Key to Philippine Myrmicinae
This worker key is based on: General, D. and G. Alpert. 2012. A synoptic review of the ant genera (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the Philippines. ZooKeys. 200:1-111 doi: 10.3897/zookeys.200.2447.
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- Ants of the Philippines - list of species
- Philippine Ants
- Myrmicinae
- In side view, antennal scrobe present below eye . . . . . 2
- In side view, antennal scrobe absent or present above eye . . . . . 3
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- Antenna 7-segmented; antennal scape triangular, widest near insertion and tapering distally; petiole pedunculate; propodeum armed with thin longitudinal flanges . . . . . Basiceros
- Antenna 11-segmented; antennal scape rod-like; petiole sessile; propodeum armed with 2 thick spines . . . . . Cataulacus
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- Petiole lacking a distinct node . . . . . 4
- Petiole with a distinct node . . . . . 6
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- Petiole transversely flattened; in dorsal view, in dorsal view, gaster roughly heart-shaped . . . . . Crematogaster
- Petiole roughly barrel-shaped; in dorsal view, gaster not heart-shaped . . . . . 5
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- Side of head with a longitudinal ridge running below the eye, from rear border to mandibular insertion; posterolateral corner of the head not forming a blunt point . . . . . Myrmecina
- Side of head lacking a ridge below the eye; posterolateral corner of the head forming a blunt point . . . . . Dilobocondyla
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- Mandibles bidentate (with 2 teeth); mesosoma without a metanotal groove . . . . . Tyrannomyrmex
- Mandibles with more than 2 teeth; mesosoma usually with a metanotal groove . . . . .
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- Petiole and postpetiole with at least some light-colored sponge-like tissue . . . . . 8
- Petiole and postpetiole never with sponge-like tissue . . . . . 9
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- Sponge-like tissue only on ventral surface of petiole, postpetiole, and the 4th abdominal segment; antenna 11-segmented . . . . . Dacetinops
- Sponge-like tissue on lateral, as well as ventral, surfaces of petiole, postpetiole, and 4th abdominal segment; antenna 4–to 6-segmented . . . . . Strumigenys
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- Antenna with a distal club of 2 segments . . . . . 10
- Antenna with a distal club of 3 or 4 segments, or with an indistinct club . . . . . 15
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- Antennal scrobe present; head and mesosoma punctuate . . . . . Mayriella
- Antennal scrobe absent; head and mesosoma smooth, rugose, or reticulate . . . . . 11
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- Head and mesosoma sculptured; petiole at most with a short peduncle . . . . . 12
- Head and mesosoma smooth between sparse punctures; petiole pedunculate . . . . . 13
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- Head and mesosoma longitudinally rugose; propodeum unarmed; gaster broadly attached to postpetiole . . . . . Rhopalomastix
- Head and mesosoma strongly reticulate; propodeum bidentate; gaster narrowly attached to postpetiole . . . . . Unnamed genus PH01
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- Propodeum unarmed; anterior clypeal margin with two angles, or teeth, bearing hairs . . . . . Solenopsis
- Propodeum with a pair of spines or teeth; anterior clypeal margin simple . . . . . 14
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- Clypeus with 2 longitudinal carinae immediately anterior to antennal sockets; workers dimorphic . . . . . Carebara
- Clypeus smooth and without longitudinal carinae; workers polymorphic . . . . . Pheidologeton
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- Antenna with 7–9 segments . . . . . 16
- Antenna with 10–12 segments . . . . . 17
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- Antenna 7-segmented; mesosoma strongly reticulate; propodeal spines long; anterior peduncle of petiole as long as petiolar node height . . . . . Myrmicaria
- Antenna 9-segmented; mesosoma weakly reticulate and shield-like; propodeal spines short; anterior peduncle shorter than petiolar node height . . . . . Meranoplus
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- Eyes absent . . . . . 18
- Eyes present, even if only one ommatidium . . . . . 19
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- Petiole and postpetiole with prominent anteroventral processes; integument firm and sclerotized . . . . . Liomyrmex
- Petiole and postpetiole lacking anteroventral processes; integument fragile and poorly sclerotized . . . . . Anillomyrma
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- In dorsal view, postpetiole swollen and at least twice as wide as petiole; antenna 12-segmented . . . . . Cardiocondyla
- In dorsal view, postpetiole as wide as, or slightly wider than, petiole; antenna 10–to 12-segmented . . . . . 20
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- Clypeus with an anterior forked extension overhanging the mandibles; body covered with evenly-spaced clavate hairs . . . . . Calyptomyrmex
- Clypeus without an anterior forked extension; body hairs not clavate . . . . . 21
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- Sides of clypeus immediately anterior to antennal sockets produced into a sharp ridge . . . . . 22
- Sides of clypeus immediately anterior to antennal sockets not produced into a sharp ridge . . . . . 23
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- In frontal view, head roughly heart-shaped, with posterior margin of the head strongly concave; antenna 12-segmented . . . . . Rhoptromyrmex
- In frontal view, head roughly rectangular, with posterior margin of the head at most weakly concave; antenna 10–to 12-segmented . . . . . Tetramorium
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- Anterior clypeal margin with a single median seta extending over the mandibles; propodeum at most with blunt angles . . . . . Monomorium
- Anterior clypeal margin with a pair of setae, or a series of long, strong setae, or hairless; propodeum usually armed with spines . . . . . 24
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- Antenna 11-segmented . . . . . 25
- Antenna 12-segmented . . . . . 30
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- Antennal sockets completely exposed; anterior clypeal margin denticulate . . . . . Pristomyrmex
- Antennal sockets partially or completely covered by frontal lobes; anterior clypeal margin usually simple . . . . . 26
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- Antennal scrobes deep and narrow, overhung by expanded frontal carinae . . . . . Metapone
- Antennal scrobes absent or very shallow . . . . . 27
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- Propodeum unarmed; in profile, petiole lacking peduncle and usually with a large subpetiolar process . . . . . Vollenhovia (in part - also #33)
- Propodeum spinose; in profile, petiole pedunculated . . . . . 28
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- In profile, propodeal spines curving upward and forward . . . . . Recurvidris
- In profile, propodeal spines straight . . . . . 29
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- Propodeal spines long and sharp; in side view, pronotum convex, much higher than propodeum . . . . . Lophomyrmex
- Propodeal spines short and blunt; in side view, pronotum flat, almost level with propodeum . . . . . Gauromyrmex
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- Antenna gently expanding distally, with a weak to indistinct 4-segmented club; head strongly narrowed posteriorly . . . . . Aphaenogaster
- Antenna abruptly expanding distally, with a distinct 3-segmented club; head not narrow posteriorly . . . . . 31
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- Petiole lacking a peduncle . . . . . 32
- Petiole pedunculate . . . . . 34
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- Propodeum armed with stout spines (curved in dorsal view) . . . . . Romblonella
- Propodeum unarmed or at most with denticles . . . . . 33
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- Petiole with a conspicuous ventral process; mandibles curved mesad and without a stem at insertion . . . . . Vollenhovia (in part - also #27)
- Petiole without a conspicuous ventral process; mandibles linear-triangular and with a stem at insertion (see diagnosis in “Brief Generic Accounts”) . . . . . Unnamed genus PH03
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- Anterior clypeal margin overhanging mandibles and armed with blunt denticles or a median rectangular extension; in the major worker, head enormous, obscuring pronotum in dorsal view . . . . . Acanthomyrmex
- Anterior clypeal margin not overhanging mandibles and simple; in the major worker, if present, head does not obscure pronotum in dorsal view . . . . . 35
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- In profile, mesosomal dorsum with a flat or weakly convex outline; petiolar node blocky or roughly rectangular . . . . . Paratopula
- In profile, dorsal mesosomal dorsum with a strongly convex outline; petiolar node globular or rounded . . . . . 36
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- In profile, petiolar spiracle located on node, not on peduncle (see diagnosis in “Brief Generic Accounts”) . . . . . Unnamed genus PH02
- In profile, petiolar spiracle located on peduncle . . . . . 37
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- Mandible with 5 teeth with a long diastema (toothless section) between 3rd and 4th tooth; side of head usually with a sinuate longitudinal groove running from the posterior margin to the mandibular insertion . . . . . Vombisidris
- Mandibular dentition not as above; sinuate longitudinal groove at side of head absent . . . . . 38
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- In profile, petiole with a short anterior peduncle; workers monomorphic . . . . . Lordomyrma
- In profile, petiole with a long anterior peduncle; workers dimorphic . . . . . Pheidole