Key to Pachycondyla species

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Key to Pachycondyla species based on workers, modified from Marcineiro & Lattke (2024).


  • Pygidium with two tooth-like projections (Fig. 2A) => Pachycondyla crassinoda
  • Pygidium without two tooth-like projections (Fig. 2B) => 2
  • Marcineiro & Lattke (2024), Fig. 2: A: Pygidium of Pachycondyla crassinoda; B: 02: Pygidium of Pachycondyla striata.


return to couplet #1

  • Clypeus with a central projection on anterior margin, in full-face view; color ferruginous (Fig. 3A) => Pachycondyla lenkoi
  • Clypeus without a central projection on anterior margin, in full face view; dark brown color (Fig. 3B) => 3
  • Marcineiro & Lattke (2024), Fig. 3: A: Clypeus of Pachycondyla lenkoi; B: Clypeus of Pachycondyla harpax.


return to couplet #2

  • Humeral angle overhanging pronotal sides in dorsal view, in frontal view with a constriction followed by an expansion dorsally (Fig. 4A) => 4
  • Humeral angle not overhanging pronotal sides in dorsal view, in frontal view without a constriction or expansion dorsally (Fig. 4B) => 6
  • Marcineiro & Lattke (2024), Fig. 4: A: Pachycondyla fuscoatra, anterior view of pronotum and posterior head dorsum; B: Pachycondyla impressa, anterior view of pronotum and posterior head dorsum.


return to couplet #3

  • Petiole narrow and scale-like in lateral view, with dorsal face almost absent; first gastral tergite forming a conspicuous acute angle in lateral view, where the anterior and dorsal faces meet; humeral angle anteriorly projected in dorsal view (Fig. 5A) => Pachycondyla procidua
  • Petiole block-like in lateral view, with developed dorsal face; first gastral tergite forming a right angle in lateral view, where the anterior and dorsal faces meet; humeral angle swollen or with a visible shining carina, but never conspicuously anteriorly projected in dorsal view (Fig. 5B) => 5
  • Marcineiro & Lattke (2024), Fig. 5: A: Pachycondyla procidua pronotum, dorsal view; B: Pachycondyla striata pronotum, dorsal view.


return to couplet #4

  • Without sharp and shining carina on humeral angles, in lateral view (Fig. 6A); ventral surface of head completely striate => Pachycondyla fuscoatra
  • With sharp and shining carina on humeral angles, in lateral view (Fig. 6B); ventral surface of head with sculpturing medially effaced => Pachycondyla striata
  • Marcineiro & Lattke (2024), Fig. 6: A: Pachycondyla fuscoatra, lateral view; B: Pachycondyla striata, lateral view.


return to couplet #3

  • Small species (WL ≤ 3.5mm); ventral surface of head with sculpturing medially effaced (Fig. 7A); with or without sharp and shining humeral carina => 7
  • Large species (WL ≥ 3.5mm); ventral surface of head completely striate (Fig. 7B); humeral angle never with sharp and shining carina => 8
  • Marcineiro & Lattke (2024), Fig. 7: A: Pachycondyla harpax, head capsule, ventral view; B: Pachycondyla lattkei, head capsule, ventral view.


return to couplet #6

  • Pronotum, in dorsal view, punctate and shining; clypeus with a central longitudinal carina (Fig. 8A) => Pachycondyla lenis
  • Pronotum, in dorsal view, striate and matte; clypeus without central longitudinal carina (Fig. 8B) => Pachycondyla harpax
  • Marcineiro & Lattke (2024), Fig. 8: A: Pachycondyla lenis, clypeal carina; B: Pachycondyla harpax, clypeus.


return to couplet #6

  • Short clypeus (CD ≤ 0.12mm), clypeal distance, in full-face view shorter than antennal scape basal width, with a strong central concavity (Fig. 9A) => 9
  • Long clypeus (CD > 0.12mm), clypeal distance, in full-face view, longer than antennal scape basal width, without strong central concavity in full-face view. Clypeus centrally straight, slightly convex or slightly concave (Fig. 9B) => 10
  • Marcineiro & Lattke (2024), Fig. 9: A: Pachycondyla impressa clypeus and mandibles; B: Pachycondyla purpurascens clypeus and mandibles.


return to couplet #8

  • Dorsum of first gastral tergite usually sculptured to some extent, not highly smooth and shining (Fig. 10A); clypeus without a central carina on central concavity, in frontal view => Pachycondyla impressa
  • Dorsum of first gastral tergite highly smooth and shining, polished (Fig. 10B); clypeus with a central carina on central concavity, in frontal view => Pachycondyla lattkei
  • Marcineiro & Lattke (2024), Fig. 10: A: Pachycondyla impressa petiole and first grastral segment, dorsal view; B: Pachycondyla lattkei petiole and first grastral segment, dorsal view.


return to couplet #9

  • Dorsum of mandible striate (Fig. 11A) => Pachycondyla inca
  • Dorsum of mandible not striate (Fig. 11B) => 11
  • Marcineiro & Lattke (2024), Fig. 11: A: Pachycondyla inca mandible dorsum; B: Pachycondyla purpurascens mandible dorsum.


return to couplet #10

  • Frons longitudinally striate, in full-face view; petiolar node transversely striate on dorsum and transversely strigulate on posterior face (Fig. 12A,B); petiole with parallel lateral sides in posterior view (Fig. 12B) => Pachycondyla purpurascens
  • Frons finely striate-reticulate, becoming rows of punctures closer to vertexal margin, in full-face view; node smooth and shining, without transversal striae or strigulae on dorsal and posterior faces (Fig. 13A,B); node wider dorsally than ventrally in posterior view (Fig. 13B) => Pachycondyla beneditoi
  • Marcineiro & Lattke (2024), Fig. 12: A: Pachycondyla purpurascens petiolar dorsum; B: Pachycondyla purpurascens petiole posterior face.
  • Marcineiro & Lattke (2024), Fig. 13: A: Pachycondyla beneditoi petiolar dorsum; B: Pachycondyla beneditoi petiole posterior face.
