Key to Japanese Myrmica workers
Based on Terayama et al. (2024), this worker-based identification key for Japanese Myrmica species excludes the workerless inquiline Myrmica yadori.
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- Lateral portion of clypeus raised into sharp ridge in front of antennal insertion, so that antennal socket distinctly separated from clypeal surface. => 2
- Lateral portion of clypeus not raised, so that antennal socket lay on the same level with clypeus surface. => 3
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- First gastral tergite smooth. Basal surface of antennal scape flat, with weak lateral carinae (Fig. 29). Antennal scape narrowed near the base (Fig. 28). => Myrmica transsibirica
- First gastral tergite shagreened. Basal surface of antennal scape concave, with strong lateral carinae (Fig. 31). Antennal scape with almost parallel dorsal and ventral margins (Fig. 30). => Myrmica excelsa
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- Dorsum of bent of antennal scape with an angle or scape strongly curved in lateral view. => 4
- Base of antennal scape gradually curved, not forming an angle in lateral view. => 8
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- Antennal scape not narrowed near the base; scape strongly angled, bent at a right-angle (Fig. 32). Metanotal groove indistinct or very weakly incised. Propodeal spin long (PSL 0.38–0.43 mm). => Myrmica onoyamai
- Antennal scape not narrowed near the base; scape bent at obtuse angle or right-angle. Metanotal groove more or less incised. Propodeal spine varies from long to short. => 5
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- Antennal scape strongly angled, bent at a right-angle. Basal surface of antennal scape rectangular, with a dorsal lobe. => 6
- Antennal scape bent at obtuse angle, bent ca. 120 degrees. asal surface of antennal scape triangular, without dorsal lobe. => 7
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- Dorsum of bent of antennal scape strongly produced, forming an acute triangle. Basal margin of antennal scape concave in lateral view (Fig. 41). Basal surface of antennal scape with a convex dorsal margin (Fig. 43). Dorsal margin of petiole almost straight in profile. Metanotal groove shallow. => Myrmica surusumi
- Dorsum of bent of antennal scape forming a right-angle or weakly acute triangle. Basal margin of antennal scape straight in lateral view (Figs. 37, 38). Basal surface of antennal scape with a straight dorsal margin (Fig. 40). Dorsal margin of petiole convex in profile. Metanotal groove usually deeply incised. => Myrmica jessensis
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- Postpetiole short in profile, higher than long. Petiole with a convex dorsal margin in profile (Fig. 47). => Myrmica yezomonticola
- Postpetiole longer, as long as height. Petiole with an obtusely angulate dorsal margin in profile (Fig. 46). => Myrmica kamtschatica
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- Ventral margin of petiole convex in middle in lateral view. Head wider (CI 93–97). Antennal scape relatively strongly curved near the base, and a little thickened at the bend (Fig. 25). Tibial spures of middle and hind legs small, not pectinate. => Myrmica luteola
- Ventral margin of petiole almost straight in middle in lateral view. Head narrower (CI <85). Antennal scape gently curved near the base, and not distinctly thickened at the bend. Tibial spures of middle and hind legs long and pectinate. => 9
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- Pronotal dorsum with strong rugae, many of them longitudinal. Body concolorus brown to blackish brown. => Myrmica ruginodis (This taxon contains several cryptic species in Japan)
- Pronotal dorsum with fine rugae, which are in many cases transverse. => Myrmica kurokii