Key to Nearctic species in the Formica rufa group
This worker key is based on: Stockan, J., E. Robinson, J. Trager, I. Yao, and B. Seifert, B. 2016. Introducing wood ants: Evolution, phylogeny, identification and distribution. In J. Stockan and E. Robinson (Eds.), Wood Ant Ecology and Conservation. pp. 1-36. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9781107261402.002
In the following key, Formica reflexa and Formica dakotensis, which are traditionally placed in the rufa complex, and the introduced Formica paralugubris, have been excluded.
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- Erect setae of pronotum widen from base to a flattened apex broader than the shaft of the seta; major workers small, outstretched length from clypeal margin to acidopore rarely exceeding 6 mm, their head capsule in full face view usually longer than broad . . . . . microgyna complex (not further keyed)
- Erect setae of pronotum tapering or if blunt-tipped, not broader apically nor spatulate; major workers larger, outstretched length exceeding 6 mm, often up to 8–9 mm; head capsule of largest workers in full face view most often broader than long . . . . . rufa group sensu stricto . . . . . 2
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- Antennal scapes with <10 setae, or most often without erect or suberect setae except for a few near the distal end (Pacific Northwest F. obscuripes may have more, but these are very short and decumbent), when present on the shaft, setae occur singly and are scattered . . . . . 3
- Antennal scapes with >12 setae, often many more erect setae on all surfaces, these not uncommonly appearing paired . . . . . Formica oreas
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- Cross section of median portion of clypeus box-like, dorsal surface meeting steeply descending sides through a distinct angle, dorsal view of clypeus appearing pinched in from the sides and broadly hourglass shaped; clypeal fossae deep, broad (Figure 1.8) . . . . . 4
- Cross section of median portion of clypeus parabolic, descending to clypeal fossae through an even curve or broadly rounded angle which begins at median carina, dorsal view of median clypeus not pinched in, rather, roughly quadrate, trapezoidal or heptagonal in shape; clypeal fossae shallow, narrower (Figure 1.9) . . . . . 6
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- Worker with few erect or suberect setae visible in profile; mesonotum and propodeum with few to no standing setae, erect setae patchy when present . . . . . 5
- Worker with numerous erect or suberect setae about evenly distributed over entire dorsal profile, including the mesonotum and propodeum . . . . . Formica obscuriventris
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- Dorsal profile with scattered, moderately abundant pilosity; western mountain states and Canadian provinces . . . . . Formica laeviceps
- Dorsal profile lacking or with very few erect setae (Figure 1.10); prairie states north to Alberta and east to New England and Canadian Maritime provinces . . . . . Formica fossaceps
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- Dorsal profile with numerous erect or suberect setae about evenly distributed on head vertex, pronotum, mesonotum and propodeum . . . . . 7
- Dorsal profile with few erect or suberect setae on vertex, and especially, with patchy, few and scattered, or no erect setae on mesonotum and propodeum . . . . . 8
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- Legs red, matching or at most only slightly browner than mesosoma; all sizes of workers bicoloured, without infuscation; dorsal surfaces of middle and hind tibiae with abundant, long, suberect pilosity . . . . . Formica coloradensis
- Legs blackish; workers infuscated to varying degrees ranging from symmetrical dark dorsal blotches to blackening of all tagmata; dorsal surfaces of middle and hind tibiae with variable but short, suberect pilosity, or this sometimes almost lacking . . . . . Formica obscuripes (as conceived here, obscuripes includes questionably distinct taxon planipilis)
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- Erect setae absent or at most very few and irregularly scattered on upper surface of head ,mesosoma and petiole . . . . . 9
- Erect setae present and approximately evenly spaced on at least dorsum of pronotum and propodeum . . . . . 11
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- Completely or largely non-shiny species; sides and venter of head and dorsum of gaster opaque to subopaque; gaster densely pubescent and greyish . . . . . 10
- Shinier species: at least sides and venter of head and dorsum of gaster shiny; gaster pubescence sparser, not completely obscuring view of integument . . . . . Formica subnitens
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- Compound eyes with a few, short, fine erect setae arising among the facets; western North America (as far east as the Dakotas and New Mexico) (Figure 1.11) . . . . . Formica ravida
- Compound eyes without erect setae; eastern United States (as far west as Wisconsin and Mississippi) . . . . . Formica integra
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- Gaster clothed with close-set, short erect setae that give the appearance in profile of a loose, plush-like investiture . . . . . 12
- Gaster with erect setae more widely spaced and not forming an even investiture . . . . . 14
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- Underside of head with numerous erect setae, usually >10 (Figure 1.13) . . . . . 13
- Underside of head usually devoid of erect setae, usually <4 (Figure 1.12) . . . . . Formica ciliata
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- Standing setae of gaster longer, >0.10 mm; smaller species, major workers usually <7.0 mm total length (Figure 1.14) . . . . . Formica mucescens
- Standing setae of gaster shorter, <0.06 mm; larger species, major workers >8.0 mm total length (Figure 1.15) . . . . . Formica comata
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- Gastral tergites lacking or with very few erect setae (sometimes a few near the anterior face of first tergite) . . . . . 15
- Gastral tergites with erect setae more abundant and usually more evenly distributed . . . . . 17
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- Pronotum and angle of propodeum with numerous erect setae; gastral dorsum lacking erect pilosity, even at the rear margins of tergites, but venter with abundant, flexuous pilosity; Midwestern US grassland and open oak woodland species . . . . . 16
- Pronotum and propodeum lacking pilosity; gastral dorsum with a few erect setae, especially at the rear margins of tergites, and a similar array ventrally; grassland from western Dakotas to base of Rocky Mountains . . . . . Formica criniventris
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- Anterior clypeal margin and mandibles with numerous coarse, flexuous, setae, Ohio west to Wisconsin and south western Iowa . . . . . Formica prociliata
- Anterior clypeal margin and mandibles with only a few, short inconspicuous, setae, known only from northern Illinois . . . . . Formica ferocula
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- Standing setae of gastral tergites tapering, pointed at tip. . . . . . 18
- Standing setae of gastral tergites flattened, blunt at tip . . . . . Formica calviceps
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- Vertex margin and sides of head lacking erect setae . . . . . Formica propinqua
- Vertex margin and sides of head with numerous erect setae at least to the level of the eyes . . . . . Formica integroides