Tetraponera rufonigra species group

AntWiki: The Ants --- Online

This article is based on Ward, 2006 [1]

New additions to the group > 2006: Tetraponera periyarensis Barthi & Akbar, 2014[2]

Worker diagnosis

  • Large species with broad head (CI >0.85)
  • Masticatory margin of mandible usually with four teeth, preceded by a single tooth on basal margin (in one species masticatory margin with five teeth and basal margin without teeth)
  • Basal margin subequal in length to masticatory margin
  • Labrum either lacking prominent tubercles (Asian species) or with a single median tubercle near proximal margin
  • Ventral surface of clypeus with a transverse carina, anterior to posteroventral border, weakened medially in African species
  • Frontal carinae well separated in African species (FCI > 0.18), less so in Asian species (FCI 0.09 - 0.16)
  • Scape length one half or more of head width (SI 0.50 - 0.63)
  • Head capsule with three prominent ocelli
  • Pronotal humeri subangulate in dorsal view
  • Metanotal plate lacking
  • Mesosterum not densely pubescent
  • Petiole with prominent anteroventral tooth, generally directed posteroventrally
  • Posteroventral margin of petiole closely associated with helcium venter, lacking a ventrally extended hood
  • Metabasitarsal sulcus present
  • Appressed pubescence dense on abdominal tergite 4

Salient features of the worker caste are the large size, broad head, well developed ocelli, angulate pronotal humeri and prominent anteroventral petiolar tooth. Although difficult to discern without removing the mandibles the transverse carina on the ventral surface of the clypeus is apparently unique to the group


West and central Africa; Indian subcontinent to southeast Asia


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