Lepisiota thepthepae

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Lepisiota thepthepae
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Formicidae
Subfamily: Formicinae
Tribe: Plagiolepidini
Genus: Lepisiota
Species: L. thepthepae
Binomial name
Lepisiota thepthepae
Jarernkong & Jaitrong, 2023

The type series of this species, only known from Thailand, was collected from soil in a grassland.

Photo Gallery

  • Jarernkong et al. (2023), Fig 3. Lepisiota thepthepae, holotype worker (THNHM-I-26848, THNHM). A – body in profile view; B – head in full-face view; C – body in dorsal view.
  • Jarernkong et al. (2023), Fig 4. Lepisiota thepthepae, paratype queen (THNHM-I-26858, THNHM). A – body in profile view; B – head in full-face view; C – body in dorsal view.


Jarernkong et al. (2023) - Lepisiota thethepae is most similar to Lepisiota reticulata from China in having a slender body, punctate head, reddish mesosoma and dark and smooth gaster. However, it can be easily separated from the latter by the following characteristics:

  1. ventral surface of head smooth and shiny (weakly striate in L. reticulata)
  2. propodeum in profile with straight dorsal outline (weakly convex in L. reticulata)
  3. anterodorsal corner of propodeum strongly convex and narrowly rounded (sloped and not convex in L. reticulata)
  4. gaster with dense standing hairs (gaster with very sparse standing hairs in L. reticulata).

The new species is also similar to Lepisiota bicolor (see that species for details).

Keys including this Species


Thailand: Chiang Mai and Sisaket Provinces.

Latitudinal Distribution Pattern

Latitudinal Range: 14.5° to 14.5°.

Tropical South
  • Source: Jarernkong et al., 2023

Distribution based on Regional Taxon Lists

Oriental Region: Thailand (type locality).

Distribution based on AntMaps


Distribution based on AntWeb specimens

Check data from AntWeb

Countries Occupied

Number of countries occupied by this species based on AntWiki Regional Taxon Lists. In general, fewer countries occupied indicates a narrower range, while more countries indicates a more widespread species.

Estimated Abundance

Relative abundance based on number of AntMaps records per species (this species within the purple bar). Fewer records (to the left) indicates a less abundant/encountered species while more records (to the right) indicates more abundant/encountered species.




The following information is derived from Barry Bolton's Online Catalogue of the Ants of the World.

  • thepthepae. Lepisiota thepthepae Jarernkong et Jaitrong, in Jarernkong et al., 2023: 9, figs. 3, 4 (w.q.) THAILAND.

Unless otherwise noted the text for the remainder of this section is reported from the publication that includes the original description.



Holotype: HL 0.52, HW 0.42, EL 0.13, SL 0.52, ML 0.69, FeL 0.56, PL 0.29, PH 0.23, CI 87, SI 114, EI 28, FeI 82. Paratypes (n =9): HL 0.42–0.52, HW 0.42–0.46, EL 0.13–0.16, SL 0.49–0.52, ML 0.66–0.69, FeL 0.49–0.56, PL 0.26–0.29, PH 0.19–0.23, CI 86–93, SI 107-123, EI 28–38, FeI 81–93.

Head: in full-face view, distinctly longer than broad; lateral and posterior margins convex. Mandibles subtriangular; masticatory margin with five teeth, including largest apical tooth, followed by medium-sized preapical tooth, a small tooth, medium-sized prebasal tooth, and small basal tooth; basal margin without denticles. Clypeus broad and convex medially, shorter than broad, its anterior margin roundly convex and posterior margin feebly concave medially. Eyes moderately large, oval, convex, with 18–20 ommatidia along the longest axis, located at mid-length of head laterally; outer margin of eye reaching lateral margin of head. Ocelli present, lateral ocelli as large as median ocellus; distance between lateral ocelli slightly longer than distance between median ocellus and lateral ocellus. Antennal scapes slender and clavate. Antennal segment II longer than broad and longer than segments III and IV combined; segment III as long as broad; segments VI–X each longer than broad. Frontal lobes narrow; frontal carina reaching anterior to level of mid-length of eyes.

Mesosoma: in profile pronotum with weakly convex dorsal outline; mesonotum almost straight and sloping gradually to metanotal groove; in dorsal view, pronotum broader than long and clearly broader than mesonotum, slightly broader than propodeum; in profile metathoracic spiracles raised higher than the level of propodeal outline; promesonotal suture and metanotal groove distinct; mesopleuron clearly demarcated from metapleuron by deep groove; metapleuron not demarcated from lateral face of propodeum. Propodeum in profile with straight dorsal outline; propodeal spine short, subtriangular, blunt apically, slightly shorter than broad at base; in dorsal view, tip of propodeal spine pointed backward and outward.

Petiole sessile; in profile petiolar node subtriangular, longer than high, its anterior margin convex, posterior margin weakly concave; petiolar spines sharp, pointed upward and backward; in dorsal view petiolar node subrectangular, longer than broad, narrower posteriorly; subpetiolar process weakly developed, its ventral outline weakly convex.

Dorsum of head punctoretuculate; area in front of eye laterally (lower gena) finely longitudinally striate; ventral surface of head smooth and shiny; pronotum entirely punctate; mesopleuron with dense longitudinal striation except for lower portion smooth; propodeum punctate; petiole and gaster smooth and shiny. Antennal scape punctate; coxae, femora, and tibiae smooth and shiny.

Dorsum of head with sparse standing hairs mixed with short appressed hairs; pronotum with more than 10 standing hairs mixed with sparse short appressed hairs; mesonotum with 5–6 standing hairs; gaster with dense standing hairs. Dorsum of head dark brown, ventral surface of head reddish- brown; mesosoma and petiole reddish; gaster dark brown to black; antennae, mandibles, and legs reddish-brown.


Paratype (n = 1): HL 0.69, HW 0.75, EL 0.29, SL 0.66, ML 1.5, FeL 0.75, PL 0.36, PH 0.33, CI 109, SI 86, EI 39, FeI 100.

Head: In full-face view, shorter than broad, posterolateral corners broadly convex and posterior margin including lateral ocelli sinuate. Mandibles, antennae, and clypeus with the same condition as in worker; anterior and posterior clypeal margins convex. Eyes large, oval, convex, with more than 25 ommatidia along the longest axis, outer margin of eye surpassing lateral margin of head. Ocelli present, large; distance between lateral ocelli clearly longer than between lateral ocellus and median ocellus.

Mesosoma: enlarged; pronotum in profile distinctly lower than mesoscutum; in dorsal view subrectangular, clearly shorter than broad; mesoscutum in dorsal view, large, as long as broad, anterior and posterior margins convex; mesoscutum demarcated from mesoscutellum by distinct scutoscutellar sulcus; parapsidal lines distinct, long, and straight. Mesoscutellum in dorsal view about three times as short as mesoscutum, clearly shorter than broad, with anterior and posterior margins convex; in profile mesopleuron broad, anepisternum demarcated from kanepisternum by indistinct mesopleural sulcus. Metanotum short dorsally forming transverse ridge. Propodeum in profile, low with weakly convex dorsal outline and without spines; in dorsal view, subtapizoidal, shorter than broad.

Petiole in profile sessile, flat, clearly longer than high and concealed under gastral tergite I. Gaster large, gastral tergites I–IV each shorter than broad; gastral segments III shorter than I and II.

Entire body finely punctate. Dorsa of head and mesosoma with sparse short standing hairs; gastral tergites I–IV each with a row of standing hairs along posterior margins; entire body covered with dense short pubescence. Body reddish brown to dark brown.

Type Material

  • Holotype – worker (THNHM-I-26848, THNHM), NE Thailand: Srisaket Province, Khun Harn District, Bak Dong Subdist, Phanom Dong Rak, Kraban Krabai, 13.IX 2018, W. Jaitrong leg., WJT-130918-38.
  • Paratypes: 9 workers (THNHM-I-26849 to THNHM-I-26857, THNHM) and 1 queen (THNHM-I-26858, THNHM), same data as holotype.


The specific name is dedicated to Dr. Nopparat Thepthepa, the Director of the Office of Natural Science Research, who has been ardently supporting biodiversity researches in Thailand including our research project.
