Myrmica scabrinodis

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Myrmica scabrinodis
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Myrmicinae
Tribe: Myrmicini
Genus: Myrmica
Species group: scabrinodis
Species: M. scabrinodis
Binomial name
Myrmica scabrinodis
Nylander, 1846




A wide ranging species that occurs in a variety of habitats. In Greece it is uncommon although recorded from all mainland provinces and Ionian Islands. In northern Greece it is known from lowland and mountain habitats, in southern Greece only in mountains. In Achaia, numerous nests were observed in the border area between fir forest and pasture at an altitude 1619 m. (Borowiec & Salata, 2021)

At a Glance • Polygynous  • Invasive  

Photo Gallery

  • Photo by Michał Kukla.
  • Photo by Michal Kukla.


A member of the scabrinodis complex of the scabrinodis species group. M. scabrinodis is so widespread and common that specimens are only given a superficial examination and even when workers are examined more carefully it is easy to confuse M. scabrinodis with several other scabrinodis-group species. Rarer scabrinodis-group species are often identified as M. scabrinodis (sometimes vice-versa) but most commonly workers (and sometimes queens) are confused with those of Myrmica vandeli and Myrmica specioides, and occasionally with sympatric Myrmica sabuleti populations. However, M. scabrinodis males have a much shorter scape than those of M. sabuleti and M. vandeli, and much longer erect hairs on the scape and tibiae than M. specioides, thus if males are taken with the female castes all scabrinodis-group species currently recognised, should be identifiable correctly. Thus M. scabrinodis has always been a “dust-bin” species that includes all forms that cannot be clearly discriminated by a combination of features of all three castes. Even now, we suppose that “M. scabrinodis” includes at least two (perhaps more) cryptic species that are morphologically indistinguishable but have different ecological preferences and are adapted to quite different habitats.

Collingwood (1979) - Yellow red to blackish brown according to habitat. The antennal scape is sharply angled and sinuate near the base, often with a slight lateral extension in the larger more deeply sculptured forms. The petiole has a distinctly concave anterior face which meets the truncate dorsal surface at a sharp angle. Head Index: 85.6; Frons Index: 36.8; Frontal Laminae Index: 66.5. Length: 4.0-5.0 mm.

Keys including this Species


Throughout Europe. It has been introduced into North America where it is established on a number of the Boston Harbor Islands and possibly the nearby mainland (but occurrence there needs confirmation). It is not known from other locations in North America.

Latitudinal Distribution Pattern

Latitudinal Range: 68.138852° to 36.718333°.

Tropical South

Distribution based on Regional Taxon Lists

Nearctic Region: United States.
Palaearctic Region: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Balearic Islands, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Channel Islands, China, Croatia, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland (type locality), France (type locality), Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iberian Peninsula, Italy, Jersey, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Distribution based on AntMaps


Distribution based on AntWeb specimens

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Countries Occupied

Number of countries occupied by this species based on AntWiki Regional Taxon Lists. In general, fewer countries occupied indicates a narrower range, while more countries indicates a more widespread species.


Radchenko and Elmes (2010) - Myrmica scabrinodis uses a wide variety of habitats throughout is extensive range, it is most commonly associated with grasslands but is also present in open forests and woodlands, especially in the southern part of its range. In forests it nests in the soil, often under bark and pieces of wood and sometimes in and under moss. In bogs and marshes M. scabrinodis builds nests in grass and moss tussocks and usually colonies build a quite large solarium from soil, chewed moss and other detritus, where they rear their larvae. In drier grassland and on high moorlands, nests are built under flat stones or directly into the soil, in the latter case small solaria are built in spring but these are not maintained as the season progresses. In very hot conditions nests are built in the soil with no obvious aboveground structures. In many hotter habitats that support a population of Lasius flavus mounds, nests of M. scabrinodis can be found built into the side of the mound and there is some evidence that they prey upon the L. flavus larvae, a view supported by the results of Pontin (1969) who showed that L. flavus produced more sexuals when the nests of M. scabrinodis were removed. M. scabrinodis colonies, like Myrmica rubra, have been shown to amalgamate under some conditions (Morely 1938). A cast of a M. scabrinodis nest on heathland was made by Brian and Downing (1958) and excavation behaviour was studied by Sudd (1971).

Myrmica scabrinodis worker. Author:Michal Kukla [1]

As has been pointed out in the notes above, it is hard to believe that bog-living M. scabrinodis can be the same species as sympatric populations living in very hot, dry grassland. For example, in one study (Elmes et al. 1994) we showed that on sites in both Spain and the Netherlands there appeared to be two distinct "types" of M. scabrinodis that were easily discriminated in the field. “Type I” appeared smaller and paler, lived in wetter conditions, made extensive nests in the vegetation with few if any deep chambers, were more timid being reluctant to run up ones hand if placed in the nest and attacking baits from underneath (like M. lobicornis); “type 2” appeared slightly larger and darker, lived in somewhat drier conditions, made nests with deep chambers in the soil and were more inclined to run up ones hand when placed into the nest, and sat on top of baits (more like M. ruginodis). We also noted similar ecological differences in populations from France and elsewhere in Europe (unpublished).

Subsequently we identified the “type I” specimens from Spain as Myrmica aloba, although these were somewhat smaller than is typical for that species especially compared to populations from Southern Spain and Portugal. Elsewhere, no consistent differences between the two types could be found when dead samples were compared in the laboratory; all the differences seemed to be simply behavioural. Seifert (1984) made a careful morphometric comparison in the context of M. rugulosoides (see above) and Sandor Csosz (pers. comm.) made a similar study using material from a wider range, both found no discernable morphological differences. However, some unpublished preliminary studies made by a Danish Group indicate that such populations have some genetical differences that might be sufficient to indicate cryptic species. In our view M. scabrinodis is undergoing a major speciation event at the current time largely in response to anthropogenically altered habitats (and probably also related species, such as M. aloba). It seems to us that over its range it might comprise several (perhaps four or five) cryptic species and in any region perhaps two or maybe three of these live sympatrically being separated by their behaviour and ecology. The problem is then that if an ecologist in say Britain recognises two ecological forms and another ecologist in say Hungary recognises two ecological forms there is no reason to suppose that the British pair are the same genetically as the Hungarian pair. This is a fascinating problem that cannot be resolved by normal taxonomic study, only by appropriate molecular genetical studies.

On an acid grassland site M. scabrinodis colonies average about 200 workers with 1.4 queens, 30% of nests produced sexuals and these were larger colonies with fewer queens (Elmes and Wardlaw 1982c). Like the sympatric M. sabuleti populations colony size and productivity was related to the above ground vegetation (Elmes and Wardlaw 1982a). In England, colonies on limestone grassland were the largest averaging > 4 queens and about 850 workers per nest, on acid grassland numbers were about 2 queens and 600 workers while high, cold moorland had the smallest colonies, < 0.5 queens and about 300 workers per nest; nest densities were about 1.0, 0.25 and 0.004 nests per m2 respectively (Elmes and Wardlaw 1982b). Genetical relatedness and colony structure was investigated by Seppa (1996).

The mandibular secretions of M. scabrinodis and other ants have been shown to inhibit pollen germination (Sanderson and Wright 1989) and M. scabrinodis have been shown to rob insect prey from Drosera species (Thurn 1989), which may be important for the ants when insect prey is in short supply. The general role of M. scabrinodis in moorland ant communities was studied intensively in Scotland (e.g. Brian and Brian 1951; Brian 1952a, b, 1955b, 1956b), in North Sea sand-dunes (Boomsma and De Vries 1980; Boomsma and Van Loon 1982; Boomsma and Isaaks 1982), in a mountain meadow (Woyciechowski and Miszta 1976), in steppe (Reznikova and Samoshilova 1981) and in relation to Formica ants (Vepsalanen and Savolainen 1990; Dauber and Wolters 2000), but this species has never been subjected to the same intensive study as say, M. rubra and M. ruginodis.

There have been more laboratory studies, comparable with those on the other widespread Myrmica species. For example, pheromones, glandular secretions and cuticular hydrocarbons have been identified (Cammaerts et al. 1978; Morgan et al. 1978, 1979; Elmes et al. 2002), foraging behaviour described (Dlussky et al. 1978; Cammaerts 1980b; De Vroey 1980a, b). Age related polyethism was demonstrated for M. scabrinodis (Weir 1958a, b) and the solicitation behaviour for trophollaxis was described (Lenoir 1972a, b). M. scabrinodis workers and larvae appear physiologically adapted to moderately cool conditions, at any temperature they grow at a rate intermediate between that of M. rubra and M. sabuleti (Elmes and Wardlaw 1983a). This accords to species-differences in basal respiration which vary according to the latitude at which the population lives (Nielsen et al. 1999); respiration of M. scabrinodis larvae were compared with those of Lasius flavus with which it coexists in many habitats (Peakin et al. 1985). While queens of M. scabrinodis suppress the development of large gyne-potential larvae in the same way as other Myrmica species (Elmes and Wardlaw 1983b) some gynes can develop from small over-wintered larvae and so escape queen-control (Elmes and Wardlaw 1981), which might explain why the impact of queen and worker numbers on individual size in natural colonies of M. scabrinodis can not be detected like in the cases of M. rubra and M. sabuleti (Elmes 197 4b). Also, different populations of M. scabrinodis appear more variable in the ability of the workers to oviposit (Wardlaw and Elmes 1998).

Finally, like all the other European Myrmica species nuptial flights take place from late July until the end of September (e.g. Donisthorpe 1934; Boomsma and Leusink 1981; Woyciechowski 1990a; our observations). Very often males and gynes join large mixed mating swarms but we have also observed small very local swarms composed entirely of M. scabrinodis. These local swarms often use a small bush or shrub as a swarm focus.

Collingwood (1979) - The species has variable habits, being found in a very wide range of habitats. In southern areas it is often associated with the meadow ant Lasius flavus (Fabr.) living in part of the mound nest and preying on the L. flavus workers but may be equally common in woodland, coastal sand, gravel river banks, peat bogs and moorland. Individual nests are small, situated under stones, in tree stumps or in the ground with a few hundred workers and one or a few queens. The alatas fly in August, pairing occurring in the air.

Flight Period

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


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Association with Other Organisms

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Other Ants


  • This species is a host for the Microdon fly Microdon myrmicae (a predator) in Devon, England, U.K. (Scarparo et al., 2020).
  • This species is a host for the phorid fly Pseudacteon brevicauda (a parasitoid) (Quevillon, 2018) (encounter mode primary; direct transmission; transmission outside nest).


  • This species is associated with the aphids Aphis asclepiadis, Aphis forbesi, Brachycaudus helichrysi, Brachycaudus persicae, Cinara brevispinosa, Cryptomyzus ribis and Drepanaphis acerifoliae (Saddiqui et al., 2019 and included references)


  • This species is a host for the ichneumonid wasp Hybrizon buccatus (a parasitoid) (Quevillon, 2018) (encounter mode primary; direct transmission; transmission outside nest).
  • This species is a host for the ichneumonid wasp Hybrizon buccatus (a parasitoid) (Quevillon, 2018) (encounter mode primary; direct transmission; transmission outside nest).


Myrmica scabrinodis is the only Myrmica species to be recorded as the host of all recognised European species of socially parasitic Maculinea butterflies and is one of the major hosts of Maculinea alcon and Maculinea teleius (Tartally et al., 2019; Ebsen et al., 2019).

  • This species is a host for the butterfly Glaucopsyche alexis (Obregon et al. 2015).
  • This species is a host for the butterfly Maculinea alcon (Tartally et al., 2019; Ebsen et al., 2019).
  • This species is a host for the butterfly Maculinea teleius (Tartally et al., 2019; Ebsen et al., 2019).


  • This species is a host for the fungus Rickia wasmanniii (a pathogen) (Espadaler & Santamaria, 2012).
  • This species is a host for the fungus Rickia wasmanniii (a parasite) (Quevillon, 2018) (encounter mode primary; direct transmission; transmission within nest).


  • This species is the host for an "Mermis" (Csosz, 2012), the infected ant being treated as a distinct species under the name Sommimyrma symbiotica.
  • This species is a host for the nematode Mermithidae (unspecified "Mermix") (a parasite) in Germany (Gosswald, 1930; Laciny, 2021).


  • This species is a host for the cestode Davaineidae (Raillietina urogalli??) (a parasite) in Scotland (Muir, 1954; Laciny, 2021).
  • This species is a host for the cestode Raillietina urogalli (a parasitoid) (Quevillon, 2018) (encounter mode secondary; indirect transmission; transmission outside nest).

Life History Traits

  • Queen number: polygynous (Rissing and Pollock, 1988; Frumhoff & Ward, 1992)



Images from AntWeb

Myrmica scabrinodis casent0172759 head 1.jpgMyrmica scabrinodis casent0172759 profile 1.jpgMyrmica scabrinodis casent0172759 dorsal 1.jpgMyrmica scabrinodis casent0172759 label 1.jpg
Worker. Specimen code casent0172759. Photographer April Nobile, uploaded by California Academy of Sciences. Owned by CAS, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Myrmica martini antweb1008453 d 2 high.jpgMyrmica martini antweb1008453 h 2 high.jpgMyrmica martini antweb1008453 p 2 high.jpgMyrmica martini antweb1008453 h 3 high.jpgMyrmica martini antweb1008453 d 3 high.jpgMyrmica martini antweb1008453 h 4 high.jpgMyrmica martini antweb1008453 d 4 high.jpg
Holotype of Myrmica martiniWorker. Specimen code antweb1008453. Photographer Roland Schultz, uploaded by California Academy of Sciences. Owned by SMNG, Görlitz, Germany.


Images from AntWeb

Myrmica scabrinodis casent0172744 head 1.jpgMyrmica scabrinodis casent0172744 profile 1.jpgMyrmica scabrinodis casent0172744 dorsal 1.jpgMyrmica scabrinodis casent0172744 label 1.jpg
Queen (alate/dealate). Specimen code casent0172744. Photographer April Nobile, uploaded by California Academy of Sciences. Owned by CAS, San Francisco, CA, USA.


Images from AntWeb

Myrmica scabrinodis casent0172760 profile 1.jpgMyrmica scabrinodis casent0172760 profile 2.jpgMyrmica scabrinodis casent0172760 profile 3.jpgMyrmica scabrinodis casent0172760 dorsal 1.jpgMyrmica scabrinodis casent0172760 label 1.jpg
Male (alate). Specimen code casent0172760. Photographer April Nobile, uploaded by California Academy of Sciences. Owned by CAS, San Francisco, CA, USA.


The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World.

  • scabrinodis. Myrmica scabrinodis Nylander, 1846a: 930 (w.q.m.) FINLAND. Wheeler, G.C. & Wheeler, J. 1953a: 119 (l.); Hauschteck, 1965: 325 (k.); Wasmann, 1891: 298 (gynandromorph). Subspecies of rubra: Forel, 1874: 76; Emery & Forel, 1879: 460; Emery, 1895c: 313; Forel, 1904b: 374; Wheeler, W.M. 1908g: 406. Status as species: Saunders, E. 1880: 215; Nasonov, 1889: 36; Emery, 1898c: 126; Emery, 1908a: 174; Bondroit, 1912: 351; Stitz, 1914: 71; Donisthorpe, 1915d: 125; Forel, 1915d: 29; Karavaiev, 1916: 504; Emery, 1916b: 120; Wheeler, W.M. 1917a: 504; Bondroit, 1918: 101; Santschi, 1921a: 110; Menozzi, 1922b: 325; Müller, 1923: 43; Finzi, 1926: 98; Karavaiev, 1926b: 95; Santschi, 1931b: 341; Bernard, 1967: 116; Tarbinsky, 1976: 41; Kutter, 1977c: 69; Arnol'di & Dlussky, 1978: 534; Collingwood, 1979: 55; Seifert, 1988b: 27; Atanassov & Dlussky, 1992: 95. Senior synonym of pilosiscapus: Kutter, 1977c: 69; Collingwood, 1979: 55; Seifert, 1988b: 27; Casevitz-Weulersse, 1990a: 137; of rugulosoides: Bernard, 1967: 116; Banert & Pisarski, 1972: 350; Collingwood, 1979: 55; Seifert, 1984b: 1; of ahngeri: Radchenko, 1994e: 79; of reticulata: Seifert, 1988b: 27; of scabrinodosabuleti: Radchenko & Elmes, 2010: 259; of symbiotica: Csősz, 2012: 28. Material of the nomen nudum rugosa referred here by Mayr, 1855: 411. See also: Radchenko, 2007: 29; Radchenko & Elmes, 2010: 259.
  • martini. Myrmica martini Seifert, Yazdi & Schultz, 2014: 174, figs. 1-6 (w.) FRANCE.
    • Junior synonym of scabrinodis: Seifert, 2024: 20.
  • rugulosoides. Myrmica scabrinodis var. rugulosoides Forel, 1915d: 29 (w.) SWITZERLAND.
    • Kutter, 1924: 8 (q.m.).
    • Subspecies of scabrinodis: Kutter, 1924: 8; Santschi, 1931b: 342; Stitz, 1939: 93; Novak & Sadil, 1941: 79.
    • Status as species: Bondroit, 1918: 102; Müller, 1923: 42; Finzi, 1926: 94; Baroni Urbani, 1971c: 30; Kutter, 1977c: 68.
    • Junior synonym of scabrinodis: Bernard, 1967: 116; Banert & Pisarski, 1972: 350; Collingwood, 1979: 55; Seifert, 1984b: 1; Seifert, 1988b: 27; Seifert, 2024: 20.
  • pilosiscapus. Myrmica pilosiscapus Bondroit, 1920a: 147, fig. 1 (w.q.m.) BELGIUM.
    • [Also described as new by Bondroit, 1920b: 301.]
    • Subspecies of scabrinodis: Finzi, 1926: 102; Santschi, 1931b: 343; Stitz, 1939: 94.
    • Status as species: Sadil, 1952: 256; Arnol'di, 1970b: 1842; Baroni Urbani, 1971c: 26.
    • Junior synonym of sabuleti: Bernard, 1967: 117; Boven, 1977: 120.
    • Junior synonym of scabrinodis: Kutter, 1977c: 69; Collingwood, 1979: 55; Seifert, 1988b: 27; Casevitz-Weulersse, 1990a: 137; Seifert, 2024: 20.
  • reticulata. Myrmica rolandi var reticulata Stärcke, 1942c: xxv (w.q.m.) SPAIN. [First available use of Myrmica scabrinodis st. rolandi var. reticulata Santschi, 1931b: 344; unavailable name.] Junior synonym of scabrinodis: Seifert, 1988b: 27.
  • scabrinodosabuleti. Myrmica (Myrmica) scabrinodis var. scabrinodosabuleti Sadil, 1952: 253, figs. IV, 13-15; VII, 17-19 (w.m.) CZECHOSLOVAKIA. Junior synonym of sabuleti: Radchenko, 1994e: 80; of scabrinodis: Radchenko & Elmes, 2010: 259.
  • symbiotica. Sommimyrma symbiotica Menozzi, 1925d: 25, fig. 1 (w.) ITALY. Combination in Myrmica: Bolton, 1988a: 4. Junior synonym of scabrinodis: Csősz, 2012: 28. See also: Kutter, 1973c: 256; Radchenko & Elmes, 2003a: 224; Radchenko & Elmes, 2010: 299.

Type Material

Radchenko and Elmes (2010) - We studied the type series of M. scabrinodis, preserved in the Nylander's collection (Helsinki) and designated the worker as the lectotype (see material examined). Originally, the lectotype worker was pinned through its gaster by a thin and blunt pin; during our investigation the specimen fell from this pin so we glued the lectotype to a cardboard triangle on a proper entomological pin.

Bezděčková et al. (2017) - Myrmica scabrinodis scabrinodosabuleti: Altogether six syntypes are deposited in National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic (all dry-mounted, glued on rectangular card labels):

  • SYNTYPE (1 worker): ‘Myrmica / scabrinodis [hw] // 24. VIII. 39 / Borotín / BOHEMIA m. / l. V. Novak [hw] // 226 // Mus. Nat. Pragae Inv. [p] / 3404 [hw] // M. s. var. scabrinodo- [underlined] / sabuleti [underlined] Sadil (det. 1951) [hw]’.
  • SYNTYPES (5 workers and one detached head, glued on one label with transversal red line and number 3483, hw): ‘Mor. Nová Říše u / Telče, 5.–6. 7. 1938/ Záleský lg. [hw] // Det. Dr. Záleský [p] M. scabr. [worker symbol] / scabr. [hw] // M. sc. var. scabrinodo- [underlined] / sabuleti [underlined] Sadil (det. 1951) [hw] // Mus. Nat. Pragae, Inv. [p] / 3038 [hw]’.

Remarks. The specimen data cited in the original description slightly differ in collecting dates from the labels of specimens preserved in National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic: SADIL (1952) gives 28-8-1939 as the collecting date for the material from Borotín and 6-7-1938 for the material from Nová Říše near Telč.

Myrmica pilosiscapus: Lectotype worker labeled ‘Mouthe Jura’, ‘nid dans Sphagnum tres humide’, ‘M.pilosiscapus type Bondr.’ [all three labels in Bondroits handwriting], ‘LECTOTYPE (upper specimen) desig. Radchenko & Elmes 2000’ [published by Radchenko & Elmes 2010]; paralectotypes: 1 worker, 2 gynes and 2 males on the same pin with lectotype; 1 paralectotype worker together with 4 males on another pin labeled ‘Mouthe Jura’, ‘Type’, ‘M. pilosiscapus type Bondr.’ [all three labels in Bondroits handwriting], ‘PARALECTOTYPE desig. Radchenko & Elmes 2000’; depository Muséum des sciences naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles / Belgium

Myrmica scabrinodis: Lectotype worker (des. Radchenko 2007) plus three paralectotype workers on two pins labelled ‘Kuusamo’, ‘W. Nyland.’, ‘Mus. Fenn.’; depository Finnish Museum of Natural History, Helsinki / Finland.

Myrmica scabrinodis rugulosoides: Lectotype worker plus for paralectotype workers labeled ‘Typus’, ‘LECTOTYPE (bottom specimen) desig. Radchenko & Elmes 2000’ [published by Radchenko & Elmes 2010], ‘Tourbières de Roche’ [Forel’s handwriting], ‘Myrmica scabrinodis Nyl. v. rugulosoides For. type’ [Forel’s handwriting], ‘ANTWEB CASENT0907654’; depository Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Genève, Genève, Switzerland.

Myrmica martini: Holotype worker labeled "FRA: 44.1002° N, 7.2332° E St.-Martin-Vésubie-3.8NNW 1629 m, Larix-Pinus, clearing, Schultz 2002.05.15 – 126" and "Holotype Myrmica martini Seifert & al."; 8 worker para-types on three other pins and 120 worker paratypes in ethanol with identical locality labels and "Paratype Myrmica martini Seifert & al."; all material stored in Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz.

Taxonomic Notes

Sommimyrma symbiotica

Csosz (2012) - Bolton (1988) reported that the holotype might have been a developmentally abnormal specimen, avoiding any further speculations. According to the images (Figs. 1a, b) probably two or three nematode worms (confirmed by nematologists, Gábor Majoros and George Poinar) nearly completely fill in the gaster of the type individual. The worms are not completely developed; these parasites apparently did not attain the preadult stage. In general characteristics of external morphology the Myrmica symbiotica holotype specimen is reminiscent of the workers or mermithogenic phenotypes of M. scabrinodis, hence I conducted a PCA based morphometric comparison of the type with both infested and uninfected classes of M. scabrinodis. Results demonstrate that M. symbiotica holotype is nested in the cluster of infested M. scabrinodis individuals (Fig. 2). Based on these results I propose new junior synonymy with M. scabrinodis.

Cryptic Species

Ebsen et al. (2019), using molecular phylogenetic methods based on mitochondrial DNA, found two highly divergent paraphyletic lineages within M. scabrinodis consistent with earlier suggestions that cryptic species or ecotypes might well occur, either in association with habitat (Elmes et al., 1994, 1998; Radchenko & Elmes, 2010) or with latitude or longitude (Elmes & Clarke, 2005).

Unless otherwise noted the text for the remainder of this section is reported from the publication that includes the original description.


Nylander 1846. Page 930
Nylander 1846. Page 931
Nylander 1846. Page 932


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  • n = 22, 2n = 44 (Switzerland) (Hauschteck, 1965).


Radchenko and Elmes (2010) - from a combination of the Latin words scabres = roughness or "scabby" and nodus = knot or lump, to describe the rough, scabby appearance of the surfaces of the petiole.


References based on Global Ant Biodiversity Informatics

  • Agosti, D. and C.A. Collingwood. 1987. A provisional list of the Balkan ants (Hym. Formicidae) and a key to the worker caste. I. Synonymic list. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 60: 51-62
  • Aktaç, N. "Studies on the myrmecofauna of Turkey I. Ants of Siirt, Bodrum and Trabzon." Istanbul Universitesi Fen Fakultesi Mecmuasi. Seri B 41 (1977): 115-135.
  • Alinvi, O., J. Bohlin and J. P. Ball. 2008. RETRACTED ARTICLE: Interspecific competition among ants in the boreal forest: Testing predictions from a linear hierarchical competition model. Insectes Sociaux 55(1):1-11.
  • AntArea. Accessed on February 5th 2014 at
  • Antarea (at on June 11th 2017)
  • Antonov I. A. 2013. Ant Assemblages (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Cities of the Temperate Zone of Eurasia. Russian Journal of Ecology 44(6): 523–526.
  • Antonova V., and L. Penev. 2008. Classification of assemblages of ants in the green areas in Sofia City. Acta Zoologica Bulgarica 60(2): 103-110.
  • Arnan X., M. Gracia, L. Comas, and J. Retana. 2009. Forest management conditioning ground ant community structure and composition in temperate conifer forests in the Pyrenees Mountains. Forest Ecology and Management 258(2): 51–59.
  • ArtDatabanken Bugs (via GBIG)
  • Asociacion Iberica de Mirmecologia. 2014. List of species collected during the Taxomara 2014 Oviedo. Iberomyrmex 6: 23-24.
  • Assing V. 1989. Die Ameisenfauna (Hym.: Formicidae) nordwestdeutscher Calluna-Heiden. Drosera 89: 49-62.
  • Azuma M. 1938. A list of ants found in Osaka Prefecture, Japan. Entomol. World Tokyo 6: 238-243.
  • Azuma M. 1938. A list of ants found in Osaka Prefecture, Japan. Entomological World. Tokyo 6:238-243.
  • Azuma M. 1953. On the myrmecological fauna of Mt. Rokko, Hyogo Prefecture. Warera 2:1-7.
  • Banert P, and B. Pisarski. 1972. Mrówki (Formicidae) Sudetów. Fragmenta Faunistica (Warsaw) 18: 345-359.
  • Baroni Urbani C., and C. A. Collingwood. 1976. A Numerical Analysis of the Distribution of British Formicidae (Hymenoptera, Aculeata). Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel 85: 51-91.
  • Baroni Urbani C., and C. A. Collingwood. 1977. The zoogeography of ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in Northern Europe. Acta Zoologica Fennica 152: 1-34.
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