Key to Afrotropical Meranoplus species
This key is based on Bolton (1981)[1]. No new species have been cited from the Afrotropical Region since then.
- Dorsum of petiole armed with a pair of spines or teeth. Promesonotal shield posteriorly not overhanging the propodeum, the latter visible in dorsal view and forming a part of the dorsal alitrunk .....2
- Dorsum of petiole unarmed, without spines or teeth. Promesonotal shield posteriorly overhanging the propodeum, the latter not visible in dorsal view and not forming a part of the dorsal alitrunk.....4
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- Erect to suberect stout hairs absent from dorsal (outer) surface of hind tibiae, only fine decumbent to appressed pubescence present. Dorsal surface of head, alitrunk and gaster with short appressed hairs, without elongate erect or suberect pilosity …..Meranoplus glaber
- Erect to suberect stout hairs present on dorsal (outer) surface of hind tibiae, only fine decumbent to appressed pubescence present. Dorsal surface of head, alitrunk and gaster with conspicuous elongate pilosity, which may be very dense and which is erect or suberect at least in part .....3
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- Postpetiole in profile low and broad, nodiform, the posterodorsal angle prominent and overhanging the posterior face. Dorsum of postpetiole densely clothed in fine soft curved hairs. Spines on petiole dorsum short …..Meranoplus spininodis
- Postpetiole in profile high and narrow, columnar, the posterodorsal angle not prominent, not overhanging the posterior face. Dorsum of postpetiole with a few long stout hairs and some short, fine pubescence. Spines on petiole dorsum long ..... Meranoplus sthenus
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- Postpetiole in profile squamiform or very strongly anteroposteriorly compressed, without a long dorsal surface. Propodeal spines absent or short, not projecting posteriorly beyond the mesonotal margin in dorsal view. .....5
- Postpetiole in profile broad or nodiform, with a long dorsal surface which is flat to convex. Propodeal spines projecting posteriorly beyond the mesonotal margin in dorsal view. .....7
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- Propodeum armed with a pair of short spines.....6
- Propodeum without spines .....Meranoplus inermis
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- Posterior margin of mesonotum with 4-6 opaque cuticular projections, the spaces between the projections with translucent thin cuticular lamellae. Postpetiole dorsum a transverse crest without rugose sculpture …..Meranoplus nanus
- Posterior margin of mesonotum with a broad transverse shelf-like lamella which may project into into 2-4 triangular teeth, the lamella usually concave and thinner medially. Postpetiole dorsum narrow but flattened, with rugose sculpture …..Meranoplus clypeatus
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- Mandibles armed with 5 teeth. Anterior clypeal apron rounded and generally shallowly convex, without a prominence or denticle on each side of the median portion …..Meranoplus peringueyi
- Mandibles armed with 4 teeth. Anterior clypeal apron more or less flat to concave between a prominence or denticle on each side of the median portion …..Meranoplus magrettii