Strumigenys intermedia

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Strumigenys intermedia
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Myrmicinae
Tribe: Attini
Genus: Strumigenys
Species group: leptothrix
Species complex: elegantula
Species: S. intermedia
Binomial name
Strumigenys intermedia
Tang & Guénard, 2023

Strumigenys intermedia has been collected from a wide range of habitats in China, including secondary forest, disturbed secondary forest, Fengshui wood, rubber plantation, mixed woodland, shrubland, grassland, managed grassland and reclaimed land.

Photo Gallery

  • Tang & Guenard (2023), Fig. 24. Specimens of Strumigenys intermedia. A, C–D. Holotype worker (ANTWEB1010888). B. Non-type worker (TT01353). A. Full-face view. B. Mandible close-up. C. profile view. D. Dorsal view.
  • Tang & Guenard (2023), Fig. 25. Worker of Strumigenys intermedia from Hainan, mainland China (HNA-00188). A. Full-face view. B. profile view. C. Dorsal view.
  • Fig. 2. Mandible close-ups of workers from the elegantula-complex in the Strumigenys leptothrix-group. A–B. S. intermedia (TT01353). C. S. elegantula from Hong Kong (RHL00290). D. S. jacobsoni from Vietnam (ANTWEB1011973).


Tang and Guénard (2023) - A member of the elegantula complex in the Strumigenys leptothrix-group. Strumigenys intermedia can be distinguished from other species in the S. leptothrix-group by a combination of the following characters:

  • cephalic dorsum with appressed stout and truncated setae
  • laterally-projecting seta present in full-face view
  • in profile view, erect setae present sporadically across cephalic dorsum, not restricted to area between highest point of vertex and occipital margin
  • pronotum marginated dorsolaterally
  • propodeal spines subtended by broad lamellae
  • femora, tibiae and basitarsi with long erect setae

Aside from Strumigenys intermedia, there are 12 other South East Asian species from the same species group (Strumigenys ailaoshana, Strumigenys decumbens, Strumigenys delicata, Strumigenys densissima, Strumigenys doydeei, Strumigenys elegantula, Strumigenys jacobsoni, Strumigenys leptothrix, Strumigenys nankunshana, Strumigenys strummeri, Strumigenys zanderi and Strumigenys zhenghuii) that share the following characters: propodeal spines present and subtended by broad lamellae, pronotum marginate dorsolaterally (Table 6). Strumigenys decumbens, S. doydeei and S. zanderi can easily be differentiated from the other species for their complete lack of any erect to suberect seta on the cephalic dorsum in profile view. Among these three species, S. zanderi stands out for its further lack of any erect seta on the mesosomal dorsum, while there are at least a few pairs around the mesonotum in both S. decumbens and S. doydeei. Strumigenys decumbens can be differentiated from S. doydeei for all the setae on its middle and hind femora, tibiae and basitarsi are decumbent to appressed, while in S. doydeei there are numerous laterally-projecting erect setae.

Among the remaining 10 species that have erect to suberect setae on the cephalic dorsum (Strumigenys ailaoshana, Strumigenys elegantula, Strumigenys delicata, Strumigenys densissima, Strumigenys intermedia, Strumigenys jacobsoni, Strumigenys leptothrix, Strumigenys nankunshana, Strumigenys strummeri and Strumigenys zhenghuii), S. jacobsoni, S. leptothrix and S. strummeri can easily be differentiated from the others for, in profile view, they have suberect to erect setae only on the cephalic dorsum and without any appressed seta. In S. jacobsoni and S. leptothrix, they also have long erect setae across the mesosomal dorsum, while in S. strummeri, erect setae are restricted to a few pairs around the mesonotum only. Refer to Bolton’s comments under Strumigenys jacobsoni for a detailed comparison between S. jacobsoni and S. leptothrix.

Strumigenys ailaoshana and S. nankunshana subsequently stand out from the remaining species with their distinct sculpture on the promesonotal dorsum. The promesonotal dorsum of S. ailaoshana is predominantly longitudinally-striated, whereas that of S. nankunshana is predominantly transversely striated, while for the other five species this sculpture is areolate-rugulose, sometimes with additional weak longitudinal striations.

The remaining five species all have both appressed and erect setae on the cephalic dorsum in profile view. For S. delicata, S. intermedia and S. zhenghuii, erect setae appear sporadically throughout the cephalic dorsum, not limited to any particular region on their heads, while for S. densissima and S. elegantula, erect setae are restricted to the area between the highest point of the vertex and the occipital margin only. Comparing appressed setae on the cephalic and clypeal dorsum for S. delicata, S. intermedia and S. zhenghuii, for S. delicata they are all fine and apically acute; for S. intermedia those on the cephalic dorsum are stout and truncated, and those on the clypeal dorsum mostly narrowly elliptic; for S. zhenghuii those on the cephalic dorsum are mostly subspatulate, and those on the clypeal dorsum mostly linear to narrowly elliptic. Among the three species, S. zhenghuii further stands out for the side of the mesosoma completely smooth and shining (in comparison it is mostly sculptured in the other two species); S. delicata stands out for its numerous laterally-projecting setae on the dorsolateral margin in full-face view (in comparison there are only around 5–6 for the other two species).

Comparing the final pair, S. densissima and S. elegantula, appressed setae on both the cephalic and clypeal dorsum are fairly consistently stout and truncated for S. densissima, while for S. elegantula, they are plank-like to subspatulate on the cephalic dorsum, and narrowly elliptic on the clypeal dorsum. Setae on the funiculus are also comparatively finer and denser in S. densissima than in S. elegantula.

Keys including this Species


With the records from Hainan Province, Hong Kong and Macau, this species is likely more widespread in southern mainland China. Its presence in Guangdong Province is very likely.

Latitudinal Distribution Pattern

Latitudinal Range: 22.5° to 19.1°.

Tropical South
  • Source: Tang & Guénard, 2023

Distribution based on Regional Taxon Lists

Palaearctic Region: China (type locality).

Distribution based on AntMaps


Distribution based on AntWeb specimens

Check data from AntWeb

Countries Occupied

Number of countries occupied by this species based on AntWiki Regional Taxon Lists. In general, fewer countries occupied indicates a narrower range, while more countries indicates a more widespread species.

Estimated Abundance

Relative abundance based on number of AntMaps records per species (this species within the purple bar). Fewer records (to the left) indicates a less abundant/encountered species while more records (to the right) indicates more abundant/encountered species.




The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World.

  • intermedia. Strumigenys intermedia Tang & Guénard, 2023: 68, figs. 2A, B, 24, 25, tables 2, 6 (w.) CHINA (Hong Kong).

Unless otherwise noted the text for the remainder of this section is reported from the publication that includes the original description.



Holotype TL 2.8, HL 0.75, HW 0.55, MandL 0.11, SL 0.36, EL 0.078, PW 0.26, ML 0.65, PL 0.35, PH 0.14, DPW 0.12, PPL 0.21, GL 0.68, CI 73, MI 14, SI 65, OI 14, LPI 41, DPI 34.

Paratypes TL 2.5–2.6, HL 0.64–0.66, HW 0.46–0.48, MandL 0.08–0.09, SL 0.31–0.32, EL 0.074 –0.077, PW 0.23– 0.26, ML 0.63–0.65, PL 0.29–0.33, PH 0.13–0.14, DPW 0.11–0.12, PPL 0.17–0.21, GL 0.67–0.71, CI 71–73, MI 13–14, SI 66–67, OI 15–17, LPI 42–47, DPI 36–37 (n=3).

HEAD. In full-face view, occipital margin deeply concave; occipital corners well developed and bluntly angular; occipital carina broad. Clypeus broader than long, around 1.2–1.4 times as long, roughly resembling inverted diamond. Scapes subcylindrical, marginated but not converging anteriorly to form thin lamella at leading edge. Mandibles in full-face view triangular; masticatory margins engaged across entire length, without diastema or gap between mandibles; basal lamellae low and broadly triangular, not fully visible at full closure. In profile view, eye with four ommatidia in diameter.

DENTITION. Principal dental row with eight alternating short triangular and long spiniform teeth (i.e., four consecutive pairs of teeth, each pair consists of short tooth followed by long tooth), second and third pairs subequal in size and longer than other pairs (short tooth of one pair compares with short tooth of another pair only, same for long tooth); followed by 3–4 small teeth and, at down curvature in anterior view, series of four minute denticles, terminating in small apical tooth. Total dental count of 16–17.

MESOSOMA. In profile view, mesosomal dorsum broadly, weakly convex; pronotum marginated dorsolaterally. In dorsal view, lateral margins of pronotum broadly convex. In profile view, propodeal spines elongated-triangular, subtended on each side by broad lamella with deeply concave posterior margin broadening basally into rounded convex propodeal lobe. Metapleural gland bulla well developed.

METASOMA. In profile view, petiolar peduncle grading evenly into node, and about as long as (or slightly shorter than) node. In dorsal view, petiolar node longer than broad, around 1.6–1.9 times as long; disc of postpetiole slightly broader than long, around 1.1–1.2 times as long. Areolate processes (spongiform tissues) present on both petiole and postpetiole; ventral lobes of petiole and postpetiole extensive; lateral lobe of petiole forming moderately extensive flap at posterolateral angle of node in profile; in dorsal view, processes present along lateral and posterior margins of petiolar node, and surrounding disc of postpetiole, thicker along lateral and posterior margins than on anterior margin.

PILOSITY. In full-face view, cephalic dorsum and surface of scape covered with appressed stout and truncated setae; clypeal dorsum covered with appressed narrowly elliptic to acicular setae; mandibular dorsum covered with appressed acicular setae; masticatory margins each with row of medially-directed fine setae. Surface of funiculus covered with progressively finer setae. Lateral margin of occipital lobe with around 5–6 laterally-projecting setae, sometimes also 1–3 on upper scrobe margin; dorsolateral margin of head and leading edge of scape with decumbent setae; appressed setae present along occipital margin. In dorsal view, promesonotal dorsum sparsely with appressed setae; posteriorly-directed decumbent setae present along lateral margins; appressed setae present along margins of petiolar node and disc of postpetiole. Pronotal humeral seta long, straight and stout. In profile view, erect setae present sporadically across cephalic dorsum, not restricted to area between highest point of vertex and occipital margin; suberect to erect setae also present on mesonotal dorsum in three pairs, on petiole in two pairs, on disc of postpetiole as one pair and all over gastral tergites; ventral surface of head with decumbent setae; gastral sternites with suberect to decumbent setae. Hairwheel present at mesopleural excavation. Surfaces of middle and hind femora, tibiae and basitarsi with long stout erect setae.

SCULPTURE. Cephalic dorsum, clypeal dorsum and ventral surface of head sparsely reticulate-rugulose, with spaces between rugulae densely areolate-rugulose; surface of antennal scrobe, antenna and legs densely areolate. Promesonotal dorsum predominantly, relatively weakly areolate, with weak longitudinal rugulae and long, weak, longitudinal median striation; propodeal dorsum densely areolate-rugulose; dorsum of petiolar node transversely rugulose. Side of pronotum mostly smooth and shining, with weak rugulae around margins; pleurae and side of propodeum densely areolate-rugulose. Disc of postpetiole smooth and shining. Basigastral costulae short, around one fifth in length of first gastral tergite; rest of gaster smooth and shining.

Type Material

  • Holotype worker: HONG KONG • Lantau Island, Chep Lap Kok, AW14R72; 22.2939° N, 113.9331° E; 22 m a.s.l.; 1 Oct. 2015; B.M. Worthington leg.; Winkler, 12 random; secondary forest; LKCNHM ANTWEB1010888 (collection code IBBL BMW00363).
  • Paratype workers: HONG KONG • 3 workers; same collection data as for holotype; HKBM ANTWEB1010889 to ANTWEB1010891 (collection code IBBL BMW00363).


The species is named after its sporadic erect setae on the cephalic dorsum in comparison with other existing species from the same species group, Strumigenys elegantula and Strumigenys jacobsoni, which have appressed setae only (except for area close to the occipital margin) and erect setae only, respectively. The epithet ‘intermedia’ is the nominative feminine singular of the Latin adjective ‘intermedius’ (meaning ‘intermediate’).
