Checklist of Nylanderia species
Nylanderia | |
Formicinae | |
Nylanderia vividula | |
Distribution | |
Species Richness | |
Statistics | |
Valid Species | 150 |
Invalid Species | 25 |
Fossils | 2 |
Countries Occupied | 131 |
Year Described | 1906 |
First Species Described | 1846 |
Last Species Described | 2020 |
The following species and subspecies belong to the genus Nylanderia. Synonyms are listed under their senior names. For valid names only see Nylanderia species and for distribution information see Nylanderia species by Country.
acuminata (Forel, 1911) (Costa Rica, Mexico)
amblyops (Forel, 1892) (Madagascar)
amblyops rubescens (Forel, 1892) (Madagascar)
amia (Forel, 1913) (Japan, Taiwan)
anthracina (Roger, 1863) (Cuba, Greater Antilles)
arenivaga (Wheeler, W.M., 1905) (Mexico, United States)
assimilis (Jerdon, 1851) (India)
austroccidua (Trager, 1984) (Costa Rica, Mexico, United States)
bibadia LaPolla & Kallal, 2019 (Dominican Republic)
birmana (Forel, 1902) (China, India, Myanmar, Singapore)
birmana hodgsoni (Forel, 1902) (Myanmar)
boltoni LaPolla & Fisher, 2011 (Benin, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania)
bourbonica (Forel, 1886) (Australia, Bangladesh, Barbados, China, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Fiji, Guam, Hawaii, India, Italy, Kenya, Krakatau Islands, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Mexico, Micronesia (Federated States of), Nepal, New Caledonia, New Guinea, Nicobar Island, Niue, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Pitcairn, Réunion, Saint Helena, Samoa, Seychelles, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Tokelau, Tonga, United Republic of Tanzania, United States, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna Islands)
• Prenolepis bourbonica bengalensis Forel, 1894
• Prenolepis bourbonica hawaiensis Forel, 1899
• Prenolepis bourbonica skottsbergi Wheeler, W.M., 1922
bourbonica farquharensis (Forel, 1907) (Madagascar, Seychelles)
bourbonica ngasiyana (Forel, 1907) (Comoros)
brasiliensis (Mayr, 1862) (Brazil)
braueri (Mayr, 1868) (Australia)
braueri donisthorpei (Forel, 1908) (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
brevisetula LaPolla & Fisher, 2011 (Cameroun, Central African Republic, Gabon, Ivory Coast)
bruesii (Wheeler, W.M., 1903) (Mexico, United States)
burgesi (Trager, 1984) (Peru)
caeciliae (Forel, 1899) (Costa Rica, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago)
caeciliae elevata (Forel, 1908) (Costa Rica, Peru)
caerula LaPolla & Kallal, 2019 (Dominican Republic)
clandestina (Mayr, 1870) (Indonesia, Micronesia (Federated States of), Singapore)
colchica (Pisarski, 1960) (Georgia, Russian Federation)
comorensis (Forel, 1907) (Comoros, Mayotte)
concinna (Trager, 1984) (United States)
consuta Wheeler, W.M., 1935 (Solomon Islands)
• Nylanderia dichroa Wheeler, W.M., 1934
coveri LaPolla & Kallal, 2019 (Grenada)
deceptrix Messer, Cover & LaPolla, 2016 (United States)
deyrupi Messer, Cover & Rabeling, 2020 (United States)
disatra LaPolla & Kallal, 2019 (Dominican Republic)
dispar (Forel, 1909) (Guatemala)
docilis (Forel, 1908) (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay)
dodo (Donisthorpe, 1946) (Mauritius)
emmae (Forel, 1894) (China)
esperanza LaPolla & Kallal, 2019 (Dominican Republic)
faisonensis (Forel, 1922) (United States)
flaviabdominis (Wang, W., 1997) (China)
• Prenolepis sphingthoraxa Zhou & Zheng, 1998
flavipes (Smith, F., 1874) (China, Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, Iberian Peninsula, Iran, Japan, Niue, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Spain, United Arab Emirates, United States)
formosae (Forel, 1912) (China, Taiwan)
fulva (Mayr, 1862) (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, French Guiana, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Mexico, Paraguay, Suriname, United States, Uruguay)
• Paratrechina fulva cubana Santschi, 1930
• Prenolepis fulva fumata Forel, 1909
fulva biolleyi (Forel, 1908) (Costa Rica)
fulva fumatipennis (Forel, 1915) (Argentina)
fulva incisa (Forel, 1908) (Costa Rica)
fulva longiscapa (Forel, 1908) (Costa Rica)
fulva nesiotis (Wheeler, W.M., 1919) (Ecuador, Galapagos Islands)
fuscaspecula LaPolla & Kallal, 2019 (Dominican Republic)
glabrior (Forel, 1902) (Australia, New Guinea, New Zealand, Solomon Islands)
goeldii (Forel, 1912) (Brazil)
gracilis (Forel, 1892) (Madagascar)
guanyin (Terayama, 2009) (Taiwan)
guatemalensis (Forel, 1885) (Bahamas, Barbados, Brazil, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Greater Antilles, Guatemala, Haiti, Lesser Antilles, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago, United States)
• Prenolepis guatemalensis antillana Forel, 1893
guatemalensis cocoensis (Forel, 1902) (Costa Rica)
guatemalensis edenensis (Linsley & Usinger, 1966) (Ecuador)
guatemalensis itinerans (Forel, 1901) (Brazil, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Greater Antilles, Haiti)
gulinensis (Zhang, W. & Zheng, 2002) (China)
helleri (Viehmeyer, 1914) (New Guinea)
himalayana Wachkoo & Bharti, 2015 (India)
hubrechti (Emery, 1922) (Indonesia)
humbloti (Forel, 1891) (Madagascar)
hystrix (Trager, 1984) (Mexico, United States)
impolita LaPolla & Fisher, 2011 (Angola, Central African Republic, Gabon, Ghana)
incallida (Santschi, 1915) (Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Sao Tome & Principe)
• Paratrechina arlesi Bernard, 1953
indica (Forel, 1894) (Bangladesh, China, India, Nepal, Nicobar Island, Sri Lanka)
integera (Zhou, 2001) (China)
jaegerskioeldi (Mayr, 1904) (Balearic Islands, Benin, Canary Islands, Central African Republic, Cyprus, Egypt, Gambia, Greece, Guinea, Iberian Peninsula, Iran, Israel, Kenya, Malta, Oman, Portugal, Rwanda, Spain, Sudan, Türkiye, Uganda, United Arab Emirates)
• Paratrechina weissi nimba Bernard, 1953
• Prenolepis jaegerskioeldi borcardi Santschi, 1908
• Prenolepis jaegerskioeldi zelotypa Santschi, 1915
• Prenolepis traegaordhi Forel, 1904
• Prenolepis weissi Santschi, 1911
johannae (Forel, 1912) (Colombia)
johannae dibullana (Forel, 1912) (Colombia)
kraepelini (Forel, 1905) (Borneo, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore)
laevigata (Mackay, W.P., 1998) (Mexico)
lepida (Santschi, 1915) (Angola, Cameroun, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Sao Tome & Principe, Uganda)
• Paratrechina grisoni Forel, 1916
• Paratrechina grisoni fuscula Menozzi, 1942
lietzi (Forel, 1908) (Costa Rica, French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname)
lucayana LaPolla & Kallal, 2019 (Bahamas)
luteafra LaPolla & Fisher, 2011 (Cameroun, Gabon)
madagascarensis (Forel, 1886) (Comoros, Mayotte, Seychelles)
madagascarensis ellisii (Forel, 1891) (Madagascar, Mayotte)
madagascarensis rufescens (Wheeler, W.M., 1922) (Seychelles)
madagascarensis sechellensis (Emery, 1894) (Seychelles)
magnella Kallal & LaPolla, 2012 (United States)
manni (Donisthorpe, 1941) (Solomon Islands)
mendica (Menozzi, 1942) (Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea)
metacista LaPolla & Kallal, 2019 (Dominican Republic)
mexicana (Forel, 1899) (Mexico)
microps (Smith, M.R., 1937) (Greater Antilles, Puerto Rico)
mixta (Forel, 1897) (Seychelles)
myops (Mann, 1920) (Cuba, Greater Antilles, Puerto Rico)
• Paratrechina troglodytes Weber, 1934
natalensis (Forel, 1915) (Mozambique, South Africa, Zimbabwe)
nodifera (Mayr, 1870) (Bolivia, Colombia)
nubatama (Terayama, 1999) (Japan)
nuggeti (Donisthorpe, 1941) (New Guinea)
obscura (Mayr, 1862) (Australia, Borneo, Indonesia, Lord Howe Island, Malaysia, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Norfolk Island)
obscura bismarckensis (Forel, 1901) (New Guinea, Réunion, Solomon Islands)
obscura celebensis (Karavaiev, 1933) (Indonesia, Sulawesi)
obscura minor (Karavaiev, 1933) (Indonesia)
obscura papuana (Forel, 1901) (New Guinea)
ogasawarensis (Terayama, 1999) (Japan)
opisopthalmia (Zhou & Zheng, 1998) (China, Vietnam)
• Prenolepis septemdenta Wang, W. & Wu, W.-L., 2007
otome (Terayama, 1999) (Japan)
parasitica Messer, Cover & Rabeling, 2020 (United States)
parvula (Mayr, 1870) (United States)
pearsei Wheeler, W.M., 1938 (Mexico)
perminuta (Buckley, 1866)
phantasma (Trager, 1984) (United States)
picta (Wheeler, W.M., 1927) (China, Vietnam)
pieli (Santschi, 1928) (China)
pini LaPolla & Kallal, 2019 (Dominican Republic)
pubens (Forel, 1893) (Anguilla, Barbados, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Lesser Antilles, Puerto Rico, United States)
querna Kallal & LaPolla, 2012 (United States)
rosae (Forel, 1902) (Australia)
ryukyuensis (Terayama, 1999) (Japan)
scintilla LaPolla & Fisher, 2011 (Ivory Coast)
semitincta LaPolla & Kallal, 2019 (Puerto Rico)
sharpii (Forel, 1899) (China, Hawaii)
sierra LaPolla & Kallal, 2019 (Cuba)
sikorae (Forel, 1892) (Madagascar)
silvestrii (Emery, 1906) (Argentina, Uruguay)
silvestrii kuenzleri (Forel, 1909) (Argentina)
silvula LaPolla & Fisher, 2011 (Kenya)
simpliciuscula (Emery, 1896) (Indonesia)
sindbadi (Pisarski, 1960) (Iraq, Israel)
smythiesii (Forel, 1894) (India)
staudingeri (Forel, 1912) (Peru)
steeli (Forel, 1910) (New Guinea)
steinheili (Forel, 1893) (Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Galapagos Islands, Greater Antilles, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Lesser Antilles, Mexico, Netherlands Antilles, Panama, Puerto Rico, Seychelles, Trinidad and Tobago, United States, Venezuela)
• Prenolepis steinheili minuta Forel, 1893
stigmatica (Mann, 1919) (Solomon Islands)
tasmaniensis (Forel, 1913) (Australia, New Zealand)
taylori (Forel, 1894) (Bangladesh, China, India, Sri Lanka)
taylori levis (Forel, 1913) (Sri Lanka)
teranishii (Santschi, 1937) (Japan)
terricola (Buckley, 1866) (Mexico, United States)
• Prenolepis melanderi Wheeler, W.M., 1903
tjibodana (Karavaiev, 1929) (Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia)
tococae (Wheeler, W.M. & Bequaert, 1929) (Brazil)
trageri Kallal & LaPolla, 2012 (United States)
umbella LaPolla & Fisher, 2011 (Cameroun)
usambarica LaPolla, Hawkes & Fisher, 2011 (United Republic of Tanzania)
vaga (Forel, 1901) (Australia, Cook Islands, Fiji, French Polynesia, Galapagos Islands, Marshall Islands, Micronesia (Federated States of), New Caledonia, New Guinea, New Zealand, Niue, Norfolk Island, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna Islands)
• Paratrechina vaga crassipilis Santschi, 1928
• Paratrechina vaga irritans Santschi, 1928
vagabunda (Motschoulsky, 1863) (Sri Lanka)
vitiensis (Mann, 1921) (Fiji)
vividula (Nylander, 1846) (Balearic Islands, Bermuda, Brazil, China, Croatia, Cuba, Finland, Greece, Haiti, Hungary, India, Iran, Mauritius, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Russian Federation, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Trinidad and Tobago, Türkiye, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States, Venezuela)
• Formica picea Buckley Buckley, 1866
• Prenolepis kincaidi Wheeler, W.M., 1906
• Prenolepis vividula mjobergi Forel, 1908
vividula australis (Santschi, 1929) (Brazil)
waelbroecki (Emery, 1899) (Democratic Republic of Congo)
wardi LaPolla & Kallal, 2019 (Cuba)
wojciki (Trager, 1984) (United States)
xestonota LaPolla & Kallal, 2019 (Cuba)
yaeyamensis (Terayama, 1999) (Japan, Republic of Korea)
yambaru (Terayama, 1999) (Japan)
yerburyi (Forel, 1894) (China, India, Nicobar Island, Singapore, Sri Lanka)
zaminyops LaPolla & Kallal, 2019 (Trinidad and Tobago)
Fossil Species
pygmaea (Mayr, 1868) (Baltic amber, Baltic Sea region, Europe (Bartonian, Middle to Late Eocene))
vetula LaPolla & Dlussky, 2010 (Dominican amber, Dominican Republic (Burdigalian, Early Miocene))