Key to Rhytidoponera of the southwestern Australian Botanical Province
This worker key is based on: Heterick, B. E. 2009a. A guide to the ants of South-western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum, Supplement 76: 1-206. Part 2.
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- Viewed from front, occiput with distinct raised corners (Figure 502) . . . . . 2
- Viewed from front occiput either rounded or square without raised corners (Figure 503) . . . . . 3
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- Corners of occiput in form of sharp, curved processes (Figure 504a); node conical (Figure 504b) . . . . . Rhytidoponera taurus
- Corners of occiput in form of dull tubercles (Figure 505a); node subcuboidal (Figure 505b) . . . . . Rhytidoponera mayri
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- Hind tibial spur absent . . . . . 4
- Hind tibial spur present, distinct . . . . . 5
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- Apex of node terminating as a sharp spur (usually) or dull point (rarely) directed posteriad (Figure 506) . . . . . Rhytidoponera tyloxys
- Apex of node rounded, lacking a process or point directed posteriad (Figure 507) . . . . . Rhytidoponera dubia group sp. JDM 904
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- Eye very large, equal to ≈ 1/3 length of head capsule . . . . . 6
- Eye smaller, equal to, at most, 1/4 length of head capsule . . . . . 7
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- Mandible finely striate (Figure 508); head and body foveate-punctate, shining, without uniform fine microreticulation between striae and pits . . . . . Rhytidoponera crassinodis
- Mandible with superficial microreticulation only (Figure 509); head and body weakly to moderately sculptured, matt, with uniform microreticulation between larger sculpture . . . . . Rhytidoponera sp. JDM 736
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- Head and mesosoma with shallow, vestigial punctation only (Figure 510), gaster glistening, with very fine, almost imperceptible stria . . . . . 8
- Head and mesosoma usually punctate-striate or foveate-reticulate (e.g. Figure 511) or, if punctate only, gaster shagreenate with vestigial punctuation . . . . . 9
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- Fine striae on 2nd gastral tergite longitudinal without deviation (Figure 512) . . . . . Rhytidoponera flavicornis
- Fine striae on 2nd gastral tergite weakly arched around midline of tergite (Figure 513) . . . . . Rhytidoponera micans
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- Head punctate (Figure 514) or reticulate-punctate (Figure 515); mesosoma punctate; gaster shagreenate with vestigial punctuation . . . . . 10
- Head and mesosoma punctate-striate (Figure 516) or foveate-reticulate; gaster usually with fine to coarse circular striae . . . . . 11
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- Frons punctate, with small, well-spaced pits (Figure 517a); ventral process of petiole a short spur . . . . . Rhytidoponera levior
- Frons more reticulate-punctate, particularly towards centre of head capsule, edges of pits often confluent (Figure 518a); ventral process of petiole long, needle-like (Figure 518b) . . . . . Rhytidoponera punctata
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- In profile, vertex of head capsule flattened, its posterior angles distinctly lobate (Figure 519); node thick, cuboidal or subcuboidal . . . . . 12
- In profile, vertex of head capsule more rounded, its posterior angles with at most a small, weak flange (Figure 520); node often thinner . . . . . 17
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- In profile, petiolar node low, at least as wide as high; subpetiolar process a long spine (R. anceps group) . . . . . 13
- In profile, petiolar node distinctly higher than wide; subpetiolar process spurlike (R. metallica group) . . . . . 14
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- First gastral tergite with fine, close, parallel striae (Figure 521) . . . . . Rhytidoponera anceps
- First gastral tergite with thick, discontinuous striae (Figure 522) . . . . . Rhytidoponera sp. ANIC 44
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- Body without strong iridescence (gaster may have coppery sheen) . . . . . Rhytidoponera inornata
- Body with strong blue- or green-purple iridescence . . . . . 15
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- First gastral tergite strongly areolate, the areolae confluent (Figure 523); second gastral tergite with many shallow, elongate pits in additional to the fine, circular striae . . . . . Rhytidoponera metallica group JDM 1098
- Sculpture of first and second gastral tergite usually confined to fine, circular striae, a few scattered, shallow pits may be present (Figure 524) . . . . . 16
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- Appendages dark brown . . . . . Rhytidoponera metallica
- Appendages orange . . . . . Rhytidoponera metallica group JDM 1097
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- Node thin, tapering, without vertical sulcus posteriad (Figure 525); gaster shiny; mostly with greenish-purple or coppery iridescence (lacking in a few northern populations) . . . . . Rhytidoponera violacea
- Node either thicker, not tapering, or with vertical sulcus posteriad (e.g. Figure 526); gaster usually duller; iridescence always absent . . . . . 18
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- In profile, node acuminate, with vertical sulcus posteriad (Figure 526); short, erect setae virtually absent from body surfaces, very sparse on legs and antennae . . . . . Rhytidoponera punctigera
- In profile, node cuboidal or subcuboidal without vertical sulcus (small, longitudinal sulcus may be present on dorsum) (Figure 527); short erect setae well distributed on body surfaces, legs and antennae . . . . . 19
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- Frons finely longitudinally striate in dorsal sector, with scattered, sparse punctuation (Figure 528) . . . . . Rhytidoponera micans group sp. JDM 576
- Frons reticulate-foveate in dorsal sector (Figure 529) . . . . . Rhytidoponera foveolata