Key to Temnothorax of Nepal
This key to Nepalese species of Temnothorax, based on the worker caste, is modified from Subedi et al. (2023).
- Propodeum without denticles or with very short blunt denticles, color uniformly brown to dark brown => 2
- Propodeum with spines of variable length, color from uniformly yellow or bicolor with brown head and gaster => 3
- Part of the head, as well as areas on the mesosoma largely smooth and shiny => Temnothorax wroughtonii
- Entire surface of head and mesosoma strongly rugulose => Temnothorax kathmanduensis
- Body uniformly yellow, scape short (SL/HL 0.65), propodeal spines straight and thin, weakly widened at base, directed upwards (ESL/HW 0.26) => Temnothorax buddha
[Note: ESL = propodeal spine length, the length of propodeal spine from its tip to the center of propodeal spiracle in profile-view]
- Body bicolor, at least head and gaster distinctly darker than mesosoma, scape long (SL/HL 0.84–0.87), propodeal spines curved and widened at base (ESL/HW 0.20–0.23) => Temnothorax pathibharaensis