Lubertazzi Ant Playground
Species Pages
Link to mczbase records; see text under type material heading of Acropyga_parvidens
Lat/long details
Table of contents (TOC)
- do not display: __NOTOC__
- float to right, two ways, one sometimes looks better than the other in how it renders the page:
- <div style="float:right; margin: 10px;">__TOC__</div> see: [1]
- {{Tocright}}
whitespace edited text takes any amount of whitespace between two characters on the same line and renders it as a single space; the following edit text (with the space removed between the & and n) adds additional space (oddly, this edit text will not display on the rendered page when wrapped in nowiki tags)
& nbsp;
copyright symbol the following (with no space between the & and c) displays ©
& copy;
specifications for other symbols and special characters: mediawiki symbol formating
{{clear}} forces a new line, all the edit text under 'clear' is shown below whatever is above it; this for example prevents a displayed image from having any text or headings display to its side
table in identification section
Link to more images: Additional montage images for this species can be found [[:Category:{{PAGENAME}}|here]]
images of pdfs for text from older publications, can be displayed using formatting similar to that used for key images:
- stacked images of textAncyridris rupicapra and Belonopelta attenuata
- 3 pages (images) side by side: Propodilobus_pingorum#Description and [[2]]
larger caste images in gallery with forced new line for next entry on page. Two formats:
- Monomorium subapterum
- Camponotus auriventris (Vladimir Zryanin image)
Clear right for a thumb image float Lepisiota_capensis#Biology
Wild Images upload and display formatting:
two ways of presenting MCZ ent uploaded images, also see above about linking to MCZbase specimens:
removing the pipe from the beginning of the 2nd image details, as shown below, forces the second image to appear to the right side of the 1st image; the ending |} serves as a line break with anything after it placed below the images;
video player documention - [4]
vimeo example - Leptogenys falcigera
you tube information/examples
- Phorid Flies
- with parameters to control size and position of frame Lasius niger
- centered - Pheidole_megacephala#Biology added |frame|center to get this to work
Species Groups
Tetramorium examples - a diverse group with many species groups
- Tetramorium species groups - one page to unite them all
- Afrotropical Tetramorium species groups - a regional summary page
- Tetramorium bicarinatum species group - a group summary, this group is in 3 regions
- Tetramorium flabellum species group - a group summary for a group in one region
if there are keys, links are provided to and from group pages
- Key to Afrotropical Tetramorium species groups - a key to species groups for the groups in a region
- Key to Afrotropical Tetramorium aculeatum species group - a worker group-key, this is from a single region
- Key to Strumigenys nitens group - a worker group-key, for the entire group (region is irrelevant)
group species pages have the following categories
[[Category:Species Groups|genusname]][[Category:genus]]
specific names, examples of their use
data templates, can search using template terms to find examples of their use on a page; template term is |mean_colony_size_source= ; search for mean colony size
- Life History Traits
- Carebara overbecki colony size example
- Flight Month
- Strongylognathus italicus example
we use a template to making columns: Template:Div col the documentation:this page
The template creates wiki specific markup, as detailed in the documention. There does not have everything I would want for formatting options. There are other column generating templates available. The column template we use is CSS based, and makes good compromises to allow for auto-scalable (by browser and device) rendering of the information. More complex columns are table based and tables can easily break things. For example, they may render wrong or entirely break a page across different browsers and devices. Tables that fail in their standards-compliance will likely also fail in terms of meeting accessibility standards.
example here The Ants of India
- Sandbox/Help work
- wikipedia picture of the day
- user page with good editing and writing pages links: see lower down on page under the heading Wikipedia stuff
- tip of the day tips about editing wikimedia/wikipedia. There is also a tips category and a page with a long list of tips.