Formica gagates

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Formica gagates
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Formicinae
Tribe: Formicini
Genus: Formica
Species: F. gagates
Binomial name
Formica gagates
Latreille, 1798

Formica gagates casent0010650 profile 1.jpg

Formica gagates casent0010650 dorsal 1.jpg

Specimen labels


Guiliani et al. (2019) observed this species foraging on extrafloral nectaries of the invasive Reynoutria x bohemica (Polygonaceae) in Tuscany. The habitats examined were river banks and disturbed habitats. In Greece, Borowiec & Salata (2021) found this to a common species which prefers deciduous forests except in Achaia and Aetolia-Acarnania where it mostly occurs in fir forests and mountain pastures.


Keys including this Species


Latitudinal Distribution Pattern

Latitudinal Range: 49.220556° to 33.90778°.

Tropical South

Distribution based on Regional Taxon Lists

Oriental Region: India.
Palaearctic Region: Albania, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Czechia, France (type locality), Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iberian Peninsula, Italy, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine.

Distribution based on AntMaps


Distribution based on AntWeb specimens

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Countries Occupied

Number of countries occupied by this species based on AntWiki Regional Taxon Lists. In general, fewer countries occupied indicates a narrower range, while more countries indicates a more widespread species.

Estimated Abundance

Relative abundance based on number of AntMaps records per species (this species within the purple bar). Fewer records (to the left) indicates a less abundant/encountered species while more records (to the right) indicates more abundant/encountered species.


Borowiec and Salata (2022) - Thermophilous species noted from luminous deciduous and coniferous forests, roadsides with shrubs, olive plantations, stream valleys with plane trees, pastures with sparse deciduous trees and shrubs around the old monastery. Absent in high mountains, all collecting sites come from low and mid altitude of up to 1165 m.


Nests in soil and under stones.

Association with Other Organisms

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  • This species is a host for the ant Polyergus rufescens (a dulotic parasite) (Trager, 2013; Seifert, 2018; de la Mora et al., 2021).
  • This species is a mutualist for the aphid Aphis farinosa (a trophobiont) (Akyildirim et al., 2014; Saddiqui et al., 2019).
  • This species is a host for the trematode Dicrocoelium chinensis (a parasitoid) (Quevillon, 2018) (encounter mode primary; indirect transmission; transmission outside nest).
  • This species is a host for the trematode Dicrocoelium dendriticum (a parasitoid) (Quevillon, 2018) (encounter mode primary; indirect transmission; transmission outside nest).

Flight Period

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


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  • Borowiec and Salata 2022. Figures 77.3-4, worker. Photographed by Lech Borowiec.
  • Borowiec and Salata 2022. Figures 77.1-2, worker. Photographed by Lech Borowiec.


The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World.

  • gagates. Formica gagates Latreille, 1798: 36 (w.q.) FRANCE. Mayr, 1855: 349 (m.). Combination in F. (Serviformica): Forel, 1915d: 63. Subspecies of fusca: Forel, 1874: 53; Emery & Forel, 1879: 451; Mayr, 1886d: 426; Forel, 1892i: 307; Forel, 1907b: 208; Bondroit, 1910: 483. Status as species: André, 1882b: 182; Nasonov, 1889: 19; Ruzsky, 1902d: 13; Forel, 1904b: 384; Wheeler, W.M. 1913f: 513; Forel, 1915d: 63; Emery, 1916b: 254; Bondroit, 1918: 46; Karavaiev, 1927c: 285; Karavaiev, 1936: 229; Stitz, 1939: 362; Bernard, 1967: 298; Dlussky, 1967a: 79; Kutter, 1977c: 250; Atanassov & Dlussky, 1992: 269. Senior synonym of capsincola: Mayr, 1855: 348; Nylander, 1856b: 65; of morio: Emery, 1925b: 248; Karavaiev, 1936: 230; Dlussky & Pisarski, 1971: 169; of fuscogagates: Kutter, 1977c: 254. Material of the unavailable name muralewiczi referred here by Emery, 1909b: 194; Karavaiev, 1927a: 301. Current subspecies: nominal plus piceogagates.
  • morio. Formica morio Latreille, 1798: 36 (w.) FRANCE. Junior synonym of gagates: Emery, 1925b: 248; Dlussky & Pisarski, 1971: 169.
  • capsincola. Formica capsincola Schilling, 1839: 54 (w.q.) POLAND. Junior synonym of gagates: Mayr, 1855: 248; Nylander, 1856b: 65.
  • fuscogagates. Formica fusca var. fuscogagates Forel, 1874: 54 (w.q.) SWITZERLAND. Combination in F. (Serviformica): Forel, 1915d: 63. Raised to species: Bondroit, 1918: 47. Subspecies of gagates: Emery, 1909b: 195; Emery, 1925b: 249. Junior synonym of gagates: Kutter, 1977c: 254.



Bingham (1903) - Dark castaneous or piceous brown, smooth and shining, with a few scattered erect hairs on the front of the head and on the posterior half of the abdomen. Head narrower, with the cheeks slightly flatter and straighter than in F. fusca; clypeus comparatively large, convex, medially vertically carinate; this carina in all specimens from India that I have seen is slight, not acute, and medially interrupted. Thorax above less deeply emarginate at the meso-metanotal suture than in F. fusca. Node of the pedicel convex in front, flat posteriorly, its upper margin rounded, remarkably attenuate and sharp; abdomen narrower, less depressed and more convex above than in F. fusca.

Borowiec and Salata (2022) - Large with strongly marked size-variation, HL: 1.048-1.840 (mean 1.512); HW: 0.873-1.640 (mean 1.316); SL: 1.150-1.820 (mean 1.560); EL: 0.302-0.511 (mean 0.417); ML: 1.52-2.54; MW: 0.68-1.14. Color. Body usually uniformly dark brown to black, antennae yellowish to yellowish brown, in the darkest form coxa, trochanters and femora dark brown, tibiae brown, tarsi yellowish brown, in the palest form coxa yellowish brown, trochanters yellowish, femora yellowish brown, tibiae and tarsi yellowish, all intermediate forms occur between the darkest and the lightest forms. Head. 1.1-1.2 times longer than wide, in front of eyes softly converging anterad, behind eyes softly rounded, occipital margin straight to slightly convex. Clypeus with median keel, on the whole surface microsculptured but shiny, slightly trapezoidal, its anterior margin convex, sides convergent posterad, posterior margin shallowly concave in the middle, whole clypeal surface with short and very sparse appressed pubescence, a row of moderately long setae close at the anterior margin and usually 8 long erected setae arranged in three rows 4-2-2, the longest anterior seta with length 0.238. Head distinctly sculptured but shiny, with short and sparse appressed pubescence not covering head surface, interocular area with one to two pairs of long erected setae and ocellar usually with one pair of long, erected yellow setae, in large workers sometimes with additional 1-2 setae, ventral side of head lacking erected setae only in the largest workers sometimes with single seta on each side of gular area. Scape moderately long, 1.1-1.3 times longer than width of head, thin, distinctly reaching beyond the occipital margin, distinctly, regularly widened from base to apex, its surface microreticulate, with short and dense appressed pubescence, erected setae absent. Funicular segments elongate, thin, first segment 1.6-1.7 times as long as second segment, the second segment 1.7 times as long as wide, distinctly shorter than third segment, the rest of funicular segments clearly longer than broad. Eyes big, elongate oval, approximately 0.28 length of head. Mesosoma. Elongate in dorsal view distinctly constricted in the middle, 2.2-2.3 times as long as wide, dorsally and laterally with superficial microreticulation, surface shiny, sculpture on sides of pronotum often tends to form relatively regular striation. In lateral view promesonotum convex, mesonotal groove moderately deep, propodeum regularly convex . Whole mesosomal surface covered with short and sparse appressed pubescence not covering the mesosomal surface, setation of pronotum variable, without or up to 20 short erected setae, the longest with length 0.095, setae if present then directed mostly upward, mesonotum without or with 1-6 very short erected setae in posterior half, propodeum lacking erected setae. Waist and gaster. Petiolar scale broad, moderately thick in lateral view, apex rounded without setae. Gaster shorter than mesosoma, all tergites distinctly microreticulate but appears indistinctly shiny, covered with short and moderate dense appressed pubescence not completely covering surface of tergites distance between hairs smaller than half length of hair. All tergites close to posterior margin with a row of setae and whore surface of tergites with sparse and long erected setae. Legs. Ventral surface of fore femora without or 1-6 erected setae, of mid femora lacking erected setae or at most two setae close to trochanter.


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  • n = 27, 2n = 54 (France; old Yugoslavia) (Hauschteck-Jungen & Jungen, 1976).


References based on Global Ant Biodiversity Informatics

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