AntWiki: The Ants --- Online
The genus Sternocoelis Lewis, 1888 is a small genus of myrmecophilous histerids with 27 described species distributed in the Mediterranean area with most species described from Morocco and Algeria.
List of Sternocoelis and their Host Ants
Sternocoelis acutangulus |
(Lewis, 1887) |
Aphaenogaster sardoa |
Morocco, Spain
Sternocoelis alluaudi |
Théry, 1921 |
Aphaenogaster gemella |
Morocco, Spain, Gibraltar
Sternocoelis arachnoides |
Fairmaire, 1877 |
Aphaenogaster sardoa and Aphaenogaster strioloides |
Morocco, Spain
Sternocoelis bedeli |
Lewis, 1884 |
Aphaenogaster testaceopilosa |
Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia
Sternocoelis berberus |
Lackner et Yélamos, 2001 |
Aphaenogaster testaceopilosa |
Sternocoelis comosellus |
(Fairmaire, 1883) |
Aphaenogaster testaceopilosa |
Sternocoelis diversepunctatus |
Pic, 1911 |
Aphaenogaster balcanica |
Sternocoelis espadaleri |
Yélamos, 1995 |
Aphaenogaster baronii |
Sternocoelis fusculus |
(Schmidt, 1888) |
Aphaenogaster gemella |
Gibraltar, Morocco, Spain |
Sternocoelis grandis |
(Reitter, 1883) |
ants |
Sternocoelis hispanicus |
Rosenhauer, 1856 |
Aphaenogaster senilis |
Morocco, Portugal, Spain |
Sternocoelis incisus |
(Schmidt, 1885) |
Aphaenogaster |
Sternocoelis laevidorsis |
(Fairmaire, 1876) |
Cataglyphis bicolor and Cataglyphis viatica |
Algeria, Tunisia
Sternocoelis lewisi |
(Reitter, 1883) |
ants |
Sternocoelis marginalis |
Normand, 1915 |
Cataglyphis mauritanica |
Sternocoelis marseulii |
(Brisout de Barneville, 1866) |
Aphaenogaster |
Sternocoelis merklii |
(Schmidt, 1885) |
Messor structor |
Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey
Sternocoelis otini |
Peyerimhoff, 1949 |
Cataglyphis mauritanica |
Morocco (type)
Sternocoelis pluristriatus |
(Fairmaire, 1876) |
Aphaenogaster |
Sternocoelis puberulus |
(Motschulsky, 1858) |
Formica fusca |
Sicily, Corsica and Sardinia
Sternocoelis punctulatus |
(Lucas, 1855) |
Aphaenogaster and Messor barbarus |
Sternocoelis robustus |
Pic, 1911 |
ants |
Cyprus island.
Sternocoelis setulosus |
Reitter, 1872 |
Aphaenogaster afra |
Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia |
Sternocoelis slaoui |
Théry, 1921 |
Aphaenogaster sardoa and Aphaenogaster strioloides |
Sternocoelis sulcaticollis |
Pic, 1937 |
ants |
Sternocoelis vaucheri |
Lewis, 1896 |
Aphaenogaster sardoa Aphaenogaster strioloides Aphaenogaster crocea |
Sternocoelis viaticus |
Lewis, 1892 |
Aphaenogaster gibbosa |
Algeria |
Sternocoelis yelamosi |
Lackner and Hlavác, 2012 |
Aphaenogaster mauritanica |
- Fairmaire, L. (1877) Description de Coléoptères nouveaux du nord de l'Afrique. Petites Nouvelles Entomologiques, (2) 9 (163).
- Fairmaire, L. (1883) Descriptions de Coléoptères recueillis par M. le Baron Bonnaire en Algérie. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique, 27 (Compte–Rendu des Séances).
- Lewis, G. (1884) On a new species of Hetaerius. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 21.
- Lewis, G. (1887) On a new species of Hetaerius from Tangier. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 24.
- Lewis, G. 1896. On a new species of Sternocoelis. Ent. Monthly Mag., 32: 62.
- Mazur, S. 1984. A world catalogue of Histeridae. Pois. Pismo Ent., 54, 3-4: 1-379
- Mazur S. (1997) A world catalogue of the Histeridae (Coleoptera: Histeridae). Genus, Supplement, 373 pp.
- Pic, M. 1910. Descriptions ou diagnoses et notes diverses (suite). L'Echange, 26(305): 33-34.
- Pic, M. 1911. Descriptions ou diagnoses et notes diverses (suite). L'Echange , 27(318): 137-139.
- Pic, M. 1937. Notes diverses, nouveautes (suite). L'Echange, 53(468): 5-6.
- Reitter, E. (1883) Diagnosen neuer Histeriden aus Europa. Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, 2 (6).
- Rosenhauer, W.G. (1856) Die Thiere Andalusiens nach den Resultaten einer Reise zusammengestellt, nebst den Beschreibungen von 249 neuen oder bis jetzt noch unbeschriebenen Gattungen und Arten. T. Blaesing, Erlangen. viii + 429 pp, 3 pls.
- Schmidt, J. (1885) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Histeriden. Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift, 29 (2).
- Schmidt, J. (1888) Drei neue Hetaerius. Entomologische Nachrichten, 14 (15).
- Thery, A. 1921. Histerides nouveaux du Maroc (Insectes Coleopteres). Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Maroc , 1920-1921, 1: 16-21.
- Walker, J.J. 1889. Notes on Ant's-nest beetles at Gibraltar and Tangier, with especial reference to the Histeridae. Ent. Monthly Mag., XXV: 374-378.
- Yelamos, T. 1993. Los Sternocoelis Lewis, 1888 de la Peninsula Iberica (Coleoptera, Histeridae). Boltt. Asoc. esp. Ent.. 17(2): 149-164.