Pogonomyrmex of the Navajo Reservation

AntWiki: The Ants --- Online


This genus is found throughout the arid desert zones and the mid elevation mesa zones on up to Juniper Pinon Woodlands.

This key to workers is based on

  • Cole, A. C., Jr. 1968. Pogonomyrmex harvester ants. A study of the genus in North America. Knoxville, Tenn.: University of Tennessee Press, x + 222 pp.
  • Johnson, R. Key to Pogonomyrmex [[1]]

At present 6 species of Pogonomyrmex are known within the Navajo Reservation, as additional ant species are discovered, they will be added to the key below.

Key to Pogonomyrmex on the Navajo Reservation

(based on the worker caste)


Profile of Pogonomyrmex imberbiculus worker
Profile of Pogonomyrmex huachucanus worker
Profile of Pogonomyrmex californicus worker
Profile of Pogonomyrmex maricopa worker
Profile of Pogonomyrmex occidentalis worker

2 (1)

Frontal view of Pogonomyrmex imberbiculus worker
Lateral view of Pogonomyrmex imberbiculus worker
Dorsal view of Pogonomyrmex imberbiculus worker
Frontal view of Pogonomyrmex huachucanus worker
Lateral view of Pogonomyrmex huachucanus worker
Dorsal view of Pogonomyrmex huachucanus worker

3 (1)

  • Cephalic rugae very coarse, widely spaced, usually wavy. Anteroventral margin of peduncle with one to several erect hairs extending downward, head darker than gaster Pogonomyrmex rugosus / Navajo species page
Frontal view of Pogonomyrmex rugosus worker
Lateral view of Pogonomyrmex rugosus worker
Dorsal view of Pogonomyrmex rugosus worker
  • Anteroventral margin of peduncle lacking erect hairs, head, mesosoma and gaster lighter in color. . . . . 4
Frontal view of Pogonomyrmex occidentalis worker
Lateral view of Pogonomyrmex maricopa
Frontal view of Pogonomyrmex californicus worker

4 (2)

Lateral view of Pogonomyrmex occidentalis major
Dorsal view of Pogonomyrmex occidentalis worker

5 (4)

  • Cephalic interrugal punctulation rather strong; interrugal spaces subopaque; in lateral view, metanotal groove impressed. . . . . Pogonomyrmex maricopa
Frontal view of Pogonomyrmex maricopa
Lateral view of Pogonomyrmex maricopa
Dorsal view of Pogonomyrmex maricopa
  • Cephalic interrugal punctulation absent to moderate; interrugal spaces strongly shining; in lateral view, metanotal groove usually not impressed, forming a smooth continuous profile. . . . . Pogonomyrmex californicus