Tetramorium tonganum species group

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Agavekar et al. (2017) - Twelve-segmented antennae; eyes moderately sized to large; frontal carinae reaching beyond the level of the posterior eye margins but usually weakly developed; base of first gastral tergite not concave in dorsal view and anterolateral corners not produced as short tubercles or teeth; pilosity on dorsal surfaces of body erect; antennal scapes and dorsal surfaces of hind tibiae only with short subdecumbent to appressed pubescence; sting appendage dentiform.


Agavekar et al. (2017) - As pointed out by Bolton (1977), this is a widespread group of species in the Indomalayan and Australasian regions. While most of the individual species are known to have small ranges, Tetramorium tonganum is distributed widely and also recorded from hothouses in the temperate regions. Currently, 11 valid species are recognized, of which we recognize four to occur in India. The species in this group are morphologically very close to the members of the Tetramorium scabrosum group. Basically, the lack of long, standing hairs on the outer margins of the legs is the only character separating both groups (Bolton, 1977).

Roncin (2002) - We propose to abandon the mixtum-group (this group has been revived by Agavekar et al. 2017.) and to transfer its species into the scabrosum and the tonganum groups, both groups being defined according to Bolton (1977), except for the gaster morphology. The tonganum and scabrosum groups remain weakly defined and are more taxonomically practical groups than monophyletic units.

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