Syrian Arab Republic | |
Location | |
Region | Asia |
Subregion | Western Asia |
BioRegion | Palaearctic Region |
Diversity | |
Subfamilies | 3 |
Genera | 12 |
Endemic Genera | 0 |
% Endemic Genera | 0.0% |
Species/Subspecies | 41 |
Endemic Species | 9 |
% Endemic Species | 22.0% |
Introduced Species | 0 |
The following valid species and subspecies of ants are known to occur in Syria. Unidentified and undescribed species will be added to this list as identifications are verified and taxonomic revisions are published. This species list is based upon the effort of many ant collectors as well as myrmecologists who have published on the taxonomy of Syrian ants. Those who have specimen records that expand this list are encouraged to submit this information in the discussion section of the Syrian Ants web page. Please advise if any corrections are warranted.
- Aphaenogaster hamaensis Salata, Karaman, Kiran & Borowiec, 2021
- Aphaenogaster kervillei Forel, 1910
- Aphaenogaster schmitzi Forel, 1910
- Aphaenogaster splendida (Roger, 1859)
- Aphaenogaster syriaca Emery, 1908
- Camponotus dalmaticus (Nylander, 1849)
- Camponotus fellah Dalla Torre, 1893
- Camponotus festai Emery, 1894
- Camponotus palmyrensis Tohmé, G. & Tohmé, H., 2000
- Camponotus rebeccae Forel, 1913
- Camponotus sanctus Forel, 1904
- Camponotus sannini Tohme & Tohme, 1999
- Cataglyphis albicans (Roger, 1859)
- Cataglyphis altisquamis André, 1881
- Cataglyphis frigida André, 1881
- Crematogaster inermis armatula Emery, 1926
- Crematogaster lorteti Forel, 1910
- Crematogaster phoenica Santschi, 1915
- Crematogaster phoenica pygmalion Santschi, 1934
- Lepisiota frauenfeldi libanica Santschi, 1921
- Lepisiota syriaca André, 1881
- Messor alexandri Tohmé, G. & Tohmé, H., 1981
- Messor hebraeus Santschi, 1927
- Messor intermedius Santschi, 1927
- Messor luridus virginalis Santschi, 1927
- Messor maculifrons Santschi, 1927
- Messor nahali Tohmé, G. & Tohmé, H., 1981
- Messor rufotestaceus Foerster, 1850
- Messor rugosus (André, 1881)
- Messor syriacus Tohmé, G., 1969
- Messor testaceus Bernard, 1980
- Messor wasmanni Krausse, 1910
- Monomorium syriacum (Tohmé, H. & Tohmé, G., 1980)
- Monomorium venustum Smith, F., 1858
- Oxyopomyrmex oculatus André, 1881
- Parasyscia piochardi Emery, 1882
- Solenopsis fugax emesa Tohmé, H. & Tohmé, G., 1980
- Solenopsis fugax karaki Tohmé, H. & Tohmé, G., 1980
- Tapinoma israele Forel, 1904
- Tetramorium lucidulum Menozzi, 1933
- Tetramorium syriacum Emery, 1924
- Trichomyrmex dentigera (Roger, 1862)