Key to Camponotus of Mongolia

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Key to workers of Camponotus found in Mongolia, based on Aibek & Yamane (2009) and Aibek et al. (2024).


  • Anterior margin of clypeus medially not emarginate, entire => 2
  • Anterior margin of clypeus medially emarginate (Subgenus Myrmentoma) => 6


return to couplet #1

  • Whole body black or blackish brown (sometimes partly reddish). Masticatory margin of mandible with 5 teeth. Clypeus usually without a distinct median carina (rarely with a weak carina). Head of major worker (mandibles excluded) broader than long. Gastral tergites with appressed pubescence (Subgenus Camponotus) => 3
  • Whole body yellow or brownish yellow. Masticatory margin of mandible with 7 teeth. Clypeus with a distinct median carina. Head of major worker (mandibles excluded) as long as broad or distinctly longer than broad. Gastral tergites apparently without appressed pubescence (Subgenus Tanaemyrmex) => 5


return to couplet #2

  • Propodeum posteriorly with rather fine standing hairs down to midlength of its posterior (declivous) face. In the smallest workers the dorsal outline of mesosoma in profile view almost constantly arched throughout. Even in larger workers basal half of mandible lacking striae (striae if any very feeble). With head in full-face view clypeus anteriorly tending to protrude often as a short lobe => Camponotus aterrimus
  • Propodeum posteriorly with thicker standing hairs that are generally restricted to the upper third of its posterior face. In the smallest workers propodeum in profile view with a distinct steep posterior slope. In larger workers nearly whole mandible distinctly striate. With head in full-face view clypeus anteriorly not produced beyond the anterolateral angles of gena => 4


return to couplet #3

  • Propodeal declivity, petiole, legs and antennal flagellum (in smaller workers often mesosoma extensively) reddish brown. Gastral tergites sparsely with short appressed pubescence; these hairs only 2-3 times as long as distance between them => Camponotus herculeanus (as Camponotus herculeanus sachalinensis, a junior synonym)
  • Body almost wholly black; legs and antennal flagellum often with a reddish tinge. Gastral tergites densely with long appressed pubescence; these hairs 4-6 times as long as distance between them => Camponotus saxatilis


return to couplet #2

  • Gena and ventral surface of head without standing hairs. Dorsal face of propodeum shallowly convex in larger workers. Mid- and hind tibiae below with sparse, suberect hairs. Mandibular teeth gradually decreasing in size from the apical to the basal tooth, with basalmost 7th tooth smallest => Camponotus turkestanus
  • Ventral surface of head with long standing hairs; gena with a few short, standing hairs. Dorsal face of propodeum shallowly concave in larger workers. Mid- and hind tibiae below densely with almost appressed hairs. Mandible with the 5th tooth smallest => Camponotus tashcumiri


return to couplet #1

  • Posterior part of head reddish brown, and gaster entirely black. Lateral margin of head in full-face view with numerous short standing hairs => Camponotus lameerei
  • Posterior part of head black, and gaster brownish black, with tergites I and II each with a pair of yellowish white markings. Lateral margin of head in full-face view without standing hairs => Camponotus quadrinotatus
