma decamera, illustration newly drawn in this study, specimen from S. Yamane (TH18-SKY-262); C, Bondroitia lujae, illustration redrawn from Bolton (1987); D, Dolopomyrmex pilatus, illustration redrawn from the original publication (Cover & Deyrup 2007); E, Epelysidris brocha, illustration drawn from the image of Ito & Yamane (2014); F, Erromyrma latinodis, illustration drawn from the image (CASENT0788835) of Ramamonjisoa & al. (2023); G, Monomorium chinense, illustration newly drawn in this study; H, Solenopsis geminata, illustration newly drawn in this study.
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Keys including this Genus



Distribution and Richness based on AntMaps

Species by Region

Number of species within biogeographic regions, along with the total number of species for each region.

Afrotropical Region Australasian Region Indo-Australian Region Malagasy Region Nearctic Region Neotropical Region Oriental Region Palaearctic Region
Species 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1
Total Species 2851 1736 3047 932 840 4391 1767 2925




Worker Morphology

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  • Antennal segment count: 12
  • Antennal club: 3
  • Palp formula: 3,3
  • Total dental count: 5
  • Eyes: 35-45 ommatidia
  • Scrobes: absent
  • Caste: polymorphic
  • Sting: present


All Karyotype Records for Genus

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See Phylogeny of Myrmicinae for details.


The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World.

  • ERROMYRMA [Myrmicinae: Solenopsidini]
    • Erromyrma Bolton & Fisher, 2016: 274. Type-species: Monomorium latinode, by original designation.
