Key to Pheidole knowlesi group queens

AntWiki: The Ants --- Online

This key to queens is based on: Fischer, G., Sarnat, E.M., Economo, E.P. 2016. Revision and microtomography of the Pheidole knowlesi group, an endemic ant radiation in Fiji (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Myrmicinae)Myrmicinae). PLoS ONE 11(7): e0158544. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0158544.

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  • Body strongly sculptured. In dorsal view longitudinal rugae subparallel and covering entire length and width of scutum. Postpetiole dorsum with transverse rugulae and anterior third of gaster also coarsely longitudinally rugulose . . . . . Pheidole caldwelli
  • Body less sculptured and with several smooth areas. In dorsal view rugae arranged in V-shape and not spreading across entire scutum. Dorsum of postpetiole smooth and gaster never coarsely longitudinally rugulose, at most punctate anteriorly . . . . . 2


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  • Relatively larger species (WL 1.32–1.82) with longer legs (FI 81–88) . . . . . 3
  • Relatively smaller species (WL 1.10–1.36) with shorter legs (FI 69–79) . . . . . 5


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  • Posterolateral corners of head with longitudinal rugae present. In anterodorsal view longitudinal rugae on scutum reaching anterior margin . . . . . 4
  • Posterolateral corners of head without longitudinal rugae present and smooth. In anterodorsal view longitudinal rugae on scutum not reaching anterior margin to strongly reduced . . . . . Pheidole knowlesi


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  • Hypostoma with median tooth and submedian teeth of unequal size and median tooth distinctly smaller. Dorsal postpetiole and gaster anteriorly rugopunctate . . . . . Pheidole wilsoni
  • Hypostoma with median and submedian teeth of equal size. Dorsal postpetiole and gaster anteriorly smooth . . . . . Pheidole ululevu


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  • Anterior clypeal margin with shallow median notch. Gaster anteroventrally strongly reticulate-punctate . . . . . Pheidole vatu
  • Anterior clypeal margin transverse, without median notch. Gaster anteroventrally either smooth or superficially punctate . . . . . Pheidole kava