Rogeria gibba

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Rogeria gibba
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Myrmicinae
Tribe: Solenopsidini
Genus: Rogeria
Species: R. gibba
Binomial name
Rogeria gibba
Kugler, C., 1994

Rogeria gibba P casent0900962.jpg

Rogeria gibba D casent0900962.jpg

Specimen Label

Types were collected from the eastern side of the central cordillera in northern Colombia (one worker). Additional samples were found about 1000km away on the western slope of the Andes and the coastal range of northern Ecuador. In all three areas they were collected at 300-800m elevation in natural rain forest, probably by Berlese sampling. In Costa Rica, Longino collected specimens from the Osa Peninsula with both collection sites being under 200m.


Kugler (1994) - stigmatica species group. WL 0.85-0.93mm. Mandibles sub triangular. Clypeal apron slightly convex medially, with sharp corners on either side. Eyes with 16-20 facets. Mesosoma profile humpbacked. Propodeal spines short « 0.15mm), not strongly inclined. Propodeal spiracle rather large, within one diameter of posterior edge of mesosoma. Metapleural lobes reduced to short carinae, sometimes nearly absent. No inferior petiolar process . Dorsal head, mesosoma and gaster densely covered with long flexuous hairs.

Similar to Rogeria ciliosa. Like Rogeria stigmatica in many features, but differs in pilosity and shape of promesonotum.

Keys including this Species


Costa Rica, Colombia and Ecuador.

Latitudinal Distribution Pattern

Latitudinal Range: 9.4851644° to -0.5833°.

Tropical South

Distribution based on Regional Taxon Lists

Neotropical Region: Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador (type locality).

Distribution based on AntMaps


Distribution based on AntWeb specimens

Check data from AntWeb

Countries Occupied

Number of countries occupied by this species based on AntWiki Regional Taxon Lists. In general, fewer countries occupied indicates a narrower range, while more countries indicates a more widespread species.

Estimated Abundance

Relative abundance based on number of AntMaps records per species (this species within the purple bar). Fewer records (to the left) indicates a less abundant/encountered species while more records (to the right) indicates more abundant/encountered species.


The following is modified from Kugler (1994): Little is known about these cryptic ants. Collection records typically range from sea level to 1000m, but five species extend higher and two (Rogeria unguispina and Rogeria merenbergiana) can be found at 2000m. Rogeria are generally collected in moist forests (primary or secondary forests, coffee or cacao plantations), but at higher elevations can be found in pastures (Rogeria leptonana, Rogeria merenbergiana). Several species (Rogeria creightoni, Rogeria cuneola, Rogeria foreli) have been found in moist and dry climates. Rogeria foreli is the most unusual, with some members dwelling at over 1800m in the temperate mountains of southern Arizona.

Most species have only been collected as strays or by Berlese or Winkler sampling, from leaf litter and rotten wood, but occasionally among epiphytes and moss (Rogeria belti, creightoni, Rogeria exsulans). Nests of several species (belti, Rogeria blanda, merenbergiana) have been found under the loose bark of rotten logs. Nests of blanda and Rogeria tonduzi have been taken from the trunks of cacao trees. A nest of Rogeria leptonana was found at 1750m under a rock in a pasture.

Nests are rarely found. Males are known for only four species (belti, blanda, leptonana and Rogeria stigmatica) and queens associated through nest series for only nine species.


Males have not been collected.


The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World.

  • gibba. Rogeria gibba Kugler, C. 1994: 32, figs. 5-6 (w.q.) ECUADOR.

Unless otherwise noted the text for the remainder of this section is reported from the publication that includes the original description.



Holotype and Paratype. TL 3.5-3.8 (3.7), HL 0.78-0.85 (0.83), HW 0.73-0.81 (0.78), SL 0.54-0.60 (0.59), EL 0.09-0.10 (0.10) (15-22 facets), PW 0.51-0.57 (0.55), WL 0.85-0.96 (0.93), SpL 0.11-0.14 (0.11), PetL 0.40-0.49 (0.46), PpetL 0.21-0.23 (0.22)mm, CI 0.91-0.96 (0.94), OI 0.12-0.13 (0.13), SI 0.72-0.77 (0.76), PSI 0.12-0.15 (0.12). N=10

Kugler 1994 fig 2-6

Mandibles with 5 teeth diminishing in size basad. Palpal formula 3,3. Body of clypeus does not project over apron. Head capsule about as wide as long. Nuchal grooves visible from below or behind. Promesonotal dorsum almost flat and dropping abruptly to metanotum (Fig. 5). Petiolar peduncle lacks inferior petiolar process. Petiolar node distinct, bulbous, wider than long. Postpetiole node subrectangular from above; sternum short. Gaster large (GW/WL 0.90-0.97). Sting apparatus like that of ciliosa, except for: 1) a longer fulcral arm on the oblong plate (like inermis Fig. 42), 2) no companion seta on gonostylus, 3) more enlarged lancet apex, and 4) no anterolateral processes on sting base (Fig. 6).

Middorsum of head longitudinally rugose becoming rugose-areolate behind level of eyes. Laterodorsa, posterior, sides, and ventral surfaces of head areolate with minutely granulate ridges; intervals smooth except for some piligerous punctures. Promesonotum with the same sculpture as sides and back of head. Meso- and metapleura with more confused areolate sculpture, but similar ridges and intervals. Metanotal groove scrobiculate. Dorsal face of propodeum and part of posterior face transversely rugulose. Rest of posterior face shagreened. Petiolar peduncle colliculate; anterior face of node smooth, except for piligerous punctures. Rest of petiolar node and all of postpetiolar node transversely areolate-rugose, with granulate ridges and smooth to weakly punctured intervals, as on head and promesonotum. Gaster smooth and shiny, dotted by numerous small, shallow piligerous punctures.

Dorsum of head, mesosoma, top and sides of waist, and all sides of gaster densely covered with long, flexuous, erect to suberect hairs and without interspersed shorter pilosity.

Body rusty-brown, gaster slightly darker. Antennae, legs and mandibles yellowish-brown to yellow.


TL 4.2-4.3, HL 0.83-0.85, HW 0.80, SL 0.58-0.59, EL 0.19-0.20, PW 0.72-0.73, WL 1.14-1.15, SpL 0.15-0.17, PetL 0.49-0.53, PpetL 0.24-0.25mm, CI 0.94-0.96, SI 0.73-0.74, PSI 0.13-0.15. N=4

Queens differ from the workers in the usual and the following ways. Short parapsidal furrows present. Longitudinal areolate-rugose sculpture on median head extends to posterior of head. Median pronotum transversely rugose. Mesoscutum with longitudinally rugose sculpture that becomes more areolate on mesoscutellum.

Type Material

Paratype Specimen Labels

Holotype locality. ECUADOR: Pichincha Province, 4 km E. Santo Domingo de los Colorados, 22-VI -1975, #B-304 (S. and J. Peck) Museum of Comparative Zoology.

Paratype localities. COLOMBIA: 1 worker, Antioquia Department, near El Bagre, Providencia, Estación Biológica, Zona Buenos Aires, 30-31-XII-1977 (c. Kugler) MCZ; 1 worker, Chocó Department, Río Napipi, 1968 (P. A. Silverstone) Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History. ECUADOR: 5 workers, holotype locality, 22-VI-1975 and 8-VII-1976 (S. and J. Peck) [2 mouthparts, stings] The Natural History Museum, Charles Kugler Collection, MCZ, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo; 2 workers, Pichincha Province, 47km S. Santo Domingo, Río Palenque Station, 23-V-1976 (S. and J. Peck MCZ; 1 worker, Pichincha Province, Tinalandia, 16km SE. Santo Domingo de los Colorados, 4-VI-1976 (S. and J. Peck) MCZ.


The name gibba is from Latin meaning humpback.


  • Kugler, C. 1994. A revision of the ant genus Rogeria with description of the sting apparatus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). J. Hym. Res. 3: 17-89 (page 32, figs. 5-6 worker, queen described)

References based on Global Ant Biodiversity Informatics

  • Achury R., and A.V. Suarez. 2017. Richness and composition of ground-dwelling ants in tropical rainforest and surrounding landscapes in the Colombian Inter-Andean valley. Neotropical Entomology
  • Longino J. T. L., and M. G. Branstetter. 2018. The truncated bell: an enigmatic but pervasive elevational diversity pattern in Middle American ants. Ecography 41: 1-12.
  • Longino J. et al. ADMAC project. Accessed on March 24th 2017 at