Temnothorax ravouxi

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Temnothorax ravouxi
Conservation status
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Myrmicinae
Tribe: Crematogastrini
Genus: Temnothorax
Species group: palearctic
Species: T. ravouxi
Binomial name
Temnothorax ravouxi
(André, 1896)

Myrmoxenus ravouxi casent0173641 profile 1.jpg

Myrmoxenus ravouxi casent0173641 dorsal 1.jpg

Specimen Label


Temnothorax rauouxi is an active slavemaker with a normally developed worker caste. It conducts well-organized raids upon colonies of its host species (Winter 1979, Buschinger, Winter 1983). Its hosts are most frequently Temnothorax unifasciatus (mainly in the west of Europe), as well as Temnothorax affinis (in the south), Temnothorax albipennis, Temnothorax nadigi (Poland), Temnothorax nigriceps and Temnothorax tuberum (in the east) (Czechowski & Czechowska, 2000).

At a Glance • Dulotic  


Prebus (2017) - A member of the Palearctic clade.


Latitudinal Distribution Pattern

Latitudinal Range: 49.78306° to 36.468611°.

Tropical South

Distribution based on Regional Taxon Lists

Palaearctic Region: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, France (type locality), Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iberian Peninsula, Italy, Poland, Russian Federation, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Türkiye.

Distribution based on AntMaps


Distribution based on AntWeb specimens

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Countries Occupied

Number of countries occupied by this species based on AntWiki Regional Taxon Lists. In general, fewer countries occupied indicates a narrower range, while more countries indicates a more widespread species.

Estimated Abundance

Relative abundance based on number of AntMaps records per species (this species within the purple bar). Fewer records (to the left) indicates a less abundant/encountered species while more records (to the right) indicates more abundant/encountered species.


Temnothorax ravouxi is a slave-making ant, as are most species of the former genus Myrmoxenus (Temnothorax adlerzi and Temnothorax corsicus are workerless degenerate slave-makers). Slaves include the following species (Czechowski & Czechowska, 2000):

Temnothorax ravouxi slave raid.jpg

For a slave raid a few T. ravouxi workers search around their nest for colonies of one of the host species. A successful scout ant then leads a small group of T. ravouxi workers on a short-lived pheromone trail (from poison gland secretion) to the host nest. The slave-makers fight with stinging the defending host workers mainly into the mouthparts or into the gaster. Finally, they carry the host pupae back to the slavemaker nest where they eclose to become slaves. (Winter, U. (1979): Epimyrma goesswaldi MENOZZI, eine sklavenhaltende Ameise. Naturwissenschaften 66, 581-582)

T. ravouxi queen attacking the queen of an invaded nest.
T. ravouxi queen attacking the queen of an invaded nest. Photo by Olivier Delattre

As all former Myrmoxenus species, T. ravouxi founds its colonies in dependence of one of the host species. A mated T. ravouxi queen seeks adoption in a nest, e. g. of T. unifasciatus, where it is barely attacked, then kills the host colony queen by throttling it with her mandibles grasping around the neck or throat of the host queen. This queen dies after several days or even weeks, and the adult host workers accept the T. ravouxi as their replacement queen.

Association with Other Organisms

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  • This species is a host for the nematode Mermithidae (unspecified "Mermix") (a parasite) in Germany (Gosswald, 1930; Laciny, 2021) (as Epimyrma gösswaldi).

Flight Period

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Source: antkeeping.info.

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Life History Traits

  • Queen number: monogynous (Frumhoff & Ward, 1992)
  • Queen type: winged (Frumhoff & Ward, 1992) (queenless worker reproduction)



The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World.

  • ravouxi. Formicoxenus ravouxi André, 1896a: 367 (q.) FRANCE. Combination in Epimyrma: Emery, 1915a: 262; in Myrmoxenus: Schulz & Sanetra, 2002: 162; in Temnothorax: Ward et al., 2014: 15. Senior synonym of goesswaldi: Buschinger, 1982: 352. See also: Menozzi, 1931c: 44; Kutter, 1973e: 281.
  • goesswaldi. Epimyrma goesswaldi Menozzi, in Gösswald, 1930: 464, figs. 1-3 (w.q.m.) GERMANY. [Also described as new by Menozzi, 1931c: 41.] Junior synonym of ravouxi: Buschinger, 1982: 352. See also: Stitz, 1939: 186; Kutter, 1973e: 281.



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  • n = 10 (France; Germany; Italy; Switzerland) (Buschinger et al., 1986; Fischer, 1987) (as Epimyrma ravouxi).


References based on Global Ant Biodiversity Informatics

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  • AntArea. Accessed on February 5th 2014 at http://antarea.fr/fourmi/
  • Antarea (at www.antarea.fr on June 11th 2017)
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