Key to New World Acropyga Workers
This key to workers is based on LaPolla (2004), as modified by LaPolla & Schneider (2023).
Acropyga dubitata is known only from the male and is therefore not included in this key.
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- Basal tooth of mandible greatly enlarged, roughly square to rectangular in shape . . . . . 2
- Basal tooth of mandible not enlarged, roughly triangular in shape . . . . . 3
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- 8 segmented antennae, with apical segment appearing swollen, twice as wide as other segments and almost as long as all other funicular segments combined; mandible with large, roughly rectangular, apically truncated basal tooth . . . . . Acropyga panamensis
- 11 segmented antennae, with apical segment not swollen as above; mandible with large, roughly square basal tooth with three distinct cusps, the first two cusps (from apical tooth) are smaller than the third cusp which is offset by a small diastema . . . . . Acropyga tricuspis
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- Smaller species ( typically, but not always, with TL: < l .7 mm); head width < 0.401 mm; mandible always with 4 teeth . . . . . 4
- Larger species ( typically, but not always, with TL: > l . 7 mm); head width > 0.401 mm; mandible with 3-5 teeth . . . . . 6
return to couplet #3
- Mandible with 3 distinct teeth and a smaller 4th tooth offset from masticatory margin . . . . . Acropyga romeo
- Mandible with 4 distinct, approximately equally sized teeth . . . . . 5
return to couplet #4
- Antennae with 7-8 segments; scape length < 0.27 mm . . . . . Acropyga smithii
- Antennae with 11 segments; scape length > 0.27 mm . . . . . Acropyga stenotes
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- Eyes larger (more than 10 facets) than in most species, appearing prominent in full frontal view; antennae with 10 segments; mandible with 5 unequally sized teeth; a gap present between inner mandibular margin and anterior clypeal margin when mandibles fully closed . . . . . Acropyga ayanganna
- Eyes smaller (fewer than 10 facets) than above, not as prominent in full frontal view; antennae with 8-11 segments; mandible with 3 -5 teeth . . . . . 7
return to couplet #6
- Antennae with 8 segments ; mandible with 4 equally sized teeth; a short diastema separates basal tooth from other teeth . . . . . 7a
- Antennae with 8-11 segments; mandible with 3-5 teeth; typically no diastema separates basal tooth from other teeth, but if diastema is present then antennae with at least 9 segments . . . . . 8
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- Lateral portions of pronotum and mesopleuron with spare to no pubescence; ocular index between 12–15; cephalic index above 100 . . . . . Acropyga fuhrmanni
- Lateral portions of pronotum and mesopleuron with thick layer of pubescence; ocular index between 6–11; cephalic index less than 100 . . . . . Acropyga manuense
return to couplet #7
- Dorsal surface of mandibles notably hairy (approximately 20 hairs); in full frontal view, inner mandibular margin typically parallel to anterior clypeal margin when mandibles are fully closed; no gap is present between inner mandibular margin and anterior clypeal margin when mandibles fully closed; mandible always with 4-5 teeth . . . . . 9
- Dorsal surface of mandibles with less than 20 hairs present; in full frontal view, inner mandibular margin not parallel to anterior clypeal margin when mandibles are fully closed; gap is present between inner mandibular margin and anterior clypeal margin when mandibles fully closed; mandible with 3-5 teeth . . . . . 10
return to couplet #8
- In full frontal view, head distinctly rounded in appearance; head and scapes with medium covering of appressed to erect hairs; mesosoma with many erect hairs throughout; mesonotum lacks appressed hairs ; mandible always with 5 teeth . . . . . Acropyga donisthorpei
- In full frontal view, head rectangular in appearance; head and scapes with dense covering of appressed to erect hairs; mesosoma with only a few scattered erect hairs throughout; mesonotum with a dense layer of appressed hairs; mandible with 4-5 teeth . . . . . Acropyga decedens
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- Mesonotum with largely appressed hairs, that are short and sparse giving the mesosoma a bare appearance; antennae with 9 segments; mandible with 3 equally sized teeth . . . . . Acropyga keira
- Mesonotum with erect hairs with appressed hairs underneath; antennae with 8-11 segments; mandible with 3-5 teeth . . . . . 11
return to couplet #10
- Head typically longer than broad; CI of majority of workers from a nest series < 100; mandible with at least 4 teeth; when with 5 teeth, 4th tooth smaller than others . . . . . 12
- Head typically broader than long; CI of majority of workers from a nest series > 100; mandible with 3-4 teeth; teeth about the same size . . . . . 13
return to couplet #11
- Clypeus without a dense covering of hairs; mesosomal dorsum with a dense layer of appressed hairs, particularly on mesonotum with fewer, distinctly longer, erect hairs throughout . . . . . Acropyga guianensis
- Clypeus with a dense covering of hairs; me so somal dorsum with many erect hairs throughout . . . . . Acropyga hirsutula
return to couplet #11
- Antennae with 8-9 segments; head width typically (in a nest series) < 0.50 mm; mandible with 3 teeth, never 4 . . . . . Acropyga exsanguis
- Antennae with 9-11 segments; head width typically (in a nest series) > 0.50 mm; mandible with 3-4 teeth . . . . . 14
return to couplet #13
- Mesonotum much higher than propodeum, appearing as a distinct segment, covered in a layer of long appressed hairs; mandible with 4 distinct teeth; Hispaniola only . . . . . Acropyga parvidens
- Mesonotum not much higher than propodeum, not appearing as a distinct segment; mandible with 3-4 teeth . . . . . 15
return to couplet #14
- Mesosomal dorsum with largely appressed to suberect hairs; antennae 10-11 with segments; mandible with 3 distinct teeth, though occasionally a smaller basal tooth is present making mandible 4-toothed; scape length < 0.4 mm . . . . . Acropyga epedana
- Mesosomal dorsum with appressed hairs, but also with many erect hairs scattered throughout; antennae with 9-11 segments; mandible with 3-4 teeth; scape length > 0.4 mm . . . . . Acropyga goeldii OR . . . . . Acropyga palaga (males are needed to separate these two species; see discussion under each species for further information)
- LaPolla, J. S. 2004. Acropyga (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the World. The American Entomological Institute 33(3):1-130.
- LaPolla, J.S., Schneider, S.A. 2023. Trophobiosis between a new species of Acropyga (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) and new Neochavesia (Hemiptera, Xenococcidae) from Peru, and establishment of the Acropyga smithii species-group. ZooKeys 1154, 1–16 (doi:10.3897/zookeys.1154.97578).