Pheidole sarae

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Pheidole sarae
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Myrmicinae
Tribe: Attini
Genus: Pheidole
Species: P. sarae
Binomial name
Pheidole sarae
(Sharaf, 2018)

Aphaenogaster sarae 5a.jpg

Aphaenogaster sarae 5b.jpg

The type locality is a mountainous region with a substantial variety of cultivated plants mainly rose (Rosa sp.) plantations.


Sharaf et al. (2018) - Pheidole sarae is the most similar to Aphaenogaster sangiorgii (as Aphaenogaster pallida finzii) described from Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in regard to body size and the abundant long body pilosity. Pheidole sarae can be readily distinguished from A. finzi by the paler colour, the larger eyes (EI 27–32), the rounded posterior head margin, the longer antennal scapes (SI2 148–187), and the thinner and more acute propodeal spines. Aphaenogaster finzi is dark brown with smaller eyes (EI 19), broad and straight posterior head margin, shorter antennal scapes (SI2 111), and the blunt and broadly based propodeal spines. Superficially, p. sarae appears similar to Aphaenogaster sangiorgii (as Aphaenogaster radchenkoi) from Turkey, but p. sarae can be easily separated by the larger eyes (with about 12 ommatidia in the longest row), the longer scapes (SI1 123–167, SI2 148–187), the anteriorly and posteriorly narrow head, the thin and acute propodeal spines, and the densely granulate propodeal sides and dorsum, whereas A. radchenkoi has smaller eyes (with about 6 ommatidia in the longest row), shorter scapes (SI1 84–88, SI2 96–104), head narrower anteriorly than posteriorly, the propodeal spines short, blunt, and broadly based, and the propodeal sides and dorsum smooth.

Keys including this Species


Latitudinal Distribution Pattern

Latitudinal Range: 23.12111° to 19.7314°.

Tropical South

Distribution based on Regional Taxon Lists

Afrotropical Region: Saudi Arabia.
Palaearctic Region: Oman (type locality).

Distribution based on AntMaps


Distribution based on AntWeb specimens

Check data from AntWeb

Countries Occupied

Number of countries occupied by this species based on AntWiki Regional Taxon Lists. In general, fewer countries occupied indicates a narrower range, while more countries indicates a more widespread species.

Estimated Abundance

Relative abundance based on number of AntMaps records per species (this species within the purple bar). Fewer records (to the left) indicates a less abundant/encountered species while more records (to the right) indicates more abundant/encountered species.


Type locality: Oman, Masfat El-Ebryein, 23°07′16″N 57°17′48″E / 23.12111°N 57.29662°E / 23.12111; 57.29662. Photo: M. R. Sharaf.




The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World.

  • sarae. Aphaenogaster sarae Sharaf, in Sharaf, Fisher, et al. 2018: 16, figs. 1a,b, 5a-c, 7b,d (w.) OMAN.
    • Combination in Pheidole: Schifani et al., 2022: 643.

Unless otherwise noted the text for the remainder of this section is reported from the publication that includes the original description.



Holotype. BL 3.37; CW 0.10; DPSB 0.10; DPST 0.15; EL 0.20; FLW 0.25; HL 0.80; HTL 1.07; HW 0.62; ML 1.05; PH 0.15; PL 0.10; PNW 0.40; PPH 0.17; PPL 0.17; PPW 0.17; PSL 0.15; PW 0.10; SDL 0.05; SL 1.12; TL 0.40. Indices: CL 16; EI 32; FLI 40; HTI 173; MI 263; PI1 67; PI2 16; PPI1 100; PPI2 27; PSI 170; SI1 140; SI2 181; SPI1 24; SPI2 300.

Paratypes. BL 3.0– 4.25; CW 0.07–0.12; DPSB 0.07–0.12; DPST 0.12–0.25; EL 0.17–0.20; FLW 0.17–0.25; HL 0.75–0.87; HTL 0.87–1.07; HW 0.62–0.67; ML 1.0–1.25; PH 0.15–0.17; PL 0.07–0.12; PNW 0.37–0.42; PPH 0.12–0.17; PPL 0.12–0.17; PPW 0.12–0.17; PSL 0.12–0.17; PW 0.07–0.12; SDL 0.07–0.12; SL 0.92–1.25; TL 0.37–0.50. Indices: CL 11–19; EI 27–30; FLI 35–71; HTI 129–161; MI 267–313; PI1 47–71; PI2 11–18; PPI1 71– 142; PPI2 18–31; PSI 100–243; SI1 123–167; SI2 148–187; SPI1 18–26; SPI2 120–171 (n=11).

Head. Distinctly longer than broad with convex sides, narrower anteriorly and posteriorly in full-face view; posterior head corners gradually rounded and faintly marked; eyes of moderate size (EL 0.27–0.32 × HW) with about 12 ommatidia in the longest row; anterior clypeal margin nearly straight; scapes long (SL 1.48– 1.87× HW); mandibles long with curved outer margin and masticatory margin armed with ten teeth, the first (counting from apex) is the largest. Mesosoma. Promesonotum convex in profile; promesonotal suture present; metanotal groove impressed; propodeal dorsum nearly equal to declivity in profile; propodeal spines of moderate length (SPI1 18–26; SPI2 120–171) and acute; propodeal spiracle circular. Petiole. Node as long as broad in dorsal view; peduncle long and node narrowly rounded in profile; petiolar and postpetiolar nodes of same level in profile. Postpetiole. Node as long as broad in dorsal view, with convex dorsum and ventral margin in profile. Sculpture. Cephalic and mandibular surfaces smooth and shining; cephalic surface behind posterior-lateral clypeal margins with three distinct curved rugae; pronotum, mesonotal dorsum, petiole, postpetiole, and gaster smooth and shining, mesopleura and propodeum densely finely punctulate. Pilosity. Body surface with abundant long setae, ante-rior clypeal margin with two exceptionally long pairs of setae. Colour. Uniform light brown.

Type Material

Holotype worker. Oman, Masfat El-Ebryein, 23.12111°N, 57.29662°E, 1949 m, 21.i.2017, (M. R. Sharaf leg.), MRS0361, (CASENT0823830, King Saud Museum of Arthropods).

Paratype workers. (11 w) Same data as the holotype (KSMA), 1 w, CASENT0922283 (California Academy of Sciences), 1 (William and Emma Mackay Collection), 1 (World Museum, Liverpool), the remaining in KSMA; 4 w, KSA, Al Bahah Aqaba, 20.00039°N, 41.43702°E, 1235 m, 11.iv.2016, (M. R. Sharaf leg.), MRS0322 (KSMA), (1 w, CASENT0922294); 6 w, Al Bahah Province, Shada Al ‘Ala, 19.838817°N, 41.310067°E, 1563 m, 02.iii.2015, (Al Dhafer leg.) (3-1-2, Cactus, P.T.) (KSMA); 2 w, Oman, Jebel Akhdar, Alain, 23.07279°N, 57.66179°E, 1949 m, 04.iv.2016, (M. R. Sharaf leg.); MRS0299; 1w, CASENT0922294 (KSMA), 1 w, CASENT0922283(CASC); 5 w, KSA, Wadi Dhiyan, 19.7314°N, 41.4219°E, 333 m, ix.83, (C. A. Collingwood leg.) (labeled: species close to rugaticipes, card labeled beneath: C. A. Collingwood) (WMLC).


The patronym sarae honors Sara El Saadany the daughter of Asmaa Khater and Ahmed El Saadany, relatives of M. Sharaf.


References based on Global Ant Biodiversity Informatics

  • Sharaf M. R., B. L. Fisher, H. M. Al Dhafer, A. Polaszek, and A. S. Aldawood. 2018. Additions to the ant fauna (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Oman: an updated list, new records and a description of two new species. Asian Myrmecology 10: e010004