Key to tribes of Malagasy Myrmicinae (males)

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Key to tribes of the subfamily Myrmicinae in the Malagasy region, based on males (from Ramamonjisoa et al., 2023).

The subfamily of Myrmicinae is represented by four tribes and 30 genera in the Malagasy region:


  • In profile, occipital carina strongly developed (Fig. 4A); mesoscutellum strongly elevated above metanotum; in dorsal view, scutellum smooth and convex (Fig. 4C); petiole distinctly pedunculate. With the head in full-face view, mandible always triangular => Stenammini (Aphaenogaster)
  • In profile, occipital carina not forming a sharp ridge (Fig. 4B); mesoscutellum slightly convex to flat; in dorsal view, scutellum with or without sculptured (Fig. 4D); petiole sessile to shortly pedunculate. With the head in full-face view, the mandible broadly triangular to reduce => 2
  • Ramamonjisoa et al. (2023), Figure 4. In profile view showing occipital carina. A, B, Aphaenogaster bressleri (CASENT0495103). In dorsal view form mesoscutellum. C, D, Cyphomyrmex minitus (CASENT0264488).


return to couplet #1

  • In profile, posterodorsal margin of head almost straight from the base of the lateral ocelli to the midpoint of the occipital carina. (Fig. 5A) => Attini (part)
  • In profile, posterodorsal margin of head gradually rounded from the base of the lateral ocelli to the midpoint of the occipital margin. (Fig. 5B) => 3
  • Ramamonjisoa et al. (2023), Figure 5. Head in profile view. A, Strumigenys chilo (CASENT0145240). B, Tetramorium silvicola (CASENT0494732).


return to couplet #2

  • Cross-vein 2rs-m present on forewing (Fig. 6A) => Attini (Pheidole)
  • Cross-vein 2rs-m absent on forewing (Fig. 6B) => 4
  • Ramamonjisoa et al. (2023), Figure 6. Forewing. A, Pheidole mgs006 (CASENT0135889). B, Carebara drm03 (CASENT0143975).


return to couplet #3

  • Mandible strongly developed; masticatory margin with 7 large teeth which increase in size from apex to base; between each tooth is a minute denticle (Fig. 7A) => Attini (Pilotrochus)
  • Mandible normal to reduced; edentate to multidentate with many acute teeth which decrease in size from apex to base; without denticle between the teeth (Fig. 7B) => 5
  • Ramamonjisoa et al. (2023), Figure 7. Mandible. A, Pilotrochus besmerus (CASENT0057183). B, Malagidris sofina (CASENT0906626).


return to couplet #4

  • In lateral view, anterior margin of promesonotum forms a continuous outline, pronotal furrow not breaking outline (Fig. 8A) => Solenopsidini
  • In lateral view, anterior margin of promesonotum interrupted by an impressed pronotal furrow that breaks the outline (Fig. 8B) or mesonotum strongly produced anterodorsally (Fig. 8C) => Crematogastrini
  • Ramamonjisoa et al. (2023), Figure 8. In profile view. A, Monomorium termitobium (CASENT0135952). B, Meranoplus mayri (CASENT0062813). C, Crematogaster hazolava (CASENT0317643).
