Key to Pheidole roosevelti-group queens
This worker key is based on: Sarnat, E. M. 2008. A taxonomic revision of the Pheidole roosevelti-group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Fiji. Zootaxa 1767:1-36.
The queen caste of Pheidole uncagena is unknown.
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- Propodeal spines simple and straight, evenly tapering to a single acuminate point without becoming bifurcate or angulate apically; scapes short (SL 0.87, FL n = 1) . . . . . Pheidole simplispinosa
- Propodeal spines modified apically with bifurcate or angulate tip, but never evenly tapering to a single straight acuminate point; scapes long (SL 0.97–1.24, n = 15) . . . . . 2
return to couplet #1
- Mesonotum, in profile, lower than pronotum; pronotum, in dorsal view, largely visible; sides of head, in full face view, subparallel or weakly diverging posteriorly; head narrow (HW 1.12–1.35, n = 8) . . . . . 3
- Mesonotum, in profile, subequal in height to pronotum, pronotum, in profile, largely concealed by mesonotum; sides of head, in full face view, strongly diverging posteriorly; head broad (HW 1.55–1.95, n = 7) . . . . . 5
return to couplet #2
- Head venter densely sculptured; anterior face of postpetiole with regular longitudinal rugulae . . . . . Pheidole bula
- Head venter smooth and shining; postpetiole with anterior face either smooth and shining or with weak irregular sculpture, but never with regular longitudinal rugulae . . . . . 4
return to couplet #3
- Head with posterolateral corners smooth and shining; petiolar node, in posterior view, concave; postpetiolar dorsum smooth and shining; in dorsal view, length of median sculpturing immediately posterior to postpetiole attachment shorter than length of postpetiole; head wider and longer (HW 1.29–1.35, HL 1.27–1.30, n = 3) . . . . . Pheidole colaensis
- Head with posterolateral corners rugoreticulate and with intercarinular spaces foveolate; petiolar node, in posterior view, flat; postpetiolar dorsum transversely striate; in dorsal view, length of median sculpturing immediately posterior to postpetiole attachment equal to or longer than length of postpetiole; head narrower and shorter (HW 1.12–1.18, HL 1.14–1.17, n = 3) . . . . . Pheidole furcata
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- Head, in full face view, with posterior portion rugoreticulate such that irregular longitudinal rugae are often intersected by irregular transverse rugae; ground sculpture between eyes and frontal carinae densely and distinctly foveolate; head narrower and shorter (HW 1.55–1.70, HL 1.37–1.52, n = 6) . . . . . Pheidole roosevelti
- Head, in full face view, with posterior portion longitudinally carinate such that longitudinal carinae may occasionally branch, but are never intersected by transverse carinae or rugae; ground sculpture between eyes and frontal carinae smooth and shining; head wider and longer (HW 1.96, HL 1.73, n = 1) . . . . . Pheidole pegasus