Drilldown: FossilOccurrence
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- Associate (4458)
- Ataglance (1183)
- CommonName (280)
- Economolab3D (135)
- FlightMonth (420)
- FossilFormation (91)
- FossilOccurrence (2107)
- Karyotype (963)
- MaleMorphology (72)
- TaxonName (27201)
- TypeSpecimen (5422)
- WorkerMorphology (275)
Showing below up to 246 results in range #1 to #246.
- Acanthognathus
- Acanthognathus poinari
- Acanthostichus hispaniolicus
- Acropyga
- Acropyga glaesaria
- Amblyoponinae
- Anochetus
- Anochetus ambiguus
- Anochetus brevidentatus
- Anochetus conisquamis
- Anochetus corayi
- Anochetus dubius
- Anochetus exstinctus
- Anochetus intermedius
- Anochetus lucidus
- Aphaenogaster
- Aphaenogaster amphioceanica
- Apterostigma electropilosum
- Apterostigma eowilsoni
- Archimyrmex
- Archimyrmex wedmannae
- Azteca alpha
- Azteca eumeces
- Casaleia
- Casaleia eocenica
- Cephalopone
- Cephalopone grandis
- Cephalopone potens
- Cephalotes
- Cephalotes alveolatus
- Cephalotes bloosi
- Cephalotes brevispineus
- Cephalotes caribicus
- Cephalotes dieteri
- Cephalotes hispaniolicus
- Cephalotes integerrimus
- Cephalotes jansei
- Cephalotes obscurus
- Cephalotes serratus
- Cephalotes squamosus
- Cephalotes sucinus
- Checklist of Acanthognathus species
- Checklist of Acanthostichus species
- Checklist of Acropyga species
- Checklist of Anochetus species
- Checklist of Aphaenogaster species
- Checklist of Apterostigma species
- Checklist of Archimyrmex species
- Checklist of Azteca species
- Checklist of Casaleia species
- Checklist of Cephalopone species
- Checklist of Cephalotes species
- Checklist of Crematogaster species
- Checklist of Cylindromyrmex species
- Checklist of Cyphomyrmex species
- Checklist of Cyrtopone species
- Checklist of Discothyrea species
- Checklist of Dolichoderus species
- Checklist of Dolichoderus species
- Checklist of Eoformica species
- Checklist of Formica species
- Checklist of Gesomyrmex species
- Checklist of Gnamptogenys species
- Checklist of Gracilidris species
- Checklist of Ilemomyrmex species
- Checklist of Ktunaxia species
- Checklist of Lasius species
- Checklist of Leptomyrmex species
- Checklist of Messelepone species
- Checklist of Mycetomoellerius species
- Checklist of Neivamyrmex species
- Checklist of Neoponera species
- Checklist of Nesomyrmex species
- Checklist of Nylanderia species
- Checklist of Odontomachus species
- Checklist of Oecophylla species
- Checklist of Oxyidris species
- Checklist of Pachycondyla species
- Checklist of Paraponera species
- Checklist of Pheidole species
- Checklist of Platythyrea species
- Checklist of Poneracantha species
- Checklist of Ponerites species
- Checklist of Proceratium species
- Checklist of Proiridomyrmex species
- Checklist of Protazteca species
- Checklist of Protopone species
- Checklist of Pseudectatomma species
- Checklist of Pseudomyrmex species
- Checklist of Pseudomyrmex species
- Checklist of Solenopsites species
- Checklist of Strumigenys species
- Checklist of Tapinoma species
- Checklist of Technomyrmex species
- Checklist of Temnothorax species
- Checklist of Titanomyrma species
- Checklist of Zatania species
- Crematogaster
- Cylindromyrmex
- Cylindromyrmex antillanus
- Cylindromyrmex electrinus
- Cylindromyrmex inopinatus
- Cyphomyrmex
- Cyphomyrmex taino
- Cyrtopone
- Cyrtopone curiosa
- Cyrtopone elongata
- Cyrtopone microcephala
- Cyrtopone striata
- Discothyrea
- Discothyrea gigas
- Dolichoderus
- Dolichoderus
- Dolichoderus caribbaeus
- Dolichoderus dibolius
- Dolichoderus dlusskyi
- Dolichoderus intermedius
- Dolichoderus primitivus
- Dolichoderus prolaminatus
- Dorylinae
- Gesomyrmex
- Gesomyrmex breviceps
- Gesomyrmex curiosus
- Gesomyrmex pulcher
- Gnamptogenys
- Gnamptogenys casca
- Gnamptogenys levinates
- Gnamptogenys pristina
- Gracilidris
- Gracilidris humiloides
- Messelepone
- Messelepone leptogenoides
- Monomorium
- Mycetomoellerius primaevus
- Myrmeciinae
- Myrmicinae
- Myrmicinae
- Neivamyrmex
- Neivamyrmex ectopus
- Neoponera vejestoria
- Nesomyrmex
- Nesomyrmex caritatis
- Nesomyrmex dominicanus
- Nylanderia vetula
- Pachycondyla eocenica
- Pachycondyla lutzi
- Pachycondyla messeliana
- Pachycondyla parvula
- Pachycondyla petiolosa
- Pachycondyla petrosa
- Paraponera
- Paraponera dieteri
- Paraponerinae
- Pheidole
- Pheidole anticua
- Pheidole primigenia
- Pheidole tethepa
- Platythyrea
- Platythyrea dentata
- Platythyrea procera
- Platythyrea pumilio
- Platythyrea scalpra
- Poneracantha brunoi
- Ponerinae
- Ponerinae
- Ponerinae
- Ponerites
- Ponerites kishenehne
- Proceratiinae
- Proceratium
- Proceratium denticulatum
- Proceratium dominicanum
- Proceratium gibberum
- Proceratium poinari
- Proiridomyrmex
- Proiridomyrmex rotundatus
- Protazteca
- Protazteca eocenica
- Protopone
- Protopone dubia
- Protopone germanica
- Protopone magna
- Protopone oculata
- Protopone sepulta
- Protopone vetula
- Pseudectatomma
- Pseudectatomma eocenica
- Pseudectatomma striatula
- Pseudomyrmecinae
- Pseudomyrmecinae
- Pseudomyrmex
- Pseudomyrmex
- Pseudomyrmex antiquus
- Pseudomyrmex avitus
- Pseudomyrmex baros
- Pseudomyrmex coruscus
- Pseudomyrmex macrops
- Pseudomyrmex nexilis
- Pseudomyrmex oryctus
- Pseudomyrmex prioris
- Pseudomyrmex saxulum
- Pseudomyrmex succinus
- Pseudomyrmex thecolor
- Pseudomyrmex vicinus
- Solenopsites
- Solenopsites abdita
- Strumigenys
- Strumigenys electrina
- Strumigenys pilosula
- Strumigenys poinari
- Strumigenys schleeorum
- Tapinoma
- Tapinoma troche
- Technomyrmex caritatis
- Technomyrmex hispaniolae
- Temnothorax
- Temnothorax praecreolus
- Titanomyrma
- Titanomyrma gigantea
- Titanomyrma simillima