Myopias suwannaphaki

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Myopias suwannaphaki
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Ponerinae
Tribe: Ponerini
Genus: Myopias
Species: M. suwannaphaki
Binomial name
Myopias suwannaphaki
Jaitrong, Wiwatwitaya & Yamane, 2020

Myopias suwannaphaki F4a holotype BOR-JWY-16.jpg

Myopias suwannaphaki F4c holotype BOR-JWY-16.jpg

The type material was found in leaf litter taken from the edge of secondary forest.


Jaitrong, Wiwatwitaya, and Yamane (2020) - Myopias suwannaphaki is similar to Myopias bidens; Myopias breviloba; Myopias chapmani; Myopias darioi; Myopias delta; Myopias emeryi; Myopias julivora; Myopias luoba; Myopias mayri; Myopias minima; and Myopias tenuis in the following features: 1) body entirely smooth and shiny, and reddish to yellowish brown; 2) mesosoma with almost flat or weakly convex dorsal outline in profile view, with weak metanotal groove; 3) subpetiolar process subtriangular. Myopias suwannaphaki is most similar to M. chapmani, M. darioi, and M. tenuis in having a long and narrow median clypeal lobe with its anterior margin convex. However, M. suwannaphaki is easily separated from M. darioi by the size of eye in the worker caste (eye larger in M. suwannaphaki, with ca. 4–5 ommatidia; present but indistinct in M. darioi) and mandibular dentition (masticatory margin with three teeth in M. suwannaphaki; four teeth in M. darioi). Myopias suwannaphaki is separated from M. chapmani by a shorter antennal scape, not reaching posterior margin of head in M. suwannaphaki (extending beyond posterior margin of head in M. chapmani), and the propodeum being extensively smooth and shiny in M. suwannaphaki (entirely reticulate in M. chapmani). Myopias suwannaphaki can be distinguished from M. tenuis by indistinct metanotal groove (sometimes even absent) in M. suwannaphaki (distinct in M. tenuis), and the petiolar node shorter than broad in M. suwannaphaki (as long as or slightly longer than broad in M. tenuis).

Keys including this Species


Sabah, Borneo.

Distribution based on Regional Taxon Lists

Indo-Australian Region: Malaysia (type locality).

Distribution based on AntMaps


Distribution based on AntWeb specimens

Check data from AntWeb

Countries Occupied

Number of countries occupied by this species based on AntWiki Regional Taxon Lists. In general, fewer countries occupied indicates a narrower range, while more countries indicates a more widespread species.




Jaitrong, Wiwatwitaya, and Yamane 2020. Figure 5. Myopias suwannaphaki dealate gyne paratype, BOR-JWY-26.


The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World.

  • suwannaphaki. Myopias suwannaphaki Jaitrong, Wiwatwitaya & Yamane, 2020a: 614, figs. 4, 5 (w.q.) BORNEO (East Malaysia: Sabah).
    • Type-material: holotype worker, 9 paratype workers.
    • Type-locality: holotype East Malaysia: Borneo, Sabah, Maliau Basin, 270-300 m., 19.xi.2011, SB11-SKY-39, buffer zone, leaf litter (Sk. Yamane); paratypes with same data.
    • Type-depositories: MBSM (holotype); SKYC, TNHM (paratypes).
    • Distribution: Malaysia (Sabah).

Unless otherwise noted the text for the remainder of this section is reported from the publication that includes the original description.



Holotype: TL 2.90, HL 0.59, HW 0.48, SL 0.40, ED 0.03, ML 0.36, PW 0.40, MSL 0.83, PL 0.23, PH 0.33, DPW 0.30; CI 81, SI 83, OI 7, MI 61, LPI 143, DPI 129. Paratypes (n = 5): TL 2.87–2.94, HL 0.56–0.63, HW 0.40–0.46, SL 0.36–0.40, ED 0.03–0.07, ML 0.33–0.40, PW 0.33–0.40, MSL 0.79–0.83, PL 0.23–0.26, PH 0.30–0.33, DPW 0.26–0.30; CI 67–78, SI 79–100, OI 7–14, MI 56–71, LPI 125–143, DPI 100–114.

Head. In full-face view, head clearly longer than broad (CI = 79–81) (longer than broad even excluding median clypeal lobe), subrectangular with sides weakly convex and posterior margin weakly concave; posterolateral corner of head bluntly angulate. Frontal lobe short, almost as long as median clypeal lobe, slightly translucent. Median longitudinal frontal sulcus deep, extending slightly beyond ⅓ of head length. Median clypeal lobe narrow, clearly longer than broad, slightly broader anteriorly, its anterior margin weakly convex. Mandible robustly linear and subfalcate, relatively short, in profile view down-curved; masticatory margin with three teeth, i.e., large basal tooth, large prebasal tooth, and sharp apical tooth; basal margin entire. Eye very small, with ca. 4–5 ommatidia. Antennal scape robust and gradually widened toward apex to approximate width of frontal lobe, not reaching posterior margin of head; antennal segment II longer than broad and longer than each of segments III–VIII; segments III–VIII each shorter than broad; four apical segments forming a club.

Mesosoma. Stout, in profile, with weakly convex dorsal outline; mesonotum higher anteriorly than posteriorly, slightly higher than pronotum and propodeum; promesonotal suture distinct; metanotal groove indistinct or absent; mesopleuron clearly demarcated from metapleuron and mesonotum by shallow simple grooves; groove separating upper and lower portions of mesopleuron vestigial or absent; metapleuron not demarcated from lateral face of propodeum; pronotum in dorsal view slightly broader than mesonotum and propodeum; mesonotum about ⅔ length of pronotum. Propodeum in profile with almost straight dorsal outline, sloping gradually to propodeal junction; junction obtusely angulate; posterior declivity more or less flat.

Metasoma. Petiole in profile view subrectangular and sessile, higher than long, its anterior face vertical, dorsal and posterior faces weakly convex; in dorsal view, petiolar node trapezoidal, slightly broader than long (DPI 100–129), broader posteriorly; subpetiolar process well developed, subtriangular, with apex truncate and directed downward; its anterior margin convex, while posterior margin almost straight and distinctively longer than the former. Gastral segments I to V elongate; in dorsal view, segment I slightly narrower than II. Sting long, sharp and upcurved.

Body extensively smooth and shiny; dorsum of head finely punctate; antennal scape and lateral face of propodeum at least partly striate; antennal club densely microsculptured and mat. Pilosity comparatively sparse; dorsa of head, mesosoma, and metasoma with sparse standing hairs mixed with dense shorter hairs; tip of metasoma with dense standing hairs; outer faces of tibiae with sparse suberect hairs and dense appressed hairs. Body entirely reddish brown to yellowish brown, mandibles and antennal scape darker than elsewhere.


Paratypes (n = 2): TL 3.04–3.07, HL 0.66–0.69, HW 0.50, SL 0.40–0.43, ED 0.10–0.13, ML 0.36, PW 0.40, MSL 0.89–0.92, PL 0.23–0.26, PH 0.33–0.36, DPW 0.30–0.33, CI 71–75, SI 80–87, OI 20–27, MI 52–55, LPI 125–157, DPI 113–143.

Similar to the worker in structure, sculpture, pilosity, and colouration, with the following conditions that should be noted: body clearly larger; head in full-face view rectangular, with parallel sides and straight posterior margin; punctation on dorsum of head stronger than in the worker; eye large, almost as long as apical segment of antenna; distance between eye and mandibular base much shorter than eye length; median ocellus as large as lateral ocellus; pronotum in dorsal view much broader than long; mesoscutum in dorsal view trapezoidal, broader anteriorly with anterior margin roundly convex, margined laterally with carinae that are rather strong in posterior half; in profile, its anterior portion slightly bulged and flattened caudad; parapsidal lines indistinct; mesoscutellum oblong, clearly broader than long; metanotum very short; metanotopropodeal sulcus deeply impressed; dorsal outline of propodeum almost straight; propodeal junction nearly right-angled; striation around propodeal spiracle stronger than in the worker; petiole much shorter than high compared with the worker; gaster relatively larger than in the worker.

In one gyne entire body reddish brown, in the other mesosoma and petiole much paler than head and gaster; antenna and legs yellowish brown; area along posterior margin of pronotum dark brown.


The specific name is dedicated to Mr. Kriangkrai Suwannaphak, who is a leading specialist in entomological sciences in Thailand and helped and inspired many young biologists.
