Camponotus robustus species group

AntWiki: The Ants --- Online

Based on Rasoamanana and Fisher 2022.



Key to Malagasy Camponotus subgenus Mayria minor workers


The Camponotus robustus species group can be distinguished by the combination of the following characters: in profile, posterodorsal face of petiole flat; anterodorsal margin of pronotum not arcuate, as in Camponotus edmondi species group, but with broadly rounded to tuberculate humeral angle. In dorsal view, propodeum dorsum rectangular with distinct lateral margin; it forms an obtuse angle with the declivitous face. Clypeus with short anterior rounded lobe, sometimes notched medially (C. ethicus). Mesosomal dorsum complex, metanotal suture impressed. This group includes three species, two of which have been previously described as part of the C. edmondi species group. However, from Rakotonirina et al. (2016), this group can be recognized with the combination of the following characters: dorsolateral margin of propodeum marginate or extending into a sharp ridge, propodeal declivity usually concave, anterolateral corner of pronotum most often marginate, forecoxa larger than the width of mesopleuron, and usually propodeal dorsum abruptly sloping down to the insertion of the petiole. In addition, this species group has a prominent pronotal suture which is large and arcuate, making the characteristic form of mesonotum oval in dorsal view; propodeum dorsum mostly reduced in length and inclined towards petiole; and petiolar face distinctly convex, with at least one face, in dorsal view, resembling a handheld fan.

Major and Minor workers - Clypeus not produced but with a rounded anterior margin. In profile, dorsal outline of mesosoma roughly straight and broken by metanotal suture; mesonotum and propodeum dorsum mostly rectangular and flattened in profile view. Ant black with opaque integument, pilosity suberect and white, pubescence short but distinct.

Minor worker - In full-face view, head longer than broad, lateral margins nearly straight and slightly diverging posteriorly, posterior margin broadly convex.

Major worker - In full-face view, head broader than long, lateral margin slightly convex.


C. ethicus and C. robustus are newly placed in the subgenus Mayria and form a monophyletic group with Camponotus zoro based on the morphological traits cited above.
