Key to Oriental and Indo-Australian Meranoplus
Key to Oriental and Indo-Australian Meranoplus Key to the Oriental and Indo-Australian Meranoplus species based on workers (modified from Schödl (1998) by Yodprasit et al. (2024)).
Morphology of selected Meranoplus species. Key starts below.
- Schödl (1998), Figures 2-15: Outline of promesonotal shield of Meranoplus workers (sculpture and pilosity omitted): (2) bellii, (3) castaneus, (4) malaysianus, (5) borneensis, (6) bicolor, (7a) rothneyi (paralectotype; Cochin), (7b) rothneyi (specimen from Meghalaya), (8) laeviventris, (9) levis, (10) nepalensis, (11) boltoni, (12) montanus, (13) loebli, ( 1 4) biliran, (15) mucronatus.
- Schödl (1998), Figures 23-29: Lateral view of midbody of Meranoplus workers: (23) levis, (24) nepalensis (25) boltoni, (26) montanus, (27) loebli, (28) biliran, (29) mucronatus (scales representing 1 mm scale a: Figs. 15, 29; scale b: Figs. 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 16, 17, 20, 22, 23; scale c- Figs 4, 5, 7a, b, 10 - 14, 18, 19, 21a, b, 24-28).
- Postpetiole in profile subquadrate (Fig. 5A); in dorsal view, postpetiole marginated with distinct ridge (Fig. 5B) => 2
- Postpetiole in profile nodiform and convex dorsal outline (Figs 5C, 6B, C, 7I); in dorsal view, postpetiole not marginated with distinct ridge (Fig. 5D) => 3
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 5. Characters used in key. A, B, E, Meranoplus tanomtongi (holotype, THNHM-I00028903). F, G, M. tanomtongi (non-type worker, THNHM-I-00028904). C, D, M. bicolor (non-type, THNHM-I-00027270). H, M. siamensis (holotype, THNHM-I-00027303). I, M. siamensis (non-type worker, THNHM-I-00028942). A, C, petiole and postpetiole in profile. B, D, petiole and postpetiole in dorsal view. E, H, anterior corners of frontal lobes F, I, head in full-face view. G, eye.
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 6. Characters used in key. A, Meranoplus siamensis (non-type worker, THNHM-I00028942). B, F, M. castaneus (non-type, THNHM-I-00027323). C, M. laeviventris (non-type, THNHM-I-00027329). D, E, M. bellii (lectotype, CASENT0908933). G, H, M. dlusskyi (in Zryanin 2015). I, M. levis (holotype, CASENT0902025). A, eye. B, C. petiole and postpetiole in profile. D, F, G, I, mesosoma in profile. E, gaster in dorsal view. H, head in profile.
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 7. Characters used in key. A, B, Meranoplus levis (holotype, CASENT0902025). C, D, M. mucronatus (non-type, THNHM-I-00027335). E, H, M. borneensis (paratype, CASENT0902030). F, I, M. malaysianus (non-type, THNHM-I-00028943). G, M. periyarensis (in Bharti and Akbar 2014). A, eye. B, C, head in profile. D, E, F, G, promesonotal shield in dorsal view. H, I, petiole and postpetiole in profile.
return to couplet #1
- In full-face view, anterior corners of frontal lobes round and lateral margin weakly convex (Fig. 5E); dorsum of head entirely reticulate (Fig. 5F); compound eyes with 8 ommatidia along longest axis, each facet round or elliptical (Fig. 5G) => Meranoplus tanomtongi
- In full-face view, anterior corners of frontal lobes right angled and lateral margin almost straight (Fig. 5H); median of head with weak reticulation (Fig. 5I); compound eyes with 8 or 9 ommatidia along longest axis, each facet hexagonal (Fig. 6A) => Meranoplus siamensis
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 5. Characters used in key. A, B, E, Meranoplus tanomtongi (holotype, THNHM-I00028903). F, G, M. tanomtongi (non-type worker, THNHM-I-00028904). C, D, M. bicolor (non-type, THNHM-I-00027270). H, M. siamensis (holotype, THNHM-I-00027303). I, M. siamensis (non-type worker, THNHM-I-00028942). A, C, petiole and postpetiole in profile. B, D, petiole and postpetiole in dorsal view. E, H, anterior corners of frontal lobes F, I, head in full-face view. G, eye.
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 6. Characters used in key. A, Meranoplus siamensis (non-type worker, THNHM-I00028942). B, F, M. castaneus (non-type, THNHM-I-00027323). C, M. laeviventris (non-type, THNHM-I-00027329). D, E, M. bellii (lectotype, CASENT0908933). G, H, M. dlusskyi (in Zryanin 2015). I, M. levis (holotype, CASENT0902025). A, eye. B, C. petiole and postpetiole in profile. D, F, G, I, mesosoma in profile. E, gaster in dorsal view. H, head in profile.
return to couplet #1
- Petiolar crest distinctly bidentate; postpetiole with an acute, posteriorly directed short spine (Fig. 6B) => 4
- Petiolar crest never bidentate; postpetiole without an acute, posteriorly directed short spine (Figs 6C, 7I, 8E) => 5
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 6. Characters used in key. A, Meranoplus siamensis (non-type worker, THNHM-I00028942). B, F, M. castaneus (non-type, THNHM-I-00027323). C, M. laeviventris (non-type, THNHM-I-00027329). D, E, M. bellii (lectotype, CASENT0908933). G, H, M. dlusskyi (in Zryanin 2015). I, M. levis (holotype, CASENT0902025). A, eye. B, C. petiole and postpetiole in profile. D, F, G, I, mesosoma in profile. E, gaster in dorsal view. H, head in profile.
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 7. Characters used in key. A, B, Meranoplus levis (holotype, CASENT0902025). C, D, M. mucronatus (non-type, THNHM-I-00027335). E, H, M. borneensis (paratype, CASENT0902030). F, I, M. malaysianus (non-type, THNHM-I-00028943). G, M. periyarensis (in Bharti and Akbar 2014). A, eye. B, C, head in profile. D, E, F, G, promesonotal shield in dorsal view. H, I, petiole and postpetiole in profile.
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 8. Characters used in key. A, Meranoplus bicolor (non-type, THNHM-I-00027254). B, M. loebli (paratype, CASENT0902032). C, M. rothneyi (lectotype, CASENT0915542). D, E, M. birmanus (holotype, CASENT0919716). F, M. laeviventris (non-type, THNHM-I-00027329). G, I, M. biliran paratype, CASENT0902033). H, M. boltoni (holotype, CASENT0902031). A–D, F–H, promesonotal shield in dorsal view. E, petiole and postpetiole in profile. I, clypeus in full-face view.
return to couplet #3
- Propodeum never overhung by posterior mesonotal margin (Fig. 6D); dorsal surface of first gastral tergite smooth and brilliant except for shagreened piliferous punctures (Fig. 6E) => Meranoplus bellii
- Propodeum slightly overhung by posterior translucent margin of promesonotal shield (Fig. 6F); dorsal surface of first gastral tergite dull, entirely shagreened => Meranoplus castaneus
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 6. Characters used in key. A, Meranoplus siamensis (non-type worker, THNHM-I00028942). B, F, M. castaneus (non-type, THNHM-I-00027323). C, M. laeviventris (non-type, THNHM-I-00027329). D, E, M. bellii (lectotype, CASENT0908933). G, H, M. dlusskyi (in Zryanin 2015). I, M. levis (holotype, CASENT0902025). A, eye. B, C. petiole and postpetiole in profile. D, F, G, I, mesosoma in profile. E, gaster in dorsal view. H, head in profile.
return to couplet #3
- Propodeum never overhung by the posterior mesonotal margin (Fig. 6G); compound eyes strongly reduced, consisting of 1–2 ommatidia (compound eyes completely absent in some specimens) (Fig. 6H) => Meranoplus dlusskyi
- Propodeum overhung by the posterior mesonotal margin (Fig. 6I); compound eyes large and clearly visible, ommatidia with more 2 ommatidia (Fig. 7A) => 6
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 6. Characters used in key. A, Meranoplus siamensis (non-type worker, THNHM-I00028942). B, F, M. castaneus (non-type, THNHM-I-00027323). C, M. laeviventris (non-type, THNHM-I-00027329). D, E, M. bellii (lectotype, CASENT0908933). G, H, M. dlusskyi (in Zryanin 2015). I, M. levis (holotype, CASENT0902025). A, eye. B, C. petiole and postpetiole in profile. D, F, G, I, mesosoma in profile. E, gaster in dorsal view. H, head in profile.
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 7. Characters used in key. A, B, Meranoplus levis (holotype, CASENT0902025). C, D, M. mucronatus (non-type, THNHM-I-00027335). E, H, M. borneensis (paratype, CASENT0902030). F, I, M. malaysianus (non-type, THNHM-I-00028943). G, M. periyarensis (in Bharti and Akbar 2014). A, eye. B, C, head in profile. D, E, F, G, promesonotal shield in dorsal view. H, I, petiole and postpetiole in profile.
return to couplet #5
- Mandibles with five teeth; dorsal surface of head and promesonotum smooth, additionally distinctly carinulate (Fig. 7B) => Meranoplus levis
- Mandibles with four teeth; dorsal surfaces of head and promesonotam with reticulations (Fig. 7C) => 7
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 7. Characters used in key. A, B, Meranoplus levis (holotype, CASENT0902025). C, D, M. mucronatus (non-type, THNHM-I-00027335). E, H, M. borneensis (paratype, CASENT0902030). F, I, M. malaysianus (non-type, THNHM-I-00028943). G, M. periyarensis (in Bharti and Akbar 2014). A, eye. B, C, head in profile. D, E, F, G, promesonotal shield in dorsal view. H, I, petiole and postpetiole in profile.
return to couplet #6
- Promesonotal shield armed with a very long, acute spine at each corner (Fig. 7D). Large species (HL 1.4–1.7 mm, TL 5.8–7.1 mm) => Meranoplus mucronatus
- Promesonotal shield without or with different armament, never with such long spines at the corners of the promesonotal shield (Fig. 7E, F). Smaller species (HL < 1.18 mm, TL < 5 mm) => 8
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 7. Characters used in key. A, B, Meranoplus levis (holotype, CASENT0902025). C, D, M. mucronatus (non-type, THNHM-I-00027335). E, H, M. borneensis (paratype, CASENT0902030). F, I, M. malaysianus (non-type, THNHM-I-00028943). G, M. periyarensis (in Bharti and Akbar 2014). A, eye. B, C, head in profile. D, E, F, G, promesonotal shield in dorsal view. H, I, petiole and postpetiole in profile.
return to couplet #7
- Promesonotal shield rectangular, lacking any armament (Fig. 7F). (TL < 3.0 mm) => 9
- Promesonotal shield always with conspicuous, specific outstanding projections (Fig. 7G) => 10
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 7. Characters used in key. A, B, Meranoplus levis (holotype, CASENT0902025). C, D, M. mucronatus (non-type, THNHM-I-00027335). E, H, M. borneensis (paratype, CASENT0902030). F, I, M. malaysianus (non-type, THNHM-I-00028943). G, M. periyarensis (in Bharti and Akbar 2014). A, eye. B, C, head in profile. D, E, F, G, promesonotal shield in dorsal view. H, I, petiole and postpetiole in profile.
return to couplet #8
- In profile, petiole distinctly obliquely truncate (Fig. 7H); first gastral tergite distinctly shagreened; pilosity consisting of short pubescence and longer outstanding hairs => Meranoplus borneensis
- In profile, petiolar crest only narrowly truncate (Fig. 7I); first gastral tergite either entirely smooth or occasionally with shagreening; pilosity on dorsal surfaces consisting of a pelt of equal sized, short hairs => Meranoplus malaysianus
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 7. Characters used in key. A, B, Meranoplus levis (holotype, CASENT0902025). C, D, M. mucronatus (non-type, THNHM-I-00027335). E, H, M. borneensis (paratype, CASENT0902030). F, I, M. malaysianus (non-type, THNHM-I-00028943). G, M. periyarensis (in Bharti and Akbar 2014). A, eye. B, C, head in profile. D, E, F, G, promesonotal shield in dorsal view. H, I, petiole and postpetiole in profile.
return to couplet #8
- Promesonotum with only one pair of posteriorly directed mesonotal spines, without additional posterolateral and/or posterior paramedian mesonotal projections (Fig. 8A) => 11
- Promesonotum of different shape, always with additional posterolateral and/or posterior paramedian mesonotal projections (Fig. 8B) => 13
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 8. Characters used in key. A, Meranoplus bicolor (non-type, THNHM-I-00027254). B, M. loebli (paratype, CASENT0902032). C, M. rothneyi (lectotype, CASENT0915542). D, E, M. birmanus (holotype, CASENT0919716). F, M. laeviventris (non-type, THNHM-I-00027329). G, I, M. biliran paratype, CASENT0902033). H, M. boltoni (holotype, CASENT0902031). A–D, F–H, promesonotal shield in dorsal view. E, petiole and postpetiole in profile. I, clypeus in full-face view.
return to couplet #10
- Small species (HL 0.65–0.80 mm); promesonotal shield with a pair of posteriorly directed shorter, blunt or acute projections in posterior mesonotal corners (Fig. 8C); dorsal surfaces and appendages without extremely long hairs => Meranoplus rothneyi
- Larger species (HL 0.79–0.96 mm); promesonotal shield with a single pair of posteriorly directed longer spines in posterior mesonotal corners (Fig. 8D); dorsal surfaces and appendages with long hairs => 12
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 8. Characters used in key. A, Meranoplus bicolor (non-type, THNHM-I-00027254). B, M. loebli (paratype, CASENT0902032). C, M. rothneyi (lectotype, CASENT0915542). D, E, M. birmanus (holotype, CASENT0919716). F, M. laeviventris (non-type, THNHM-I-00027329). G, I, M. biliran paratype, CASENT0902033). H, M. boltoni (holotype, CASENT0902031). A–D, F–H, promesonotal shield in dorsal view. E, petiole and postpetiole in profile. I, clypeus in full-face view.
return to couplet #11
- Dorsal surfaces of head and promesonotal shield rugose to rugulose-reticulate (Fig. 8A); petiole in profile ± an equilateral triangle (Fig. 5C) => Meranoplus bicolor
- Dorsal surfaces of head and promesonotal shield shiny, with rugae and costulae (Fig. 8D); petiole in profile distinctly narrower (Fig. 8E) => Meranoplus birmanus
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 5. Characters used in key. A, B, E, Meranoplus tanomtongi (holotype, THNHM-I00028903). F, G, M. tanomtongi (non-type worker, THNHM-I-00028904). C, D, M. bicolor (non-type, THNHM-I-00027270). H, M. siamensis (holotype, THNHM-I-00027303). I, M. siamensis (non-type worker, THNHM-I-00028942). A, C, petiole and postpetiole in profile. B, D, petiole and postpetiole in dorsal view. E, H, anterior corners of frontal lobes F, I, head in full-face view. G, eye.
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 8. Characters used in key. A, Meranoplus bicolor (non-type, THNHM-I-00027254). B, M. loebli (paratype, CASENT0902032). C, M. rothneyi (lectotype, CASENT0915542). D, E, M. birmanus (holotype, CASENT0919716). F, M. laeviventris (non-type, THNHM-I-00027329). G, I, M. biliran paratype, CASENT0902033). H, M. boltoni (holotype, CASENT0902031). A–D, F–H, promesonotal shield in dorsal view. E, petiole and postpetiole in profile. I, clypeus in full-face view.
return to couplet #10
- Outline of lateral margins of promesonotum convex in dorsal view, each margin with two large translucent fenestrae; promesonotal shield conspicuously shorter than broad, foliaceous (PMI 178–191) (Fig. 8B) => Meranoplus loebli
- Outline of lateral margins of promesonotum in dorsal view not convex, with lateral constrictions; margins never provided with four translucent fenestrae of that size; promesonotal shield usually longer than broad (PMI 134–155), rectangular or narrowed towards hind margin, never foliaceous (Fig. 8F) => 14
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 8. Characters used in key. A, Meranoplus bicolor (non-type, THNHM-I-00027254). B, M. loebli (paratype, CASENT0902032). C, M. rothneyi (lectotype, CASENT0915542). D, E, M. birmanus (holotype, CASENT0919716). F, M. laeviventris (non-type, THNHM-I-00027329). G, I, M. biliran paratype, CASENT0902033). H, M. boltoni (holotype, CASENT0902031). A–D, F–H, promesonotal shield in dorsal view. E, petiole and postpetiole in profile. I, clypeus in full-face view.
return to couplet #13
- Mesosoma in dorsal view rectangular; lateral margins parallel-sided with a weak constriction at the level of lateral fenestrae (Fig. 8G) => 15
- Mesosoma in dorsal view not rectangular, lateral margins never parallel-sided, conspicuously narrowed towards posterior margin, with distinct lateral constrictions at the level of lateral fenestrae (Fig. 8H) => 17
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 8. Characters used in key. A, Meranoplus bicolor (non-type, THNHM-I-00027254). B, M. loebli (paratype, CASENT0902032). C, M. rothneyi (lectotype, CASENT0915542). D, E, M. birmanus (holotype, CASENT0919716). F, M. laeviventris (non-type, THNHM-I-00027329). G, I, M. biliran paratype, CASENT0902033). H, M. boltoni (holotype, CASENT0902031). A–D, F–H, promesonotal shield in dorsal view. E, petiole and postpetiole in profile. I, clypeus in full-face view.
return to couplet #14
- Posterior margin of mesonotum sinuate, with blunt rounded projections, lacking distinct spines (Fig. 8G); anterior margin of clypeal mid-portion produced into a serrate apron (Fig. 8I) => Meranoplus biliran
- Posterior margin of mesonotum with distinct acute paramedian spines (Fig. 9A); anterior margin of clypeal mid-portion produced into an entire, narrow apron (Fig. 9B) => 16
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 8. Characters used in key. A, Meranoplus bicolor (non-type, THNHM-I-00027254). B, M. loebli (paratype, CASENT0902032). C, M. rothneyi (lectotype, CASENT0915542). D, E, M. birmanus (holotype, CASENT0919716). F, M. laeviventris (non-type, THNHM-I-00027329). G, I, M. biliran paratype, CASENT0902033). H, M. boltoni (holotype, CASENT0902031). A–D, F–H, promesonotal shield in dorsal view. E, petiole and postpetiole in profile. I, clypeus in full-face view.
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 9. Characters used in key. A, B, E, Meranoplus montanus (in Bharti and Akbar 2014). C, G, M. boltoni (holotype, CASENT0902031). D, M. periyarensis (in Bharti and Akbar 2014). F, H, M. nepalensis (paratype, CASENT0902026). A, F, promesonotal shield in dorsal view. B, G, H, clypeus in full-face view. C, petiole and postpetiole in profile. D, E, body in profile.
return to couplet #15
- First gastral tergite smooth and shining; body bright yellowish orange (Fig. 9D) => Meranoplus periyarensis
- First gastral tergite entirely shagreened, anteriorly sometimes with a faint, minute reticulum; body dark brown (Fig. 9E) => Meranoplus montanus
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 9. Characters used in key. A, B, E, Meranoplus montanus (in Bharti and Akbar 2014). C, G, M. boltoni (holotype, CASENT0902031). D, M. periyarensis (in Bharti and Akbar 2014). F, H, M. nepalensis (paratype, CASENT0902026). A, F, promesonotal shield in dorsal view. B, G, H, clypeus in full-face view. C, petiole and postpetiole in profile. D, E, body in profile.
return to couplet #14
- Petiole in profile distinctly truncate dorsally (Fig. 6C); promesonotal shield with one pair of translucent fenestrae (Fig. 8F). Larger species (HL 0.98–1.07 mm, TL 4.1–4.5 mm) => Meranoplus laeviventris
- Petiole in profile cuneate dorsally (Fig. 9C); promesonotal shield with two pairs of translucent fenestrae (Fig. 9F). Smaller species (HL 0.7–0.83 mm, TL 3.0–3.4 mm) => 18
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 6. Characters used in key. A, Meranoplus siamensis (non-type worker, THNHM-I00028942). B, F, M. castaneus (non-type, THNHM-I-00027323). C, M. laeviventris (non-type, THNHM-I-00027329). D, E, M. bellii (lectotype, CASENT0908933). G, H, M. dlusskyi (in Zryanin 2015). I, M. levis (holotype, CASENT0902025). A, eye. B, C. petiole and postpetiole in profile. D, F, G, I, mesosoma in profile. E, gaster in dorsal view. H, head in profile.
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 8. Characters used in key. A, Meranoplus bicolor (non-type, THNHM-I-00027254). B, M. loebli (paratype, CASENT0902032). C, M. rothneyi (lectotype, CASENT0915542). D, E, M. birmanus (holotype, CASENT0919716). F, M. laeviventris (non-type, THNHM-I-00027329). G, I, M. biliran paratype, CASENT0902033). H, M. boltoni (holotype, CASENT0902031). A–D, F–H, promesonotal shield in dorsal view. E, petiole and postpetiole in profile. I, clypeus in full-face view.
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 9. Characters used in key. A, B, E, Meranoplus montanus (in Bharti and Akbar 2014). C, G, M. boltoni (holotype, CASENT0902031). D, M. periyarensis (in Bharti and Akbar 2014). F, H, M. nepalensis (paratype, CASENT0902026). A, F, promesonotal shield in dorsal view. B, G, H, clypeus in full-face view. C, petiole and postpetiole in profile. D, E, body in profile.
return to couplet #17
- In dorsal view, promesonotal shield with distinct spine-like posterolateral and posterior projections (Fig. 8H); anterior margin of clypeal mid-portion denticulate (Fig. 9G) => Meranoplus boltoni
- In dorsal view, promesonotal shield with spine-like projections only posteriorly (Fig. 9F); anterior margin of clypeal mid-portion produced into a narrow, medially excavated apron (Fig. 9H) => Meranoplus nepalensis
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 8. Characters used in key. A, Meranoplus bicolor (non-type, THNHM-I-00027254). B, M. loebli (paratype, CASENT0902032). C, M. rothneyi (lectotype, CASENT0915542). D, E, M. birmanus (holotype, CASENT0919716). F, M. laeviventris (non-type, THNHM-I-00027329). G, I, M. biliran paratype, CASENT0902033). H, M. boltoni (holotype, CASENT0902031). A–D, F–H, promesonotal shield in dorsal view. E, petiole and postpetiole in profile. I, clypeus in full-face view.
- Yodprasit et al. (2024), Figure 9. Characters used in key. A, B, E, Meranoplus montanus (in Bharti and Akbar 2014). C, G, M. boltoni (holotype, CASENT0902031). D, M. periyarensis (in Bharti and Akbar 2014). F, H, M. nepalensis (paratype, CASENT0902026). A, F, promesonotal shield in dorsal view. B, G, H, clypeus in full-face view. C, petiole and postpetiole in profile. D, E, body in profile.
- Schödl, S. 1999. Description of Meranoplus birmanus sp. nov. from Myanmar, and the first record of M. bicolor from Laos (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Entomological Problems 30: 61-65.
- Yodprasit, K., Buddhakala, N., Tasen, W., Jaitrong, W. 2024. Two new species and a new record of the ant genus Meranoplus Smith, 1853 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Myrmicinae) from Thailand. ZooKeys 1210, 207–227 (doi:10.3897/zookeys.1210.125990).