Key to Temnothorax tricarinatus species group workers
This worker key is based on: Mackay, W. P. 2000. A review of the New World ants of the subgenus Myrafant, (genus Leptothorax) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Sociobiology. 36:265-444.
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- Key to New World Temnothorax species groups
- Top of pronotum smooth and glossy; dorsum of head smooth and glossy . . . . . 2
- Top of pronotum partially or completely sculptured; dorsum of head usually sculptured . . . . . 4
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- Carina present on pronotum, which forms transverse ridge across anterior border . . . . . Temnothorax schmittii
- Carina not forming transverse ridge across pronotum . . . . . 3
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- Propodeal armature of worker represented only as bumps; propodeal spines of female with blunt tips; node of petiole of male low and weakly concave posteriorly . . . . . Temnothorax brevispinosus
- Propodeal armature of worker poorly developed angles; propodeal spines of female with acute tips; node of petiole of male higher and somewhat concave posteriorly . . . . . Temnothorax mexicanus
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- Propodeal armature consisting of small angles which are less than 1/3 distance between bases . . . . . 5
- Propodeal armature consisting of definite spines, that are usually at least 1/3 as long as distance between bases . . . . . 16
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- Eyes relatively small, greatest length less than distance from anterior border of eye to base of mandible; dorsum of head with rugae, or densely punctate . . . . . 6
- Eyes larger, maximum diameter nearly equal to distance between eye and insertion of antenna; dorsum of head with fine striae, or partly smooth and polished . . . . . 9
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- Head densely and evenly punctate . . . . . Temnothorax coleenae
- Head with rugae . . . . . 7
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- Postpetiole widened, about 1.5 X or more width of petiole . . . . . 8
- Postpetiole not noticeably widened as seen from above, about 1.25 X width of petiole . . . . . Temnothorax stenotyle
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- Rugae on dorsum of head coarse; propodeal spines small, but developed; distributed in much of USA south into northern Mexico . . . . . Temnothorax tricarinatus
- Sculpture of head fine, consisting of rugulae; propodeal armature consisting of small angles; Hidalgo . . . . . Temnothorax rugithorax
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- Much of dorsum of head, especially posterior half, smooth and glossy . . . . . 10
- Entire head, except for central area, covered with fine striae . . . . . 12
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- Propodeal armature consisting of blunt angles; pale brown or yellow, or dark brown; New Mexico, Texas, and Chihuahua . . . . . 11
- Propodeal spines small, but developed and acute; dark brown; central Mexico . . . . . Temnothorax punctithorax
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- Pale brown or yellow; subpetiolar process large . . . . . Temnothorax cokendolpheri
- Dark brown; subpetiolar process small . . . . . Temnothorax adustus
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- Hairs on scape raised above surface, may be semierect . . . . . 13
- Hairs on scape appressed . . . . . 15
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- Node of petiole with relatively sharp apex; California . . . . . Temnothorax chandleri
- Node of petiole blunt and rounded as seen in profile; southwestern United States and Mexico . . . . . 14
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- Node of petiole relatively high, height above posterior peduncle nearly equal to thickness of petiole at same point; southwestern US and northern Mexico (Chihuahua) . . . . . Temnothorax carinatus
- Node of petiole lower, height above posterior peduncle about half thickness of petiole at same point; Michoacan . . . . . Temnothorax rugulosus
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- Pale brown or yellow; subpeduncular process well developed; central Colorado and Wyoming . . . . . Temnothorax furunculus
- Dark brown; subpeduncular process consisting of small bump southeastern Arizona, southern New Mexico, western Texas . . . . . Temnothorax neomexicanus
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- Eye elongate, kidney-shaped; first gastral tergum finely punctate . . . . . Temnothorax obliquicanthus
- Eye not kidney shaped; first gastral tergum smooth and shining . . . . . 17
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- Dorsum of postpetiole covered with coarse rugae . . . . . Temnothorax texanus
- Dorsum of postpetiole covered with punctures, if any rugae are present, they are fine and form reticulations with punctures . . . . . 18
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- Postpetiole wide, at least half width of gaster; eastern USA . . . . . Temnothorax davisi = Temnothorax texanus
- Postpetiole not greatly widened, much narrower than half width of gaster; western USA . . . . . 19
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- At least part of head smooth and shining . . . . . Temnothorax neomexicanus
- Entire head punctate or striolate, very weakly shining . . . . . 20
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- Propodeal spines straight; nests in soil . . . . . Temnothorax nevadensis
- Propodeal spines slightly bend downwards; nests in plant cavities . . . . . Temnothorax gallae