Ruzsky, Mikhail Dmitrievich (1864-1948)
Note. In some publications Ruzsky's initials are given as M.D. Elsewhere only the initial M. is noted. The latter is used universally in this catalogue.
- Ruzsky, M. 1895. Faunistic investigations in east Russia 1. Contribution to the ant fauna of east Russia. 2. Zoological excursion in the Orenburg region in 1894. Tr. Obshch. Estestvoispyt. Imp. Kazan. Univ. 28(5 5: 1-32
- Ruzsky, M. 1902b. Neue Ameisen aus Russland. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Syst. Geogr. Biol. Tiere 17: 469-484.
- Ruzsky, M. 1914c. Eine neue Ameisenform aus dem europäischen Russland. Rus. Entomol. Obozr. 14: 323.
- Ruzsky, M. 1920. Ants of Kamchatka. Izv. Inst. Issled. Sib. 2: 76-80
- Ruzsky, M. 1936. Ants of the Transbaikal region. Tr. Biol. Nauchn.-Issled. Inst. Tomsk. Gos. Univ. 2: 89-97