Formica species groups
A beginning on organizing some resources related to the many groupings of Formica species.......
One of three species groups within the subgenus Serviformica showing reddish pigmentation on mesosoma, varying in size from small patches to complete surface coverage. F. cinerea is Eurocaucasian and characterised by large setae numbers on posterior vertex and underside of head, large eyes and narrow petioles. (Seifert and Schultz 2009)
Formica cinerea group - definition of group, member species, etc.
Recognized by a square petiole, rather than broader and fan-shaped in other Formica.
(Formerly microgyna group) Erect setae of pronotum widen from base to a flattened apex broader than the shaft of the seta; major workers small, outstretched length from clypeal margin to acidopore rarely exceeding 6 mm, their head capsule in full face view usually longer than broad. Formica difficilis group has miniaturized queens.
- Formica adamsi
- Formica adamsi alpina
- Formica adamsi whymperi
- Formica densiventris
- Formica difficilis
- Formica dirksi
- Formica impexa
- Formica indianensis
- Formica knighti
- Formica microgyna
- Formica morsei
- Formica nepticula
- Formica nevadensis
- Formica postoculata
- Formica querquetulana
- Formica scitula
- Formica spatulata
- Formica talbotae
- Formica bruni
- Formica exsecta
- Formica exsectoides
- Formica fennica
- Formica foreli
- Formica forsslundi
- Formica fukaii
- Formica mesasiatica
- Formica opaciventris
- Formica pisarskii
- Formica pressilabris
- Formica suecica
- Formica ulkei
- Coptoformica diagnosis/discussion/list of species
- Key to Formica subgenus Coptoformica workers of Europe
- Key to Formica subgenus Coptoformica queens of Europe
Distinguished by one or two offset teeth at the base of the mandibles.
Key to Nearctic Formica fusca group workers
Key to Nearctic Formica fusca group queens
Key to Nearctic Formica fusca group males
- Formica accreta
- Formica aerata
- Formica albipennis
- Formica altipetens
- Formica argentea
- Formica browni
- Formica canadensis
- Formica cinereofusca
- Formica foreliana
- Formica francoeuri
- Formica fusca
- Formica gagates
- Formica gagatoides
- Formica glacialis
- Formica glauca
- Formica gnava
- Formica japonica
- Formica kozlovi
- Formica lemani
- Formica lepida
- Formica longipilosa
- Formica microphthalma
- Formica moki
- Formica montana
- Formica neoclara
- Formica occulta
- Formica pachucana
- Formica pacifica
- Formica picea
- Formica podzolica
- Formica propatula
- Formica pulla
- Formica retecta
- Formica sibylla
- Formica subaenescens
- Formica subcyanea
- Formica subelongata
- Formica subpolita
- Formica subsericea
- Formica transmontanis
- Formica xerophila
- Formica yoshiokae
- Formica calviceps
- Formica ciliata
- Formica coloradensis
- Formica comata
- Formica criniventris
- Formica ferocula
- Formica fossaceps
- Formica integra
- Formica integroides
- Formica laeviceps
- Formica mucescens
- Formica obscuripes
- Formica obscuriventris
- Formica oreas comptula
- Formica oreas
- Formica planipilis
- Formica prociliata
- Formica propinqua
- Formica ravida
- Formica subnitens
- Formica bradleyi
- Formica lasioides'
- Formica limata
- Formica manni
- Formica neogagates
- Formica obtusopilosa
- Formica oregonensis
- Formica perpilosa
- Formica vinculans
Trager et al (2007) - The Formica pallidefulva species group is endemic to eastern and central United States, with two species extending west into the Great Plains and lower elevations in the Rocky Mountains and north into eastern Canada.
- Formica pallidefulva group diagnosis/discussion/list of species
- Key to US Formica pallidefulva group species
Erect setae of pronotum taperin or if blunt-tipped, not broader apically nor spatulate; major workers larger, outstretched length exceeding 6 mm, often up to 8-9mm; head capsule of largest workers in full face view most often broader than long.
- Formica approximans
- Formica aquilonia
- Formica dusmeti
- Formica frontalis
- Formica helvetica
- Formica kupyanskayae
- Formica lugubris
- Formica paralugubris
- Formica polyctena
- Formica pratensis
- Formica rufa
- Formica sinensis
- Formica truncorum
- Formica ussuriensis
One of three species groups within the subgenus Serviformica showing reddish pigmentation on mesosoma, varying in size from small patches to complete surface coverage. F. rufibarbis European to East Asian and characterised by the reduction of setae on posterior vertex and underside of head, smaller eyes and wider petioles. (Seifert and Schultz 2009)
- Formica rufibarbis group diagnosis/list of species
- Key to Formica rufibarbis group
- Formica anatolica
- Formica clara
- Formica clara sinae
- Formica cunicularia
- Formica glabridorsis
- Formica orangea
- Formica persica
- Formica rufibarbis
- Formica rufibarbis clarorufibarbis
- Formica tarimica
- Formica tianshanica
- Formica aserva
- Formica creightoni
- Formica curiosa
- Formica emeryi
- Formica gynocrates
- Formica pergandei
- Formica puberula
- Formica rubicunda
- Formica sanguinea
- Formica subintegra
- Formica wheeleri
One of three species groups within the subgenus Serviformica showing reddish pigmentation on mesosoma, varying in size from small patches to complete surface coverage. F. subpilosa is West to Central Asian and charaterised by intermediate setae numbers on posterior vertex and underside of head, smaller eyes and wider petioles. (Seifert and Schultz 2009)
- Romiguier, J., J. Rolland, C. Morandin, and L. Keller. 2018. Phylogenomics of palearctic Formica species suggests a single origin of temporary parasitism and gives insights to the evolutionary pathway toward slave-making behaviour. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 18:8. doi:10.1186/s12862-018-1159-4
- Seifert, B 2000a. A taxonomic revision of the ant subgenus Coptoformica Mueller, 1923 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Zoosystema. 22:517-568.
- Seifert, B. and R. Schultz. 2009b. A taxonomic revision of the Formica rufibarbis Fabricius, 1793 group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Myrmecologische Nachrichten. 12:255-272.
- Trager, J.C., MacGown, J.A., Trager, M.D. 2007. Revision of the Nearctic endemic Formica pallidefulva group (pp. 610-636). In Snelling, R.R., Fisher, B.L. & Ward, P.S. (eds). Advances in ant systematics: homage to E.O. Wilson – 50 years of contributions. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute 80: 690 pp.
- Borowiec, M. L.; Cover, S. P.; Rabeling, C. 2021. The evolution of social parasitism in Formica ants revealed by a global phylogeny