View table: Economolab3D

Table structure:

  1. Name - String
  2. Genus - String
  3. Caste - String
  4. View - String
  5. Link - String
  6. SpecimenIdentifier - String
  7. Institution - String
  8. Notes - String

This table has 144 rows altogether.

Recreate data.

Page Name Genus Caste View Link SpecimenIdentifier Institution Notes
Acanthomyrmex ferox (edit) Acanthomyrmex ferox Acanthomyrmex major worker body ''Acanthomyrmex'' workers are divided into two different subcastes, so-called minor and major workers. These species are mostly seed predators and the big-headed major workers crush the seeds with their powerful mandibles.
Acanthomyrmex ferox (edit) Acanthomyrmex ferox Acanthomyrmex minor worker body ''Acanthomyrmex'' workers are divided into two different subcastes, so-called minor and major workers. These species are mostly seed predators and the big-headed major workers crush the seeds with their powerful mandibles.
Camponotus obscuripes (edit) Camponotus obscuripes Camponotus worker body This model was prepared by Tunosemi.
Carebara elmenteitae (edit) Carebara elmenteitae Carebara major worker body
Carebara elmenteitae (edit) Carebara elmenteitae Carebara worker head Phragmotic major worker head.
Carebara lilith (edit) Carebara lilith Carebara worker body Phragmotic major worker. Collected from leaf litter by R. Belshaw on Nov. 8th, 1992 in Ashanti, Juaso in Ghana.
Carebara phragmotica (edit) Carebara phragmotica Carebara major worker body Phragmotic major worker. Kakamega Forest, Kenya.
Cataglyphis savignyi (edit) Cataglyphis savignyi Cataglyphis queen body CASENT0709124 Because of scanning constraints, only the veins of the wings are visible.
Cataglyphis savignyi (edit) Cataglyphis savignyi Cataglyphis worker body CASENT0709126
Crematogaster dentata (edit) Crematogaster dentata Crematogaster worker body CASENT0138306 ''Crematogaster dentata'', a common acrobat ant species from Madagascar (CASC: CASENT0138306).
Daceton armigerum (edit) Daceton armigerum Daceton worker head CASENT0790345 OIST Head of specialised, arboreal trap-jaw ant from South America.
Dinomyrmex gigas (edit) Dinomyrmex gigas Dinomyrmex worker head CASENT0742837 OIST Head of one of the largest ants in the world, collected from Borneo, Malaysia.
Dinoponera quadriceps (edit) Dinoponera quadriceps Dinoponera worker body CASENT0742902 OIST
Discothyrea aisnetu (edit) Discothyrea aisnetu Discothyrea worker body CASENT0235475 SAMC
Discothyrea athene (edit) Discothyrea athene Discothyrea worker body CASENT00764088 BMNH
Discothyrea banna (edit) Discothyrea banna Discothyrea worker body CASENT0717827 OIST
Discothyrea chimera (edit) Discothyrea chimera Discothyrea worker body CASENT0235471 SAMC
Discothyrea damato (edit) Discothyrea damato Discothyrea worker body CASENT0247362 BMNH
Discothyrea damato (edit) Discothyrea damato Discothyrea worker body CASENT0764592 OIST
Discothyrea diana (edit) Discothyrea diana Discothyrea worker body CASENT0717811 OIST
Discothyrea dryad (edit) Discothyrea dryad Discothyrea worker body CASENT0247374 BMNH
Discothyrea gaia (edit) Discothyrea gaia Discothyrea worker body CASENT0790100 BMNH
Discothyrea gryphon (edit) Discothyrea gryphon Discothyrea worker body CASENT0790103 BMNH
Discothyrea hawkesi (edit) Discothyrea hawkesi Discothyrea worker body CASENT0235470 SAMC
Discothyrea kalypso (edit) Discothyrea kalypso Discothyrea worker body CASENT0235468 SAMC
Discothyrea maia (edit) Discothyrea maia Discothyrea worker body CASENT0790541 BMNH
Discothyrea michelae (edit) Discothyrea michelae Discothyrea worker body CASENT0235469 SAMC
Discothyrea mixta (edit) Discothyrea mixta Discothyrea worker body CASENT0285473
Discothyrea patrizii (edit) Discothyrea patrizii Discothyrea worker body CASENT0235472 ''Discothyrea patrizii'', a widespread species in eastern Africa. These ants are specialised predators of spider eggs (located at OIST: CASENT0235472).
Discothyrea penthos (edit) Discothyrea penthos Discothyrea worker body CASENT0790105 BMNH
Discothyrea poweri (edit) Discothyrea poweri Discothyrea worker body CASENT0764095 OIST
Discothyrea schulzei (edit) Discothyrea schulzei Discothyrea worker body CASENT0790121 BMNH
Discothyrea traegaordhi (edit) Discothyrea traegaordhi Discothyrea worker body CASENT0790122 BMNH
Discothyrea venus (edit) Discothyrea venus Discothyrea worker body CASENT0195467 OIST
Discothyrea venus (edit) Discothyrea venus Discothyrea worker body CASENT0790116 BMNH
Discothyrea wakanda (edit) Discothyrea wakanda Discothyrea worker body CASENT0790326 MRAC
Dolichoderus thoracicus (edit) Dolichoderus thoracicus Dolichoderus worker head CASENT0790269 OIST
Echinopla melanarctos (edit) Echinopla melanarctos Echinopla worker body CASENT0790591 ''Echinopla melanarctos''. This is one of the most bizarre and weird looking ant species and occurs in Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. The ants look spiny and hairy, but the “spines” are actually socket-shaped protuberances (“pedestals”) of their cuticle from which very long thi
Eciton burchellii (edit) Eciton burchellii Eciton major worker body The largest soldiers of this species have tusk like mandibles, that are a specialised defence against larger predators.
Ectatomma ruidum (edit) Ectatomma ruidum Ectatomma worker head CASENT0742835 OIST These ants from South American are specialised thiefs that steal food from other ant colonies.
Euponera sikorae (edit) Euponera sikorae Euponera queen body Because of scanning constraints, only the more sclerotised veins of the wings can be seen.
Gerontoformica gracilis (edit) Gerontoformica gracilis Gerontoformica worker body This is a 3D model of a fossilized ant first presented in the scientific article ‘Evidence for the evolution of eusociality in stem ants and a systematic revision of †''Gerontoformica'' (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)’ published in the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society by Brendon E. Boudinot
Gerontoformica sternorhabda (edit) Gerontoformica sternorhabda Gerontoformica worker body This is a 3D model of a fossilized ant first presented in the scientific article ‘Evidence for the evolution of eusociality in stem ants and a systematic revision of †''Gerontoformica'' (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)’ published in the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society by Brendon E. Boudinot
Melissotarsus (edit) Melissotarsus Melissotarsus queen body CASENT0790224 OIST ''Melissotarsus'' sp. queen. Rare and bizarre ants from Africa that live under bark of trees.
Melissotarsus (edit) Melissotarsus Melissotarsus worker body CASENT0790858 OIST ''Melissotarsus'' sp. worker. Rare and bizarre ants from Africa that live under bark of trees.
Meranoplus magrettii (edit) Meranoplus magrettii Meranoplus worker body CASENT0790674
Morphology and Terminology (edit) Melissotarsus Melissotarsus worker mouthparts CASENT0790604 Open mouthparts of bark-inhabiting ant species ''Melissotarsus'' sp. from Africa.
Morphology and Terminology (edit) Proceratium sp. Proceratium worker head CASENT0790271 OIST Specimen from USA
Myopopone castanea (edit) Myopopone castanea Myopopone worker head Head of ''M. castanea'' worker (“dracula ant”) from the Australasian region.
Mystrium camillae (edit) Mystrium camillae Mystrium worker body
Nesomyrmex cataulacoides (edit) Nesomyrmex cataulacoides Nesomyrmex worker body CASENT0790667 OIST Heavily armoured arboreal ant species from Kakamega Forest in Western Kenya.
Paraponera clavata (edit) Paraponera clavata Paraponera worker body CASENT0745697 ''Paraponera clavata''. This a large, ponerine ant occurs in Central and South American rainforests. Due to its large and painful stinger it is also known as “bullet ant” or “bala” (located at OIST: CASENT0745697).
Pheidole aana (edit) Pheidole aana Pheidole major worker body
Pheidole aana (edit) Pheidole aana Pheidole minor worker body
Pheidole cervicornis (edit) Pheidole cervicornis Pheidole minor worker body
Pheidole drogon (edit) Pheidole drogon Pheidole minor worker body
Pheidole klaman (edit) Pheidole klaman Pheidole major worker body CASENT0764691 ''Pheidole klaman'' major worker from Taï National Park, Ivory Coast (HNMUK: CASENT0764691).
Pheidole klaman (edit) Pheidole klaman Pheidole minor worker body CASENT0764692 ''Pheidole klaman'' minor worker from Taï National Park, Ivory Coast (KGAC: CASENT0764692).
Pheidole klaman (edit) Pheidole klaman Pheidole minor worker body CASENT0745509 ''Pheidole klaman'' minor worker from Taï National Park, Ivory Coast (KGAC: CASENT0745509).
Pheidole lucida (edit) Pheidole lucida Pheidole queen body
Pheidole lucida (edit) Pheidole lucida Pheidole worker body CASENT0038297
Pheidole madecassa (edit) Pheidole madecassa Pheidole major worker body CASENT0319212 A major worker.
Pheidole madecassa (edit) Pheidole madecassa Pheidole minor worker body CASENT0319212 A minor worker.
Pheidole madecassa (edit) Pheidole madecassa Pheidole queen body CASENT0163855
Pheidole oculata (edit) Pheidole oculata Pheidole worker body CASENT0740726
Pheidole oswaldi (edit) Pheidole oswaldi Pheidole major worker body CASENT0709659 A major worker from Madagascar.
Pheidole veteratrix (edit) Pheidole veteratrix Pheidole major worker body CASENT0709613 A major worker from Madagascar.
Pheidole veteratrix (edit) Pheidole veteratrix Pheidole minor worker body CASENT0709612 A minor worker from Madagascar.
Pheidole veteratrix (edit) Pheidole veteratrix Pheidole queen body CASENT0198769
Pheidole viserion (edit) Pheidole viserion Pheidole major worker body
Pheidole viserion (edit) Pheidole viserion Pheidole minor worker body
Platythyrea cribrinodis (edit) Platythyrea cribrinodis Platythyrea worker body CASENT0764758 ''Platythyrea cribrinodis'' (CASENT0764758) collected from Kenya. This species makes simple nest entrances in the ground and forages individually for insect prey. Has a painful sting. Specimen located at OIST.
Polyrhachis decemdentata (edit) Polyrhachis decemdentata Polyrhachis worker body CASENT0764764 ''Polyrhachis decemdentata'' (CASENT0764764) collected from Uganda. This species usually nests in rotten parts of standing trees, such as in branches which previously suffered a termite attack. Specimen located at OIST.
Polyrhachis lamellidens (edit) Polyrhachis lamellidens Polyrhachis worker body This model was prepared by Tunosemi.
Proceratium bruelheidei (edit) Proceratium bruelheidei Proceratium worker body CASENT0790023 SWFU
Proceratium deelemani (edit) Proceratium deelemani Proceratium worker body CASENT0281858 OIST
Proceratium itoi (edit) Proceratium itoi Proceratium worker body CASENT0016142 OIST
Proceratium japonicum (edit) Proceratium japonicum Proceratium worker body CASENT0790834 OIST
Proceratium kepingmai (edit) Proceratium kepingmai Proceratium worker body CASENT0790031 SWFU
Proceratium longigaster (edit) Proceratium longigaster Proceratium worker body CASENT0790673 OIST
Proceratium shohei (edit) Proceratium shohei Proceratium worker body CASENT0717686 SWFU
Proceratium zhaoi (edit) Proceratium zhaoi Proceratium worker body CASENT07900671 zhaoi
Proceratium zhaoi (edit) Proceratium zhaoi Proceratium worker body CASENT0790672 SWFU
Protalaridris armata (edit) Protalaridris armata Protalaridris worker head CASENT0790479 OIST Head of bizarre, very small, cryptic predatory ant from northern South America.
Protanilla lini (edit) Protanilla lini Protanilla worker head CASENT0709417 ''Protanilla lini''. Rarely enountered, small, subterranean ant from Taiwan and Okinawa, Japan. These ants a specialised predators of millipeds (OIST: CASENT0709417).
Protanilla lini (edit) Protanilla lini Protanilla worker head CASENT0709417 ''Protanilla lini''. Rarely enountered, small, subterranean ant from Taiwan and Okinawa, Japan. These ants a specialised predators of millipeds (OIST: CASENT0709417).
Protanilla rafflesi (edit) Protanilla rafflesi Protanilla worker head CASENT0742972 ''Protanilla rafflesi''. Rarely enountered, small, subterranean ant from Singapore. These ants a specialised predators of millipeds (OIST: CASENT0742972).
Sandbox/Morphology (edit) Melissotarsus Melissotarsus worker mouthparts CASENT0790604 Open mouthparts of bark-inhabiting ant species ''Melissotarsus'' sp. from Africa.
Sandbox/Morphology (edit) Proceratium sp. Proceratium worker head CASENT0790271 OIST Specimen from USA
Solenopsis abdita (edit) Solenopsis abdita Solenopsis worker body CASENT0709348 OIST Originally identified as ''Solenopsis saudiensis'' but now known to be a junior synonym of ''Solenopsis abdita''.
Solenopsis elhawagryi (edit) Solenopsis elhawagryi Solenopsis worker body CASENT0709354 OIST Rarely collected, likely subterranean species from the Arabian Peninsula.
Solenopsis geminata (edit) Solenopsis geminata Solenopsis major worker body CASENT0742906 OIST Major worker.
Solenopsis geminata (edit) Solenopsis geminata Solenopsis minor worker body CASENT0742907 OIST Minor worker.
Solenopsis globularia (edit) Solenopsis globularia Solenopsis worker body CASENT0709353 ''Solenopsis globularia''. This is a widely distributed species from Central and South America, also found in the southerwestern mountains of the Arabian Peninsula (located at OIST: CASENT0709353).
Solenopsis invicta (edit) Solenopsis invicta Solenopsis major worker body OKENT0011212 OIST Major worker.
Solenopsis invicta (edit) Solenopsis invicta Solenopsis minor worker body OKENT0011209 OIST Minor worker.
Sphinctomyrmex stali (edit) Sphinctomyrmex stali Sphinctomyrmex worker body CASENT0790135 OIST ''Sphinctomyrmex stali'' a rare subterranen ant from Brazilian rainforest.
Strongylognathus arnoldii (edit) Strongylognathus arnoldii Strongylognathus worker body CASENT0764574 Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen Dulotic or “slave-raiding” ant species from Russia with saber-shaped mandibles.
Strumigenys anorak (edit) Strumigenys anorak Strumigenys worker body CASENT0186900 ''Strumigenys'' FJ18.
Strumigenys artemis (edit) Strumigenys artemis Strumigenys worker body CASENT0186982 OIST ''Strumigenys'' FJ13.
