North Carolina Amber

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North Carolina Amber
Age (Ma)
Start: 83.5
End: 70.6
System/Period: Cretaceous
Series/Epoch: Late Cretaceous
Stage/Age: Early Campanian
Location: Neuse River, North Carolina
Country: United States
Coordinates: 35.4°N, 78.0°W
Paleocoordinates: 35.6°N, 49.5°W
Species: 3

All material described by Sosiak et al. (2024) was collected in North Carolina (USA) from an amber deposit in an Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) outcrop. The deposit is located along the Neuse River near Goldsboro, a locality that is part of the Cretaceous Black Creek Formation. The lower part of the unit is characterized by gray feldspathic sand with lenses of dark clay; the upper part consists of thinly interbedded dark clays with micaceous silty fine sand. Amber from North Carolina has been designated as a Group A or B fossil resin based on nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, suggesting that the botanical source is likely coniferous or a dipterocarp.

Genera known from North Carolina amber

No genera are unique to this formation.

Species known from North Carolina amber

Location of Formation