Key to Australian Camponotus minors of the southwestern Botanical Province

AntWiki: The Ants --- Online

This key to minor workers is based on: Heterick, B. E. 2009a. A guide to the ants of South-western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement 76: 1-206. Part 1.

Since the publication of this key the genus Colobopsis has been removed from its synonymy with Camponotus. Colobopsis species are therefore included in this key.

There is also a key to majors.

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  • Inner surfaces of middle and hind tibiae lacking elongate setae (Figure 186a); frontal carinae width usually > 1/2 HW (slightly less than ½ HW in C. macrocephalus group sp. JDM 927) (Figure 250); (macrocephalus species-group) . . . . . 2
Figure 186a.
Figure 250.
  • Inner surfaces of middle and hind tibiae with double row of stout bristles (Figure 187); frontal carinae width <1/2 HW (Figure 251) . . . . . 3
Figure 187.
Figure 251.


return to couplet #1

  • Mesosoma and node without erect setae or pubescence; venter of head capsule without erect setae; in profile, protuberances on dorsum of mesosoma smoothly rounded; propodeal spiracle near midpoint of propodeum (Figure 252) . . . . . Colobopsis gasseri
Figure 252.
Camponotus gasseri casent0280186 h 1 high.jpg
Camponotus gasseri casent0280186 p 1 high.jpg


  • Mesosoma and node pubescent, erect setae on all body surface; a few erect setae on venter of head capsule; protuberances on dorsum of mesosoma rather angulate in outline; propodeal spiracle near declivitous face of propodeum (Figure 253) . . . . . Colobopsis macrocephala group sp. JDM 927
Figure 253.
Camponotus macrocephalus1 (SAM Adelaide)-web.jpg



return to couplet #1

  • Mentum with elongate, J-shaped setae near its posterior margin (Figure 188) (C. wiederkehri species-group) . . . . . 4
Figure 188.
  • Without elongate J-shaped setae on posterior margin of mentum (Figure 189) . . . . . 15
Figure 189.


return to couplet #3

  • Head capsule strongly tapered posteriad, with fluted edges around foramen (Figure 254) . . . . . Camponotus johnclarki
Figure 254.
  • Head capsule rounded in normal way posteriorly (Figure 255) . . . . . 5
Figure 255.


return to couplet #4

  • Surfaces of tibiae and antennal scape with many erect, bristly setae (Figure 256a, b) . . . . . 6
Figure 256a.
Figure 256b.
  • Surfaces of tibiae and antennal scape lacking erect, bristly setae (Figure 257a, b) . . . . . 7
Figure 257a.
Figure 257b.


return to couplet #5

  • In profile, petiolar node thick, about as high as wide, pubescence on head and gaster abundant, individual setae overlapping (Figure 190b) . . . . . Camponotus gouldianus
Figure 190b.
Camponotus gouldianus casent0280204 h 1 high.jpg
Camponotus gouldianus casent0280204 p 1 high.jpg
  • In profile, petiolar node thinner, about twice as high as wide; pubescence on gaster less abundant, individual setae usually not overlapping (Figure 191b) . . . . . Camponotus terebrans
Figure 191b.
Camponotus terebrans casent0280206 h 1 high.jpg
Camponotus terebrans casent0280206 p 1 high.jpg


return to couplet #5

  • Metanotal groove strongly impressed, rising abruptly at commencement of propodeum (Figure 258a); petiolar node elongate, flattened, with anterior face much shorter than posterior face (Figure 258b) . . . . . Camponotus versicolor
Figure 258a.
Figure 258b.
Camponotus versicolor casent0903549 p 1 high.jpg

  • Metanotal groove, at most, only weakly to moderately impressed (e.g. Figures 259a, 260, 261), in such cases not rising abruptly with commencement of propodeum; petiolar node variable but not normally elongate and vertex often distinctly convex, its anterior face only slighter shorter than its posterior face (Figure 259b) . . . . . 8
Figure 259a.
Figure 260.
Figure 261.
Figure 259b.


return to couplet #7

Figure 192.
  • Angles of vertex rounded; dorsum of mesosoma gently to moderately sinuate (e.g. Figure 193) . . . . . 9
Figure 193.


return to couplet #8

  • Metanotal groove visibly impressed, propodeum distinctly convex (Figure 260); first gastral tergite may be lighter in colour than remaining tergites . . . . . 10
Figure 260.
  • Metanotal groove vestigial or absent, propodeal dorsum straight or barely convex (Figure 261); first gastral tergite concolorous with remaining tergites . . . . . 11
Figure 261.


return to couplet #9

  • In full-face view, setae on the lower sides of head capsule lacking; head and mesosoma red (Figure 262) . . . . . Camponotus wiederkehri group sp. JDM 924
Figure 262.
Camponotus wiederkehri casent0280208 p 1 high.jpg

  • In full-face view, head capsule with many erect setae around its perimeter; head and mesosoma orange (Figure 263) . . . . . Camponotus wiederkehri group sp. JDM 925
Figure 263.


return to couplet #9

Figure 264.
Camponotus wiederkehri casent0280208 p 1 high.jpg
  • Eye smaller (eye length 1/5 ≤ head length) (Figure 265) (ants in C. ceriseipes complex) . . . . . 12
Figure 265.


return to couplet #11

  • Viewed from behind, appressed setulae on one side of gaster gradually converging towards centre of gaster, without clear central line of demarcation (Figure 266) . . . . . Camponotus ceriseipes complex sp. JDM 105
Figure 266.
  • Viewed from behind, appressed setulae on one half of gaster the mirror image of appressed setulae on the other half, the two sides meeting in a clear line of demarcation (most noticeable on tergites 2–4) (Figure 267) . . . . . 13
Figure 267.


return to couplet #12

  • Erect setae sparse on mesosoma, on propodeum 4 ≤, clustered on or near propodeal angle . . . . . Camponotus donnellani
Camponotus donnellani casent0172148 head 1.jpg
Camponotus donnellani casent0172148 profile 1.jpg
  • Erect setae abundant on mesosoma, on propodeum 4 >, arranged along length of Sclerite . . . . . 14


return to couplet #13

  • Scapes relatively shorter (SI < 150); petiolar node often tending to rectangular in profile, rounded above and inclined anteriad . . . . . Camponotus ceriseipes
  • Scapes relatively longer (SI > 150); petiolar node often tending to tumular in profile, rounded above and inclined anteriad . . . . . Camponotus prosseri
Camponotus prosseri casent0172146 head 1.jpg
Camponotus prosseri casent0172146 profile 1.jpg


return to couplet #3

  • Clypeus concave or with anteromedial notch; clypeus projecting beyond genae, clypeal angles acute or right-angled (C. nigriceps species-group) (Figure 200) . . . . . 16
Figure 200.


return to couplet #15

Figure 201.
  • Setae on venter of head capsule present (Figure 202) . . . . . 17
Figure 202.


return to couplet #16

  • Dorsum of propodeum with > 10 erect setae, setae distributed over propodeum (Figure 203) . . . . . 18
Figure 203.
  • Dorsum of propodeum with < 10 erect setae at or near propodeal angle (Figure 204) . . . . . 19
Figure 204.


return to couplet #17

  • Head, mesosoma, node and most of gaster uniformly honey coloured . . . . . Camponotus clarior
Camponotus clarior casent0910306 h 1 high.jpg
Camponotus clarior casent0910306 p 1 high.jpg
Camponotus nigriceps casent0280198 h 1 high.jpg
Camponotus nigriceps casent0280198 p 1 high.jpg


return to couplet #17

  • Erect setae on venter of head capsule 20 >, or setae covering more than 1/2 venter area (Figure 205); typically, head dark brown or black, mesosoma yellowish to dark red and gaster brown or black, with or without yellowish colouration anteriad . . . . . Camponotus dryandrae
Figure 205.
  • Erect setae on venter of head capsule 20 <, or setae covering less than 1/2 venter area (Figure 206); typically, head, mesosoma and gaster concolorous dark brown or black . . . . . Camponotus prostans
Figure 206.
Camponotus prostans casent0280200 h 1 high.jpg
Camponotus prostans casent0280200 p 1 high.jpg


return to couplet #15

  • Head capsule behind eyes strongly attenuated, the edges of the foramen fluted or flanged (Figure 268a, b); number of mandibular teeth usually 7 or more (C. subnitidus species-complex) . . . . . 21
Figure 268a.
Figure 268b.
  • Head capsule behind eyes not strongly attenuated, the edges of the foramen normal (Figure 269a, b); number of mandibular teeth often 5 or 6 . . . . . 22
Figure 269a.
Figure 269b.


return to couplet #20

  • Setae on venter of head capsule absent; number of mandibular teeth 9, mesosoma reddish-brown . . . . . Camponotus rufus
  • Setae on venter of head capsule present; number of mandibular teeth 7 or 8, mesosoma ochre to brown . . . . . Camponotus tricoloratus
Camponotus tricoloratus antweb1008151 p 1 high.jpg


return to couplet #20

  • Body and appendages covered with short, white, erect setae; pubescence lacking on head, gaster and most of mesosoma; number of mandibular teeth 7; clypeus projecting, its anterior margin straight, without central notch or depression . . . . . Camponotus molossus
Camponotus molossus casent0906939 h 1 high.jpg
Camponotus molossus casent0906939 p 1 high.jpg
  • Body and appendages rarely covered with short, white, erect setae; if many white, erect setae present, then differing in one or more of the other characters . . . . . 23


return to couplet #22

  • Metanotal groove deeply impressed, the propodeum quadrate (Figure 270); sculpture of head and mesosoma densely microreticulate-foveate . . . . . Camponotus whitei
Figure 270.
Camponotus whitei casent0172140 head 1.jpg
Camponotus whitei casent0172140 profile 1.jpg
  • Metanotal groove weakly impressed or obsolete, propodeum not quadrate . . . . . 24


return to couplet #23

  • Combination of 9 or 10 mandibular teeth, gracile body and elongate head capsule that is moderately attenuated behind large compound eyes (Figure 271) . . . . . Camponotus claripes group sp. JDM 63
Figure 271.
Camponotus claripes casent0906933 p 1 high.jpg
  • Number of mandibular teeth usually 8 ≤; if 7 or more, then head capsule not as above, usually square, often with vertex broad and somewhat flattened . . . . . 25


return to couplet #24

  • Propodeum with a transverse notch about midpoint of its dorsal face (Figure 272) . . . . . Camponotus sp. JDM 26
Figure 272.
  • Propodeum without transverse notch (Figure 273) . . . . . 26
Figure 273.


return to couplet #25

  • Number of mandibular teeth nearly always 7 or 8, very rarely 6 or 9 teeth on one or both mandibles (in which case mesosoma is distinctly concave in profile), mesosoma with concavity or angle at metanotal groove, or propodeum concave; head often square with eyes set at or near angles of vertex (Figures 274); body often densely hairy or with thick pubescence (C. ephippium species-complex) (Figure 275) . . . . . 27
Figure 274.
Figure 275.
  • Number of mandibular teeth 5 or 6; in profile, dorsum of mesosoma often strongly convex, dorsum of propodeum may have a distinct concavity or 'saddle' in a few species, but usually convex or straight in outline; vertex of head capsule often strongly convex with eyes set well below vertex (taxa with flattened vertex or with angle between vertex and sides of head capsule usually have 5 teeth and a strongly convex propodeal dorsum in profile); body rarely with thick pubescence . . . . . 38


return to couplet #26

  • In profile, vertex of head capsule tapered to a blunt angle; body with pinkish iridescence (appearance that of a meat ant (Iridomyrmex purpureus group)) (Figure 276) . . . . . Camponotus perjurus
Figure 276.
Camponotus perjurus casent0172161 head 1.jpg
Camponotus perjurus casent0172161 profile 1.jpg
  • In profile, vertex of head capsule not tapered to a blunt angle, pinkish iridescence lacking, appearance not meat-ant like . . . . . 28


return to couplet #27


return to couplet #28

  • Non-gracile species; in full-face view, head capsule almost as wide as long; clypeus projecting forward, its anteromedial clypeal margin straight (Figure 277) . . . . . Camponotus sponsorum
Figure 277.
Camponotus sponsorum casent0910402 h 1 high.jpg
Camponotus sponsorum casent0910402 p 1 high.jpg
  • Gracile species; in full-face view head capsule less than two thirds as wide as long; anterior margin of clypeus strongly and evenly convex (Figure 278) . . . . . Camponotus longifacies
Figure 278.
Camponotus longifacies casent0172130 head 1.jpg
Camponotus longifacies casent0172130 profile 1.jpg


return to couplet #28

  • Vertex convex, without distinct separation between vertex and sides of head capsule; eyes placed somewhat below level of dorsum of vertex (Figure 279) . . . . . 31
Figure 279.
  • Vertex flat or nearly so, vertex and sides of head capsule may be separated by angle; eyes placed at or near dorsum of vertex (Figure 280) . . . . . 33
Figure 280.


return to couplet #30

  • Tibiae (Figure 281a) and antennal scape (Figure 281b) (and rest of body) covered with many long, erect, white setae . . . . . Camponotus pawseyi
Figure 281a.
Figure 281b.
  • Tibiae (Figure 282) and antennal scape (Figure 283), at least, lacking long, erect, white setae . . . . . 32
Figure 282.
Figure 283.


return to couplet #31

  • Tibial setae raised to angle of about 20 degrees (Figure 284); in full-face view sides of head with very many erect, white setae; antennal scape often with several semi-erect setae . . . . . Camponotus cinereus notterae (in part - also #35)
Figure 284.
  • Tibial setae appressed or barely raised (Figure 285); in full-face view, sides of head with fewer (usually 12≤), erect, white setae; antennal scape lacking semi-erect setae . . . . . Camponotus ephippium complex sp. JDM 775
Figure 285.
Camponotus ephippium casent0280173 p 1 high.jpg


return to couplet #30

  • Tibial setae raised to angle of 20 degrees, giving leg of ant a shaggy appearance (Figure 284) . . . . . 34
Figure 284.
  • Tibial setae appressed or barely raised (Figure 285) . . . . . 36
Figure 285.


return to couplet #33

  • With combination of vertex of head completely flattened, with blunt angle distinctly separating dorsum of head from its sides (Figure 280) and antennal scape with several longer, erect or semi-erect setae . . . . . Camponotus near ephippium sp. JDM 431
Figure 280.
  • Either vertex of head not so flattened, without distinct separation of dorsum and sides (Figure 279), or antennal scape lacking several longer, erect or semi-erect setae except at the end . . . . . 35
Figure 279.


return to couplet #34

  • In full-face view, vertex of head behind eyes slightly convex, narrowed towards occiput, eyes set just below posterior angles of vertex (Figure 286); sides of head with many erect setae; ant black or black-and-red in colour with orange mid and hind femora, femora black distally . . . . . Camponotus cinereus notterae (in part - also #32)
Figure 286.
  • In full-face view, vertex of head behind eyes flattened, truncated, not narrowed towards occiput, eyes set at posterior angles of vertex (Figure 287); sides of head usually with few erect setae; colour various but legs not as above . . . . . Camponotus ephippium
Figure 287.
Camponotus ephippium casent0280173 p 1 high.jpg


return to couplet #33

  • Individual minute setulae comprising pubescence linked together in rows, giving feathery appearance to each cluster, thick and overlapping on clypeus (Figure 288) . . . . . Camponotus dromas
Figure 288.
Camponotus dromas casent0280174 h 1 high.jpg
Camponotus dromas casent0280174 p 1 high.jpg
  • Individual setulae comprising pubescence distinct, less abundant and non-overlapping on clypeus (Figure 289) . . . . . 37
Figure 289.


return to couplet #36

  • Appressed setae on body minute, sparse; those on gaster well-separated; nearly always black with red head (very rarely, head and mesosoma reddish-orange, gaster black, or ant entirely black) . . . . . Camponotus capito ebeninithorax (“black soma”)
  • Appressed setae on body longer, more abundant; those on anterior of gastral tergites overlapping, forming whitish pubescence; colour variable, often red, or red and dark red, but not distinctly bicoloured as above . . . . . Camponotus capito ebeninithorax


return to couplet #26

  • Very small (HW ≤ 1 mm); body very compact, in profile, pronotum slightly convex anteriorly, otherwise dorsum of mesosoma almost straight; in profile, propodeal angle produced as a broad, bluntly rounded shelf overhanging the node, declivitous face of the propodeum deeply concave (Figure 290); sculpture densely foveate; body and appendages orange to dark reddish-orange . . . . . Camponotus sp. JDM 695
Figure 290.
  • If appearance generally as above, in profile, propodeal angle not produced to form a blunt shelf overhanging a deeply impressed declivitous propodeal face . . . . . 39


return to couplet #38

  • Gaster black with yellowish-green sheen, finely microreticulate, the cells even and impressed; cuticular membrane at apex of each tergite yellowish; head and mesosoma finely sculptured, black or black-and-red with faint white or yellowish sheen; propodeum long, barely to moderately concave (in latter case forming a 'saddle'); in rear view, sides of mesopleuron and propodeum not or barely compressed; legs red to dark reddish-brown (C. nigroaeneus complex, pt.) . . . . . 40
  • Appearance of gaster not as above; otherwise often differing in one or more characters . . . . . 43


return to couplet #39

  • Pronotum and mesonotum black, propodeum and posterior of metapleuron bright crimson . . . . . Camponotus chalceus
Camponotus chalceus casent0217623 h 1 high.jpg
Camponotus chalceus casent0217623 p 1 high.jpg


return to couplet #40

  • In profile, dorsum of propodeum moderately concave, the propodeal angle raised, forming a small hump . . . . . Camponotus nigroaeneus complex sp. JDM 1031
Camponotus nigroaeneus casent0910392 h 1 high.jpg
Camponotus nigroaeneus casent0910392 p 1 high.jpg
  • In profile, dorsum of propodeum not or barely concave, the propodeal angle not raised . . . . . 42


return to couplet #41

  • In full-face view, vertex of head slightly concave, sides of head moderately convex (Figure 291) . . . . . Camponotus hartogi
Figure 291.
  • In full-face view, vertex of head moderately convex, sides of head more-or-less straight (Figure 292) . . . . . Camponotus innexus
Figure 292.
Camponotus innexus casent0280178 h 1 high.jpg
Camponotus innexus casent0280178 p 1 high.jpg


return to couplet #39

  • Declivitous face of propodeum steep, long (ratio between length of dorsum of propodeum and its declivitous face much less than 1:1, often 1:2–1:3) (Figure 293); viewed from rear, sides of propodeum strongly laterally compressed and tapering to a blunt to sharp edge posteriad (Figure 294); sculpture of mesopleuron and propodeum consisting of evenly impressed microreticulation; body concolorous black or dark brown, legs often light in colour; number of mandibular teeth usually six, rarely five (e.g. in some specimens of C. tristis) . . . . . 44
Figure 293.
Figure 294.
  • If declivitous face of propodeum steep and long, then propodeal sides not tapering to blunt or sharp edge or body colour not concolorous black (members of C. lownei complex, which are similar, always have five mandibular teeth, the propodeal flanks are less compressed; the mesopleural and propodeal microsculpture is superficial without uniform, impressed microreticulation, and the colour may be brown, reddish or bicoloured shades of brown or red-and-black) . . . . . 48


return to couplet #43

Camponotus oetkeri casent0910396 h 1 high.jpg
Camponotus oetkeri casent0910396 p 1 high.jpg
  • At least two pairs of erect setae present on mesosoma . . . . . 45


return to couplet #43

  • Ant completely black, dull in appearance; propodeal angle not distinct . . . . . Camponotus tristis
  • Ant with femora, at least, normally lighter coloured than the body (usually yellow or reddish), if femora dark, then ant with relatively sharp propodeal angle (rare C. michaelseni workers); usually shining in appearance . . . . . 46


return to couplet #45

  • Dorsum of mesosoma with more than three pairs of erect setae (usually many); pronotum and mesonotum distinctly shagreenate in appearance . . . . . Camponotus oetkeri voltai
  • Dorsum of mesosoma with 2 or 3 pairs of erect setae; sculpture on pronotum and mesonotum very weak, these sclerites shiny in appearance . . . . . 47


return to couplet #46

Figure 295.
Camponotus michaelseni casent0910391 p 1 high.jpg

  • Legs uniformly light brown to yellowish; propodeal angle indistinct (Figure 296) . . . . . Camponotus claripes
Figure 296.


return to couplet #43

  • Five mandibular teeth (basal (sixth) tooth may be represented by minute denticle or angle); in profile, pronotum flat, metanotal groove obsolete; propodeum usually steeply declivitous (Figure 297) . . . . . 49
Figure 297.
  • Six distinct mandibular teeth; profile usually different (e.g. Figure 298) . . . . . 58
Figure 298.


return to couplet #48

  • Head and at least pronotum and mesonotum of mesosoma densely foveate-punctate; matt in appearance, colour of body and appendages orange . . . . . 50
  • Head and mesosoma usually shining, either smooth or with microsculpture; if matt in appearance and reddish, then sculpture finely shagreenate; most commonly black or dark brown with lighter appendages (C. lownei complex) or mottled or concolorous ochre (some populations of C. gibbinotus) . . . . . 51


return to couplet #49

  • Head and mesosoma densely foveate-punctate (Figure 299); very many erect setae on body, femora and antennal scape; matt in appearance . . . . . Camponotus sp. JDM 771
Figure 299.
  • Sculpture and appearance generally as above, but dorsum and sides of propodeum with fine, parallel striolae rather than fovea or punctures (Figure 300); femora and antennal scape lacking erect setae, except at the ends . . . . . Camponotus sp. JDM 1038
Figure 300.


return to couplet #49

  • Propodeal angle absent or very weak, dorsum of propodeum rounding smoothly into declivitous surface of propodeum (Figure 301) . . . . . 52
Figure 301.
  • Propodeal angle present, dorsum and declivitous face of propodeum distinctly separate (Figure 302) . . . . . 54
Figure 302.


return to couplet #51

  • Uniformly pale ochraceous; basal (sixth tooth) may be represented by a minute half denticle or angle; seen from rear propodeum strongly laterally compressed with distinct edge . . . . . Camponotus gibbinotus (in part - also #75)
Camponotus gibbinotus casent0280170 h 1 high.jpg
Camponotus gibbinotus casent0280170 p 1 high.jpg
  • Head much darker than mesosoma when ant viewed dorsally, or ant uniformly dark brownish or black; five mandibular teeth; seen from rear propodeum only moderately laterally compressed without distinct edge . . . . . 53


return to couplet #52

  • When viewed full-face, head capsule rectangular, eyes placed well below vertex (Figure 303) . . . . . Camponotus discors complex sp. JDM 772
Figure 303.
Camponotus discors casent0910291 p 1 high.jpg

  • When viewed full-face, head capsule square, eyes placed near vertex (Figure 304) . . . . . Camponotus lownei complex sp. JDM 616
Figure 304.
Camponotus lownei casent0280216 p 1 high.jpg


return to couplet #51

  • Head and body either concolorous reddish-ororange-brown or blackish-brown to black . . . . . 55


return to couplet #54


return to couplet #55

  • Mandible concolorous reddish-brown; appendages ochre to rich reddish-brown; in full-face view, margin of vertex of head capsule flat to slightly concave in many specimens . . . . . Camponotus lownei
Camponotus lownei casent0280216 h 1 high.jpg
Camponotus lownei casent0280216 p 1 high.jpg
  • Mandible dark brown to black with transverse lighter band of colour near masticatory margin; appendages dark brown to brownish-black; in full-face view, margin of vertex of head capsule tending to slightly convex (n.b. Caution: the distinctions between C. lownei and C. evae zeuxis minor workers given here may not be true for all populations. Major workers are required for a definitive diagnosis) . . . . . Camponotus evae zeuxis


return to couplet #55

  • Vertex of head capsule with erect and semierect setae scattered over dorsum; abundant semi-erect setae present on legs and antennae, these setae set at ≈ 200 to horizontal plane (Figure 305a,b) . . . . . Camponotus simpsoni
Figure 305a.
Figure 305b.
  • Erect setae on dorsum of vertex of head capsule confined to a paired row that straddle the midline of the head capsule; setae on antenna and legs appressed or nearly so (Figure 306a,b) . . . . . Camponotus lownei complex sp. JDM 761
Figure 306a.
Figure 306b.
Camponotus lownei casent0280216 p 1 high.jpg


return to couplet #48

  • In profile, mesosoma forming an arc, mesonotum and propodeum, at least, strongly convex (Figure 307a); in dorsal view, mesonotum and propodeum broad, not laterally compressed (Figure 307b); Vertex of head capsule flat, with distinct angle between eye and posterior margin of head capsule (Figure 307c) . . . . . Camponotus arcuatus complex sp. JDM 694
Figure 307a.
Figure 307b.
Figure 307c.
  • In profile, mesosoma not forming an arc, either pronotum and mesonotum flattened, propodeum sharply declivitous towards its junction with the petiole, or mesosoma weakly convex, the propodeum weakly convex or straight; in dorsal view, propodeum often distinctly laterally compressed (Figure 308); head capsule usually without distinct angle between eye and posterior margin of head capsule (Figure 309) . . . . . 59
Figure 308.
Figure 309.


return to couplet #58

  • In full-face view, setae on sides of head extending above level of eyes; antennal scape with short erect and sub-erect setae (Figure 310) . . . . . 60
Figure 310.
  • In full-face view, setae on sides of head not extending above level of eyes, either absent or restricted to a few about articulation of mandibles; antennal scape often lacking erect setae, where present these confined to one or two (Figure 311) . . . . . 61
Figure 311.


return to couplet #59

  • Head black, contrasting with tawny-orange mesosoma; in full-face view, anteromedial clypeal margin straight without small protuberance at midpoint (Figure 312) . . . . . Camponotus claripes complex sp. JDM 767
Figure 312.
  • Head concolorous or only slightly darker than tawny-orange mesosoma; in full-face view, anteromedial clypeal margin slightly convex, with small protuberance at midpoint (Figure 313) . . . . . Camponotus discors complex sp. JDM 1104
Figure 313.
Camponotus discors casent0910291 p 1 high.jpg


return to couplet #59

  • Erect pronotal setae consisting of one pair placed near the promesonotal suture (rarely, additional shorter erect setae may be found in some C. darlingtoni individuals) (Figure 314) . . . . . 62
Figure 314.
  • Erect pronotal setae consisting of one pair placed at about midpoint of sclerite or of more than three setae without a pair placed near promesonotal suture (Figure 315) . . . . . 64
Figure 315.


return to couplet #61

  • In profile, dorsal propodeal face straight, ratio of dorsal to declivitous propodeal face ≈ 2:1 (Figure 316) . . . . . Camponotus darlingtoni
Figure 316.
Camponotus darlingtoni casent0217640 h 1 high.jpg
Camponotus darlingtoni casent0217640 p 1 high.jpg

  • In profile, dorsal propodeal face convex, ratio of dorsal to declivitous propodeal face 1:1–1:2 (Figure 317) . . . . . 63
Figure 317.


return to couplet #62

  • Setae on venter of head capsule present (mainly SW coastal plain, also found on inland sandplains) . . . . . Camponotus scratius
Camponotus scratius casent0910400 h 1 high.jpg
Camponotus scratius casent0910400 p 1 high.jpg
  • Setae on venter of head capsule absent (widespread) . . . . . Camponotus claripes minimus


return to couplet #61

  • Body and appendages bright yellow-orange, last two tergites of gaster blackish . . . . . Camponotus claripes marcens


return to couplet #64

  • In profile, dorsum of propodeum straight; in rear view, sides of propodeum not compressed or very weakly so (Figure 318) . . . . . 66
Figure 318.
  • In profile, dorsum of propodeum weakly to strongly convex, arcing down to propodeal angle; in rear view sides of propodeum strongly compressed (Figure 319) . . . . . 69
Figure 319.


return to couplet #65


return to couplet #66

  • Appressed setae relatively long, glistening and sometimes curled, forming close, irregular rows on head, mesosoma and gaster (Figure 320) . . . . . Camponotus scotti
Figure 320.
  • Appressed setae minute, well-separated on gaster (Figure 321), forming fine pubescence on lower mesopleuron, propodeum and node. . . . . . 68
Figure 321.


return to couplet #67

  • In full-face view, sides of head straight, parallel (Figure 322); mesosoma matt, shagreenate with milky sheen . . . . . Camponotus cinereus amperei
Figure 322.
  • In full-face view, sides of head tapering, converging anteriad (Figure 323); mesosoma more shiny in appearance . . . . . Camponotus pitjantjatarae
Figure 323.


return to couplet #65

  • Appearance matt, dull, with fine, micropunctate sculpture; colour usually uniformly dingy, dark, greyish-brown, more rarely reddish-orange with greyish-brown gaster . . . . . Camponotus claripes complex sp. JDM 779
  • Appearance glossy, with only very superficial microsculpture; colour variable, but usually paler with at least some yellowish sectors . . . . . 71


return to couplet #70

  • Anteromedial margin of clypeus straight or slightly emarginate (Figure 326); in profile, petiolar node usually thicker, its dorsum rounded, with tapering edge (if present) directed posteriad; ratio of length of dorsum of propodeum to its declivitous face 1:2≥ . . . . . 72
Figure 326.
  • Anteromedial margin of clypeus weakly convex, often with small protuberance at its midpoint (Figure 327); in profile, petiolar node rather high and thin, usually tapering to a sharp point apically; ratio of length of dorsum of propodeum to its declivitous face 1:1–1:2 . . . . . 74
Figure 327.


return to couplet #71

  • Head and body concolorous ochre to pale brown, legs uniform pale yellow; erect setae absent from venter of head capsule . . . . . Camponotus claripes group sp. JDM 288
  • Head conspicuously darker than mesosoma and/or legs with patches of grey infuscation or uniformly dark in colour; one to several erect setae nearly always visible on venter of head capsule . . . . . 73


return to couplet #72

  • Head narrower (CI 70 <) (possibly a complex of at least two species represented here) . . . . . Camponotus claripes
Camponotus claripes casent0906933 h 1 high.jpg
Camponotus claripes casent0906933 p 1 high.jpg


return to couplet #1

  • Sides of head diverging anteriad, greatest head width near articulation of mandibles (Figure 328) . . . . . Camponotus claripes group sp. JDM 1073
Figure 328.
  • Sides of head more-or-less parallel (Figure 329) . . . . . 75
Figure 329.


return to couplet #74

  • Setae on venter of head capsule (if present: absent in SWBP specimens, see Figure 330) confined to depression near foramen; yellowish, pale ants, head not darker than mesosoma . . . . . Camponotus gibbinotus (in part - also #52)
Figure 330.
Camponotus gibbinotus casent0280170 h 1 high.jpg
Camponotus gibbinotus casent0280170 p 1 high.jpg
  • Setae on venter of head capsule covering a larger area (McArthur, pers. comm. – confined to foramen in SWBP specimens, see Figure 331); tawny-orange to brownish ants, head may be darker than mesosoma . . . . . Camponotus discors
Figure 331.
Camponotus discors casent0910291 p 1 high.jpg