Key to Vollenhovia from India and Sri Lanka

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Worker-based key to the species of Vollenhovia from India and Sri Lanka, based on Akbar et al. (2023).

  • Akbar et al. (2023), Fig. 13. Characters used in the identification key. A–B. Yellowish-brown (syntype worker of V. escherichi from Sri Lanka: CASENT0908656, photographer: Will Ericson). C–D. Dark brown to black (worker of V. keralensis). E. Convex anterior clypeal margin with a single median tooth (worker of V. keralensis). F. Emarginate anterior clypeal margin with with no median tooth (holotype worker of V. gastropunctata). G, I. Generally foveolate body with mandible having 8 teeth (worker of V. keralensis). H, J. Generally punctate body with mandible having 7 teeth (H. Worker of V. piroskae; CASENT0159915, photographer: Michele Esposito. J. Holotype worker of V. karimalaensis). K. Mesosoma smooth and shiny (syntype worker of V. oblonga laevithorax, CASENT0904539). L. Mesosoma strongly sculptured throughout (holotype worker of V. taylori). M. Declivity carinate, dentiform (worker of V. pfeifferi). N. No propodeal spines; declivity smoothly rounded (holotype worker of V. yasmeenae).
  • Akbar et al. (2023), Fig. 14. Characters used in the identification key. A. Mesosoma dorsum with a smooth and shiny central area (holotype worker of V. terayamai). B. Mesosoma dorsum dorsally entirely sculptured (holotype worker of V. taylori). C, E. Head with broad median smooth band with postpetiole narrower and dorsally smooth (holotype worker of V. terayamai). D, F. Head entirely sculptured with wider postpetiole, dorsally sculptured (holotype worker of V. yasmeenae). G–H. Mandible with 7 teeth, mesopleuron transversely striate (holotype worker of V. mawrapensis). I–J. Mandible with 6 teeth, mesopleuron coarsely punctuate (holotype worker of V. taylori).


  • Light colored, yellowish-brown with coarse alveolate head sculpture (Fig. 13A–B); small species (CW ˂ 0.4 mm), only known from Sri Lanka (Fig. 13A) => Vollenhovia escherichi
  • Dark brown to black (Fig. 13C–D), India => 2


return to couplet #1

  • Anterior clypeal margin convex, forming a single median tooth (Fig. 13E) => 3
  • Anterior clypeal margin emarginate with no median tooth (Fig. 13F) => 4


return to couplet #2

  • Body generally foveolate; mandible with 8 teeth; subpetiolar process lamellar wall distinctly longer than high (Fig. 13G–I) => Vollenhovia keralensis
  • Body generally punctate; mandible with 7 teeth; subpetiolar process elongate and sickle-shaped (Fig. 13H–J) => Vollenhovia karimalaensis


return to couplet #4

  • Mesosoma smooth and shiny, with few delicate, scattered punctures anteriorly, very evident metanotal depression (Fig. 13K) => Vollenhovia oblonga laevithorax or a member of the V. penetrans complex sensu Wang et al. (2022)
  • Mesosoma strongly sculptured throughout (Fig. 13L) => 5


return to couplet #4

  • Propodeal spines dentiform; declivity carinate (Fig. 13M) => Vollenhovia pfeifferi
  • No propodeal spines; declivity smoothly rounded (Fig. 13N) => 6


return to couplet #5

  • Mesosoma dorsum with a smooth and shiny central area (Fig. 14A) => 7
  • Mesosoma dorsum dorsally entirely sculptured, with no central smooth region (Fig. 14B) => 8


return to couplet #6

  • Head with a broad smooth median band (Fig. 14C), postpetiole narrower and dorsally smooth, Eastern India (Fig. 14E) => Vollenhovia terayamai
  • Entirely sculptured (Fig. 14D), postpetiole wider and dorsally sculptured, Western Ghats (Fig. 14F) => Vollenhovia yasmeenae


return to couplet #6

  • Body size small (CL: 0.44–0.50; CW: 0.40–0.44; ML: 0.54–0.60) => 9
  • Body size larger (CL: 0.56; CW: 0.49; ML: 0.73–0.75) => Vollenhovia gastropunctata


return to couplet #8

  • Mandible with 7 teeth, mesosoma dorsum more finely and densely sculptured, mesopleuron transversely striate (Fig. 14G–H) => Vollenhovia mawrapensis
  • Mandible with 6 teeth, head, and mesosoma characterized by a coarse punctate sculpture, mesopleuron coarsely punctate (Fig. 14I–J) => Vollenhovia taylori
