Key to Paraparatrechina of the Afrotropical and Malagasy Regions
This worker key is based on: LaPolla, J.S. & Fisher, B.L. 2014. Two new Paraparatrechina (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) species from the Seychelles, with notes on the hypogaeic weissi species-group. ZooKeys 414, 139–155 (doi: 10.3897/zookeys.414.7542)
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- Eyes small relative to head length (REL ≤ 16) . . . . . 2
- Eyes medium to large relative to head length (REL ≥ 17) . . . . . 6
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- Eyes consisting of less than 10 facets; polymorphic, with clearly expressed major caste; Equatorial Africa; weissi species-group . . . . . 3
- Eyes consisting of more than 10 facets; monomorphic; Madagascar . . . . . 5
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- Scapes with numerous erect macrosetae; mesosoma with numerous erect macrosetae scattered across each segment (especially abundant on pronotum and mesonotum) . . . . . Paraparatrechina bufona
- Scapes without erect macrosetae; few macrosetae on mesosoma (typically 2 on prontoum; 1 on mesonotum and 1 on propodeum) . . . . . 4
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- Metanotal groove strongly impressed; head without paired macrosetae medially from posterior margin towards clypeus; no macrosetae on posterior margin . . . . . Paraparatrechina sordida
- Metanotal groove not strongly impressed; head with paired macrosetae medially from posterior margin towards clypeus; at least four macrosetae on posterior margin . . . . . Paraparatrechina weissi
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- Scape with decumbent pubescence; scapes surpass posterior margin by approximately length of the first 3–4 funicular segments . . . . . Paraparatrechina myops
- Scape with appressed pubescence; scapes surpass posterior margin by approximately length of the first 2–3 funicular segments . . . . . Paraparatrechina ocellatula
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- Mesosoma elongate in lateral view, with pronotum gently rising towards mesonotum . . . . . 7
- Mesosoma compact in lateral view, with pronotum steeply rising towards mesonotum . . . . . 9
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- Propodeum with a short, angular dorsal face, and a long declivitous face; scape length <0.6 mm; Madagascar . . . . . Paraparatrechina glabra
- Propodeum with rounded dorsal face, not conspicuously longer than declivitous face; scape length >0.6 mm; Equatorial Africa . . . . . 8
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- Scape length > 0.72 mm; tibiae same brown color as mesosoma; protrochanter brown as in mesosoma, but meso/metatrochanters may be lighter brown; mandibles and antennae typically same brown color as head . . . . . Paraparatrechina splendida
- Scape length < 0.72 mm; tibiae whitish to brownish-yellow; all trochanters white; mandibles and antennae yellowish-brown, contrasting with brown head . . . . . Paraparatrechina concinnata
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- Mesosomal dorsum (primarily pronotum and mesonotum) much lighter (typically yellow against brown or white against dark brown) than remainder of mesosoma . . . . . 10
- Mesosomal dorsum not much lighter than remainder of mesosoma . . . . . 11
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- Dorsum of gaster with a distinctly yellow to white patch of color contrasting with remainder of gaster; Seychelles . . . . . Paraparatrechina luminella
- Dorsum of gaster solid dark brown in color; West Africa . . . . . Paraparatrechina albipes
return to couplet #9
- Gaster brown, conspicuously contrasting with yellow head and mesosoma . . . . . Paraparatrechina umbranatis
- Gaster brownish-yellow to yellow, not conspicuously contrasting with head and mesosoma . . . . . 12
return to couplet #11
- Dark brown species, with conspicuously lighter colored, contrasting antennae and legs . . . . . Paraparatrechina brunnella
- Yellow species, with antennae and legs same color as remainder of body . . . . . 13
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- Smaller species (HL & SL < 0.4 mm) . . . . . Paraparatrechina gnoma
- Larger species (HL & SL > 0.4 mm) . . . . . 14
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- Scapes with appressed pubescence . . . . . Paraparatrechina oreias
- Scapes with decumbent pubescence . . . . . 15
return to couplet #14
- Short, decumbent pubescence covers head, especially lateroposteriorly, where it is longer than remainder of head; pubescence on gaster longer, slightly decumbent, giving an “unkempt” appearance; West Africa . . . . . Paraparatrechina subtilis
- Short, decumbent pubescence present lateroanteriorly around eyes; pubescence on gaster shorter, tightly appressed to gaster, with pubescence appearing in neat rows with a silky appearance; Seychelles . . . . . Paraparatrechina illusio