McAbee Fossil

AntWiki: The Ants --- Online

Age (Ma)
Start: 55.8
End: 48.6
System/Period: Paleogene
Series/Epoch: Eocene
Stage/Age: Ypresian
Location: McAbee, British Columbia
Country: Canada
Coordinates: 50.8°N, 121.1°W
Genera: 4
Species: 9

British Colombia fossil map (Archibald et al., 2018).jpg

British Colombian fossil localities containing ants (Archibald et al., 2018).

Genera known from McAbee

Species known from McAbee

Location of Formation

© OpenStreetMap contributors

Photo Gallery

  • Archibald et al. (2024), Figure 7. Oecophyllini sp. A, BBM-PAL-P000044, worker of unnamed species of Oecophyllini from McAbee, British Columbia, Canada: A, photograph and B, drawing. Both to scale, 5 mm.