Key to Temnothorax of India

AntWiki: The Ants --- Online

This key to Indian workers of Temnothorax is based on Bharti et al. (2012) and Bharti et al. (2016) as modified by Yusupov et al. (2020).


  • Propodeum without any teeth or spines; pilosity very sparse; head and mesosoma shiny, very slightly longitudinally rugose, rest of the body smooth and shiny => Temnothorax inermis
Temnothorax inermis casent0906162 p 1 high.jpg
  • Propodeum with variously developed teeth or spines; pilosity more dense; head and mesosoma smooth or with different surface sculpture but never with only slightly longitudinally rugose sculpture => 2


return to couplet #1

  • Dorsal outline of mesosoma in profile without any impression, mesometanotal groove absent => 3
  • Dorsal outline of mesosoma in profile more or less impressed at the mesometanotal groove or behind => 4


return to couplet #2

  • Mesosoma, the base of the first gastral segment, petiole, postpetiole, legs and antennae testaceous yellow to yellowish brown; head and rest of gaster brown; CI = 122–124; SI1 = 75–78.6; (length 2.2–2.9 mm) => Temnothorax desioi
Temnothorax desioi P casent0904558.jpg


return to couplet #2

  • Either head and mesosoma distinctly sculptured or the head is smooth and mesosoma distinctly sculptured => 5
  • Head and mesosoma smooth and shining with a few rugulae => 11


return to couplet #4

  • Head smooth, mesosoma distinctly sculptured; the species is bicoloured, with light to dark brown head and gaster and yellowish to reddish yellow mesosoma (length 2.5–3.3 mm) => Temnothorax kashmirensis
Temnothorax kashmirensis antweb1008015 p 1 high.jpg
  • Head and thorax distinctly sculptured; colour combination different but never as in above => 6


return to couplet #5

  • Whole body black; head distinctly longitudinally rugose; PSLI = 18–23; CI = 117–123; SI1 = 72–73; SI2 = 85–90 (length 2.8–3.2 mm) => 7
  • Whole body light yellow to dark brown, never black; head distinctly rugulose and microreticulated => 8


return to couplet #6

  • Propodeal spines short, strong widened and triangular; ESLI = 18–23; scape short, SI1 = 72–73; SI2 = 85–90 => Temnothorax schurri
Temnothorax schurri casent0909056 p 1 high.jpg
  • Propodeal spines long, slightly widened and straight; ESLI = 29–35; scape long, SI1 = 77–82; SI2 = 94–101 => Temnothorax kipyatkovi


return to couplet #6

  • The colour of head distinctly brown => 9
  • The colour of head distinctly yellow => 10


return to couplet #8

  • Propodeal spines as long as is the interval between their bases; PSLI = 11–20; (length 2.5–3.9 mm) => Temnothorax rothneyi
Temnothorax rothneyi casent0906179 p 1 high.jpg
  • Propodeal spines small, triangular, more or less dentate; PSLI = 9–10; (length 2.8–3.1 mm) => Temnothorax simlensis
Temnothorax simlensis
Temnothorax simlensis


return to couplet #8

  • Scape reaches beyond the posterior margin of head by 1/6 of its total length; the colour of body is uniformly pale yellow; propodeal spines very long (Spine length PSL = 0.20–0.23 mm) => Temnothorax nordmeyeri
Temnothorax nordmeyeri
Temnothorax nordmeyeri
  • Scape somewhat short not reaching the posterior margin of head; gaster with a brown patch in the middle; propodeal spines short (Spine length PSL = 0.09–0.11 mm); (length 2.8–3.4 mm) => Temnothorax microreticulatus
Temnothorax microreticulatus
Temnothorax microreticulatus


return to couplet #4

  • Propodeal spines very short, appearing as two small blunt denticles (tubercles) in dorsal view; node of petiole rounded in profile => Temnothorax wroughtonii
Temnothorax wroughtonii casent0909057 p 1 high.jpg
  • Propodeal spines much longer, as long as 2/3 the range of their bases; node of petiole more or less angular in profile => 12


return to couplet #11

  • Head more or less chestnut brown; mesosoma, legs, antennae, petiole and postpetiole more or less yellowish brown; gaster dark brown; CI = 120–139; SI1 = 77–79; SI2 = 94–108; (length 2.4–3.1 mm) => Temnothorax fultonii
Temnothorax fultonii casent0909052 p 1 high.jpg
  • Head light yellow to dark yellow with a brownish tinge; mesosoma light to dark yellow; gaster light yellow to dark yellow most often with a brownish patch dorsally in the middle; CI = 113–122; SI1 = 70–76; SI2 = 81–95; (length 2.35–2.79 mm) => Temnothorax himachalensis
Temnothorax himachalensis antweb1008014 p 1 high.jpg
