Vollenhovia terayamai

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Vollenhovia terayamai
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Myrmicinae
Tribe: Crematogastrini
Genus: Vollenhovia
Species: V. terayamai
Binomial name
Vollenhovia terayamai
Rilta, Dhadwal & Bharti, 2023

This Eastern Indian species was unfortunately described based on only two specimens from West Bengal, India (Dhadwal et al. 2023) so the discovery of further material appears crucial to appreciate its intraspecific variation (Akbar et al., 2023).

Photo Gallery

  • Akbar et al. (2023), Fig. 11. Vollenhovia terayamai, holotype worker from India (PUAC T731, photographer: Himender Bharti). A. Head, full face view. B. Habitus, lateral view. C. Habitus, dorsal view. D. Entrance to Chapramari Wild Life Sanctuary, West Bengal.


Dhadwal, Rilta and Bharti (2023) - This species is similar to Vollenhovia okinawana. Both species can easily be separated based on the following combination of characters: In full-face view, head medially with a broad, smooth band extended from posterior clypeal margin to concavity of the posterior head margin; masticatory margin of mandibles with 6-teeth; subpetiolar process well developed and knob like; in lateral view, posterodorsal surface of postpetiole convex; dorsal surface of first gastral tergite with scattered punctures. While, in V. okinawana medial smooth band extended up to the frons; masticatory margin of mandibles with 7-teeth; subpetiolar process low and small; in lateral view, posterodorsal surface of postpetiole concave; dorsal surface of the first gastral tergite smooth and shiny.

Keys including this Species


  • Akbar et al. (2023), Fig. 1. Distribution map of the species of Vollenhovia from India.

Latitudinal Distribution Pattern

Latitudinal Range: 26.5° to 26.5°.

Tropical South
  • Source: Dhadwal et al., 2023

Distribution based on Regional Taxon Lists

Oriental Region: India (type locality).

Distribution based on AntMaps


Distribution based on AntWeb specimens

Check data from AntWeb

Countries Occupied

Number of countries occupied by this species based on AntWiki Regional Taxon Lists. In general, fewer countries occupied indicates a narrower range, while more countries indicates a more widespread species.

Estimated Abundance

Relative abundance based on number of AntMaps records per species (this species within the purple bar). Fewer records (to the left) indicates a less abundant/encountered species while more records (to the right) indicates more abundant/encountered species.




The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World.

  • terayamai. Vollenhovia terayamai Rilta, Dhadwal & Bharti, in Dhadwal et al., 2023: 6, figs. 13-15 (w.) INDIA (West Bengal).

Unless otherwise noted the text for the remainder of this section is reported from the publication that includes the original description.



Holotype: HL 0.54; HW 0.46; SL 0.34; EL 0.12; ML 0.66; PRNW 0.36; PTL 0.24; PPTL 0.18; PTW 0.16; PPTW 0.20; PTH 0.28; PPTH 0.16; GL 0.68; TL 2.30 mm; CI 85.18; SI 73.91. Paratype: HL 0.58; HW 0.50; SL 0.36; EL 0.14; ML 0.68; PRNW 0.40; PTL 0.26; PPTL 0.20; PTW 0.18; PPTW 0.22; PTH 0.30; PPTH 0.18; GL 0.70; TL2.42 mm; CI 86.20; SI 72.00 (n = 1).

In full face view, head rectangular, distinctly longer than broad (CI 85.18-86.20), posterior head margin feebly concave medially, occipital corners rounded, lateral sides almost parallel, clypeus broad, anterior margin weakly concave medially; mandibles triangular, masticatory margin with 6-teeth; antennae 12-segmented, with a club of apical 3-larger segments, scape short, falling short about 1/4th of its total length; eyes large and placed laterally below the mid-length of the head.

In dorsal view, mesosoma trapezoidal; promesonotal suture indistinct; metanotal groove feebly developed; dorsal surface of mesosoma flat; propodeal declivity weakly concave medially, laterally emarginated; petiolar node longer than broad; postpetiole broader than long; gaster large and oval.

In lateral view, the dorsal surface of the mesosoma is slightly slanting posteriorly; propodeal corners rounded; propodeal spiracle small and rounded, placed below the propodeal declivity; propodeal lobe small and rounded; petiolar node higher than long, anterior face erect, and dorsal surface rounded; petiole ventrally with transparent and knob like subpetiolar process; dorsal outline of petiole rounded.

The dorsal surface of the head is coarsely punctated, medially with a broad, smooth band extended from the posterior clypeal margin to the concavity of the posterior head margin; the clypeus smooth and laterally with two divergent carinae; mandibles smooth and shiny with scattered piligerous punctures; dorsal surface of pronotum and mesonotum finely longitudinally striated and punctated, medially with a smooth longitudinal band; propodeal dorsum coarsely punctated; laterally mesosoma coarsely punctated; dorsal surface of petiole coarsely punctated; dorsal surface of postpetiole smooth and very weakly punctated; dorsal surface of first gastral tergite with scattered punctures.

Body covered with dense, erect, and sub-erect hairs; appressed pubescence sparse on the body whereas dense on antennae and appendages.

Body dark brownish in color; mandibles, antennae, and appendages light brownish in color.

Type Material

  • Holotype worker: India: West Bengal: Chapramari Wild Life Sanctuary, 200 m, 26.5304°N, 88.5107°E, 28.vii.2015 (Holotype - PUAC T731; Paratype - PUAC T733).
  • Paratype, 1 worker, same data as holotype, Hand-picking method. Joginder Singh Rilta leg.


The species is named in regard to Prof. Mamoru Terayama for his contributions to ant systematics.
