Key to Philippine Formicinae
This worker key is based on: General, D. and G. Alpert. 2012. A synoptic review of the ant genera (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the Philippines. ZooKeys. 200:1-111 doi: 10.3897/zookeys.200.2447.
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- Ants of the Philippines - list of species
- Philippine Ants
- Formicinae
- Antenna 8-segmented, folding back below eye; eyes always large . . . . . Gesomyrmex
- Antenna with 9- to 12-segmented, folding back above eye; eyes variable in size . . . . . 2
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- Antenna 9- to 11-segmented . . . . . 3
- Antenna 12-segmented . . . . . 6
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- Propodeum and petiole armed with a pair of spines or teeth . . . . . Lepisiota
- Propodeum and petiole without spines or teeth . . . . . 4
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- Palps very short and extremely difficult to see; eyes minute . . . . . Acropyga
- Palps long and prominent; eyes usually well-developed, often large . . . . . 5
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- Antennal scapes extremely long, extending more than half their length beyond posterior margin of head; erect hairs absent on dorsum of mesosoma . . . . . Anoplolepis
- Antennal scape, notably shorter, seldom extending much beyond posterior margin of head; erect hairs sometimes present on dorsum of mesosoma . . . . . Plagiolepis
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- Mandibles with 10 or more teeth or denticles . . . . . 7
- Mandibles with fewer than 10 teeth or denticles . . . . . 8
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- Mandibles linear and longer than head length, with sharp teeth along most of their length and crossing at apices when closed; eyes enormous . . . . . Myrmoteras
- Mandibles triangular and shorter than head length; eyes large but not taking up most of the sides of head . . . . . Oecophylla
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- Antennal sockets almost abutting posterior clypeal margin; ring of hairs present around acidopore . . . . . 9
- Antennal sockets well posterior to posterior clypeal margin; ring of hairs often absent around acidopore . . . . . 15
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- Maxillary palp short and inconspicuous, with 2–4 segments . . . . . 10
- Maxillary palp long and conspicuous, with 6 segments . . . . . 11
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- In side view, mesonotal constriction present; mandibles strongly curved . . . . . Euprenolepis
- In side view, mesonotal constriction absent; mandibles not strongly curved . . . . . Pseudolasius
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- Mesosoma and head without coarse erect hairs . . . . . Overbeckia
- Mesosoma and head with coarse erect hairs . . . . . 12
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- In side view, mesosoma long and slender, with or without constriction of mesonotum . . . . . 13
- In side view, mesosoma short and compact, without constriction of mesonotum . . . . . 14
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- In side view, pronotum only slightly convex; erect setae on head randomly scattered on surface . . . . . Paratrechina
- In side view, pronotum convex; erect setae on head form 2 parallel rows . . . . . Prenolepis
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- Propodeum with 1 pair of erect setae . . . . . Paraparatrechina
- Propodeum without a pair of erect setae . . . . . Nylanderia
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- In side view, metathoracic spiracles forming turbercles that are the highest prominences of the mesosoma . . . . . Forelophilus
- In side view, metathoracic spiracles not forming tubercles that are the highest prominences of the mesosoma . . . . . 16
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- Petiole node lacking teeth or spines; first gastral tergite distinctly less than half total length of gaster . . . . . Camponotus
- Petiole node armed with spines, teeth, or denticles; first gastral tergite large, at least half of total length of gaster . . . . . 17
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- Spines or teeth usually present on pronotum, propodeum, or both; body usually covered with short appressed hairs and some erect hairs . . . . . Polyrhachis
- Spines or teeth absent from pronotum and propodeum, often present on petiole; body usually densely covered with long erect hairs . . . . . Echinopla