Key to Leptanilla species
Preliminary key to the Leptanilla species of the world based on the worker caste (modified from Qian et al., 2024).
Leptanilla sichuanensis is excluded as it was described after this key was prepared.
- Masticatory margin of mandible with two teeth => 2
- Masticatory margin of mandible with three or four teeth => 3
return to couplet #1
- In lateral view, dorsum of petiolar node moderately convex with broadly rounded anterodorsal corner, ventral margin of petiole roundly convex. Sternite of postpetiole ventrally pointing [Oriental Region: Indonesia: Java (type locality).] (Fig. 6) => Leptanilla kebunraya
- In lateral view, dorsum of petiolar node slightly convex with prominent narrowly rounded anterodorsal corner, ventral margin of petiole bluntly angled. Sternite of postpetiole strongly inclining anteriorly [Oriental Region: Malaysia: Selangor (type locality).] (Fig. 7) => Leptanilla butteli
return to couplet #1
return to couplet #3
- In full-face view, median lobe of clypeus protruding anteriorly and obviously surpassing antennal sockets => 5
- In full-face view, median lobe of clypeus not protruding anteriorly and not surpassing antennal sockets => 7
return to couplet #4
- Anterior margin of median lobe of clypeus deeply notched in the center. In dorsal view, petiole with an anteriorly tapering peduncle [Palearctic Region: Morocco (type locality).] (Fig. 8) => Leptanilla vaucheri
- Anterior margin of median lobe of clypeus convex or straight, never notched in the center. In dorsal view, petiole without an anteriorly tapering peduncle => 6
return to couplet #5
- In dorsal view, petiolar node relatively longer, about 1.4 times as long as broad. In lateral view, postpetiolar dorsum nearly straight [Palearctic Region: Tunisia (type locality).] (Fig. 9) => Leptanilla nana
- In dorsal view, petiolar node relatively broader, about 1.2 times as long as broad. In lateral view, postpetiolar dorsum moderately convex [Palearctic Region: Italy (type locality).] (Fig. 10) => Leptanilla doderoi
return to couplet #4
- In lateral view, postpetiole distinctly higher than petiole => 8
- In lateral view, postpetiole about as high as petiole => 10
return to couplet #7
- In full-face view, head relatively shorter and nearly trapezoidal, about 1.1 times as long as broad, significantly narrowing anteriorly. Basal tooth of mandible nearly rectangular with truncated apex. In lateral view, dorsum of postpetiolar node strongly convex and rounded [Oriental Region: India (type locality).] (Fig. 11) => Leptanilla ujjalai
- In full-face view, head relatively longer and nearly rectangular, about 1.3 times as long as broad, slightly narrowing anteriorly. Basal tooth of mandible triangular with acute apex. In lateral view, dorsum of postpetiolar node slightly to moderately convex and not rounded => 9
return to couplet #8
- In lateral view, dorsum of postpetiolar node moderately convex and raising up posteriorly, posterodorsal corner distinctly higher than anterodorsal corner [Afrotropical Region: Ghana (type locality).] (Fig. 12) => Leptanilla boltoni
- In lateral view, dorsum of postpetiolar node slightly convex and nearly horizontal, posterodorsal corner about as high as anterodorsal corner [Palearctic Region: Japan (type locality).] (Fig. 13) => Leptanilla japonica
return to couplet #7
- In dorsal view, petiolar node about as long as broad => 11
- In dorsal view, petiolar node longer than broad => 12
return to couplet #10
- In lateral view, dorsum of petiolar node straight and horizontal, anterodorsal and posterodorsal corners at the same level [Palearctic Region: Morocco (type locality.] (Fig. 14) => Leptanilla ortunoi
- In lateral view, dorsum of petiolar node moderately convex and raising up posteriorly, anterodorsal corner lower than posterodorsal corner [Palearctic Region: Algeria (type locality).] (Fig. 15) => Leptanilla theryi
return to couplet #10
- In lateral view, dorsum of petiolar node nearly straight => 13
- In lateral view, dorsum of petiolar node distinctly convex => 15
return to couplet #12
- In lateral view, sternite of postpetiole strongly inclining anteriorly with narrowly rounded anteroventral lobe [Palearctic Region: Japan (type locality).] (Fig. 16) => Leptanilla tanakai
- In lateral view, sternite of postpetiole erect with broadly rounded ventral margin => 14
return to couplet #13
- In lateral view, petiolar node narrowing dorsally with narrowly rounded anterodorsal and posterodorsal corners, ventral margin strongly convex [Palearctic Region: Iberian Peninsula, Spain (type lo cality).] (Fig. 17) => Leptanilla plutonia
- In lateral view, petiolar node weakly widening dorsally with almost rightly angled anterodorsal and posterodorsal corners, ventral margin nearly straight with a notch anteriorly [Palearctic Region: Italy (type locality).] (Fig. 18) => Leptanilla poggii
return to couplet #12
- In lateral view, dorsum of petiolar node not ascending posteriorly, posterodorsal and anterodorsal corners at the same level [Palearctic Region: Iberian Peninsula, Spain (type locality).] (Fig. 19) => Leptanilla charonea
- In lateral view, dorsum of petiolar node distinctly ascending posteriorly, posterodorsal corner obviously higher than anterodorsal corner => 16
return to couplet #15
- In lateral view, sternite of postpetiole moderately inclining anteriorly, ventral margin strongly convex [Australasian Region: Australia (type locality), New Guinea.] (Fig. 20) => Leptanilla swani
- In lateral view, sternite of postpetiole erect, ventral margin nearly straight [Palearctic Region: Iberian Peninsula, Spain (type locality).] (Fig. 21) => Leptanilla zaballosi
return to couplet #3
- In full-face view, median lobe of clypeus not protruding anteriorly and not surpassing antennal sockets => 18
- In full-face view, median lobe of clypeus protruding anteriorly and obviously surpassing antennal sockets => 24
return to couplet #17
- In lateral view, postpetiole about as high as petiole => 19
- In lateral view, postpetiole distinctly higher than petiole => 21
return to couplet #18
- In lateral view, dorsum of petiolar node distinctly ascending posteriorly, posterodorsal corner obviously higher than anterodorsal corner [Oriental Region: Sri Lanka (type locality).] (Fig. 22) => Leptanilla besucheti
- In lateral view, dorsum of petiolar node nearly horizontal, posterodorsal and anterodorsal corners almost at the same level => 20
return to couplet #19
- In lateral view, dorsum of petiolar node weakly convex, sternite inclining posteriorly. Dorsum of postpetiolar node slightly convex, sternite erect, ventral margin slightly convex [Palearctic Region: France (type locality), Iberian Peninsula, Italy, Malta, Morocco, Portugal, Spain.] (Fig. 23) => Leptanilla revelierii
- In lateral view, dorsum of petiolar node strongly convex, sternite inclining anteriorly. Dorsum of postpetiolar node moderately convex, sternite inclining anteriorly, anteroventral corner protruding and narrowly rounded [Palearctic Region: Japan (type locality).] (Fig. 24) => Leptanilla morimotoi
return to couplet #18
- In dorsal view, petiolar node broader than long [Oriental Region: China: Yunnan (type locality).] (Fig. 25) => Leptanilla yunnanensis
- In dorsal view, petiolar node longer than broad => 22
return to couplet #21
- In lateral view, dorsum of postpetiolar node nearly straight, anterodorsal corner protruding and narrowly rounded, sternite strongly inclining anteriorly [Oriental Region: China: Macau (type locality).] (Fig. 26) => Leptanilla macauensis
- In lateral view, dorsum of postpetiolar node moderately convex, anterodorsal corner not protruding and broadly rounded, sternite nearly erect and not inclining anteriorly => 23
return to couplet #22
- In lateral view, dorsum of petiolar node weakly ascending posteriorly. Ventral margin of postpetiolar sternite broadly rounded [Palearctic Region: Japan (type locality).] (Fig. 27) => Leptanilla kubotai
- In lateral view, dorsum of petiolar node descending posteriorly. Ventral margin of postpetiolar sternite bluntly angled [Palearctic Region: Japan: Okinawa (type locality).] (Fig. 28) => Leptanilla okinawensis
- Qian et al. (2024), Fig. 28: Leptanilla okinawensis holotype worker. (A) head in full-face view; (B) body in lateral view; (C) petiole and postpetiole in dorsal view. (A, B) illustrations redrawn from Terayama (2013), slightly modified with legs omitted; (C) illustration drawn according to original description of Terayama (2013).
return to couplet #17
- In full-face view, anterior margin of median clypeal lobe entire, without a notch or concavity in the center => 25
- In full-face view, anterior margin of median clypeal lobe notched or concave in the center => 28
return to couplet #24
- Metanotal groove present [Oriental Region: China: Hunan (type locality), Hubei.] (Fig. 29) => Leptanilla hunanensis
- Metanotal groove absent => 26
return to couplet #25
- In full-face view, median lobe of clypeus narrowing anteriorly and nearly triangular, anterior margin acutely angled [Oriental Region: Nepal (type locality).] (Fig. 30) => Leptanilla buddhista
- In full-face view, median lobe of clypeus not narrowing anteriorly and nearly square, anterior margin straight => 27
return to couplet #26
- In full-face view, posterior head margin obviously concave. In lateral view, dorsum of petiolar node weakly convex, sternite inclining anteriorly and protruding, dorsum of postpetiolar node weakly convex. In dorsal view, petiolar node slightly broader then long and nearly square. Body color brownish yellow [Oriental Region: India (type locality).] (Fig. 4) => Leptanilla lamellata
- In full-face view, posterior head margin straight. In lateral view, dorsum of petiolar node strongly convex, sternite erect, dorsum of postpetiolar node strongly convex. In dorsal view, petiolar node as broad as long and nearly trapezoidal. Body color lighter yellow [Oriental Region: China: Yunnan (type locality).] (Fig. 3) => Leptanilla dehongensis
return to couplet #24
return to couplet #28
- In lateral view, anterodorsal corner of petiolar node rightly angled. In dorsal view, petiolar node as broad as long [Oriental Region: Singapore (type locality).] (Fig. 31) => Leptanilla havilandi
- In lateral view, anterodorsal corner of petiolar node broadly rounded. In dorsal view, petiolar node longer than broad => 30
return to couplet #29
- In dorsal view, petiolar node narrowing posteriorly and nearly trapezoidal, postpetiolar node broader than long and nearly elliptical. In lateral view, posterodorsal corner of postpetiolar node bluntly angled [Palearctic Region: Israel (type locality).] (Fig. 32) => Leptanilla judaica
- In dorsal view, petiolar node widening posteriorly and nearly trapezoidal, postpetiolar node as broad as long and nearly trapezoidal. In lateral view, posterodorsal corner of postpetiolar node broadly rounded [Oriental Region: China: Yunnan (type locality).] (Fig. 33) => Leptanilla kunmingensis
- Qian et al. (2024), Fig. 32: Leptanilla judaica paratype worker. (A, D) head in full-face view; (B, E) body in lateral view; (C, F) body in dorsal view. (A - C) illustrations redrawn from Kugler (1987), slightly modified with legs omitted; (D - F) images from AntWeb (2022), CASENT 0902780, photos by Zach Lieberman.
return to couplet #28
- In dorsal view, postpetiole as broad as petiole => 32
- In dorsal view, postpetiole broader than petiole => 34
return to couplet #31
- In lateral view, dorsum of petiolar node weakly convex with anterodorsal corner bluntly angled [Oriental Region: Thailand (type locality).] (Fig. 34) => Leptanilla thai
- In lateral view, dorsum of petiolar node strongly convex with anterodorsal corner broadly rounded => 33
return to couplet #32
- In full-face view, posterior margin of head weakly concave. In dorsal view, anterior margin of petiolar node nearly straight, postpetiolar node longer than broad [Oriental Region: China: Hunan, Taiwan (type locality).] (Fig. 35) => Leptanilla taiwanensis
- In full-face view, posterior margin of head straight. In dorsal view, anterior margin of petiolar node weakly concave, postpetiolar node broader than long [Oriental Region: Indonesia: Java (type locality).] (Fig. 36) => Leptanilla clypeata
return to couplet #31
- In dorsal view, petiolar node about as broad as long [Oriental Region: India (type locality).] (Fig. 37) => Leptanilla escheri
- In dorsal view, petiolar node longer than broad => 35
return to couplet #34
- In full-face view, anterior margin of median clypeal lobe widely and shallowly concave. In dorsal view, anterior margin of petiolar node deeply concave, lateral margins straight. Body color blackish brown [Oriental Region: Singapore (type locality).] (Fig. 38) => Leptanilla hypodracos
- In full-face view, anterior margin of median clypeal lobe notched in the center. In dorsal view, anterior margin of petiolar node strongly convex or slightly concave, lateral margins weakly convex. Body color light yellow => 36
return to couplet #35
- In full-face view, median lobe of clypeus narrowly protruding anteriorly, anterior margin widely and shallowly notched in the center, posterior margin of head deeply concave. In dorsal view, anterior margin of petiolar node slightly concave [Palearctic Region: Japan: Ogasawara Islands (type locality).] (Fig. 2) => Leptanilla oceanica
- In full-face view, median lobe of clypeus broadly protruding anteriorly, anterior margin narrowly and deeply notched in the center, posterior margin of head straight or slightly concave. In dorsal view, anterior margin of petiolar node strongly convex => 37
return to couplet #36
- In dorsal view, petiolar node nearly rectangular, not widening posteriorly. In lateral view, postpetiole slightly higher than petiole, sternite of postpetiole broad and erect, not inclining anteriorly [Palearctic Region: China: Beijing (type locality).] (Fig. 1) => Leptanilla beijingensis
- In dorsal view, petiolar node nearly trapezoidal, obviously widening posteriorly. In lateral view, postpetiole as high as petiole, sternite of postpetiole narrow and strongly inclining anteriorly [Palearctic Region: China: Shaanxi (type locality).] (Fig. 5) => Leptanilla qinlingensis