Key to Vollenhovia from India and Sri Lanka
Worker-based key to the species of Vollenhovia from India and Sri Lanka, based on Akbar et al. (2023).
- Light colored, yellowish-brown with coarse alveolate head sculpture (Fig. 13A–B); small species (CW ˂ 0.4 mm), only known from Sri Lanka (Fig. 13A) => Vollenhovia escherichi
- Dark brown to black (Fig. 13C–D), India => 2
return to couplet #1
- Anterior clypeal margin convex, forming a single median tooth (Fig. 13E) => 3
- Anterior clypeal margin emarginate with no median tooth (Fig. 13F) => 4
return to couplet #2
- Body generally foveolate; mandible with 8 teeth; subpetiolar process lamellar wall distinctly longer than high (Fig. 13G–I) => Vollenhovia keralensis
- Body generally punctate; mandible with 7 teeth; subpetiolar process elongate and sickle-shaped (Fig. 13H–J) => Vollenhovia karimalaensis
return to couplet #4
- Mesosoma smooth and shiny, with few delicate, scattered punctures anteriorly, very evident metanotal depression (Fig. 13K) => Vollenhovia oblonga laevithorax or a member of the V. penetrans complex sensu Wang et al. (2022)
- Mesosoma strongly sculptured throughout (Fig. 13L) => 5
return to couplet #4
- Propodeal spines dentiform; declivity carinate (Fig. 13M) => Vollenhovia pfeifferi
- No propodeal spines; declivity smoothly rounded (Fig. 13N) => 6
return to couplet #5
- Mesosoma dorsum with a smooth and shiny central area (Fig. 14A) => 7
- Mesosoma dorsum dorsally entirely sculptured, with no central smooth region (Fig. 14B) => 8
return to couplet #6
- Head with a broad smooth median band (Fig. 14C), postpetiole narrower and dorsally smooth, Eastern India (Fig. 14E) => Vollenhovia terayamai
- Entirely sculptured (Fig. 14D), postpetiole wider and dorsally sculptured, Western Ghats (Fig. 14F) => Vollenhovia yasmeenae
return to couplet #6
- Body size small (CL: 0.44–0.50; CW: 0.40–0.44; ML: 0.54–0.60) => 9
- Body size larger (CL: 0.56; CW: 0.49; ML: 0.73–0.75) => Vollenhovia gastropunctata
return to couplet #8
- Mandible with 7 teeth, mesosoma dorsum more finely and densely sculptured, mesopleuron transversely striate (Fig. 14G–H) => Vollenhovia mawrapensis
- Mandible with 6 teeth, head, and mesosoma characterized by a coarse punctate sculpture, mesopleuron coarsely punctate (Fig. 14I–J) => Vollenhovia taylori