Key to Octostruma species
This worker key is based on Longino, J.T. 2013. A revision of the ant genus Octostruma Forel 1912 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Zootaxa 3699, 1-61. A discussion of the important characters for these species (see Octostruma characters) was included in this revision. These notes are useful for working through the key, especially if you are unfamiliar with this genus.
- Face crossed by a clearly defined arcuate carina; anterior portion of face concave, differentiated from posterior portion, delimited by frontal carinae and facial arc (Fig. 1); HW < 0.65 . . . . . 2
![]() Fig 1. Face views of (A) Octostruma rugifera (B) Octostruma rugiferoides (C) Octostruma ascrobis (D) Octostruma limbifrons (E) Octostruma convallis (F) Octostruma ascrobicula. |
- Face lacking a sharp arcuate carina and differentiated anterior portion, occasionally a low arcuate convexity present, but not clearly defined and anterior portion not differentiated; HW variable . . . . . 8
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- Antennal scrobe deep and conspicuous with distinct posterior and ventral margins; vertex behind facial arc foveolate, punctate, or rugose (Fig. 1A, B) . . . . . 3
- Antennal scrobe shallow and inconspicuous, fading posteriorly and ventrally; vertex behind facial arc smooth and shining with sparse puncta (Fig. 1C-F) . . . . . 4
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- Face anterior to facial arc uniformly densely punctate; posterior margin of vertex lacking erect setae; facial arc joins dorsal margin of scrobe posterior to eye; eye composed of > 5 ommatidia (Fig. 1A) (Venezuela, southern Brazil) . . . . . Octostruma rugifera
![]() Octostruma rugifera Worker |
![]() Octostruma rugifera Worker |
- Face anterior to facial arc shallowly rugulose; posterior margin of vertex with pair of erect setae; facial arc joins dorsal margin of scrobe anterior to eye; eye minute, composed of < 5, partially fused ommatidia (Fig. 1B) (southern Mexico, Guatemala) . . . . . Octostruma rugiferoides
![]() Octostruma rugiferoides, worker (top) and queen. Scale bar = 0.2 mm face view, 0.5 mm lateral view. |
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- Facial arc continuous with frontal carinae (Fig. 1C, F) . . . . . 5
- Facial arc extending laterally beyond frontal carinae, with shallow trough separating posterior ends of frontal carinae and facial arc (Fig. 1D, E) . . . . . 6
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- Facial arc more pronounced, arc relatively broader and less semicircular, frontal carinae proportionally longer and more convergent anteriorly, joining facial arc posterior to compound eye (Fig. 1C); pronotal dorsum smooth and shiny, differentiated from shallowly foveolate mesonotum (Central America) . . . . . Octostruma ascrobis
![]() Octostruma ascrobis worker (top) and queen (bottom). Scale bar = 0.2 mm face views, 0.5 mm lateral views. |
- Facial arc less pronounced, arc more strongly curved and semicircular, frontal carinae shorter and less convergent, joining facial arc at level of compound eye (Fig. 1F); mesonotal foveolation extending onto pronotal dorsum, weakening anteriorly (Panama, Colombia) . . . . . Octostruma ascrobicula
![]() Octostruma ascrobicula. Scale bar = 0.25 mm face view, 0.5 mm lateral view. |
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- Facial arc strong throughout, much stronger than frontal carinae (Fig. 1D) (Panama) . . . . . Octostruma limbifrons
![]() Octostruma limbifrons worker. Scale bar = 0.25 mm face view, 0.5 mm lateral view. |
- Facial arc distinct but less elevated, becoming irregular and somewhat weaker laterally, frontal carinae stronger than lateral portions of facial arc (Fig. 1E) . . . . . 7
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- Promesonotal dorsum uniformly foveolate; three pairs of spatulate setae along facial arc (Ecuador) . . . . . Octostruma convallisur
![]() Octostruma convallisur worker (top) and queen. Scale bar = 0.2 mm face view, 0.5 mm lateral view. |
- Pronotum smooth and shiny, differentiated from foveolate mesonotum; one pair of spatulate setae on posterolateral corners of facial arc (Costa Rica) . . . . . Octostruma convallis
![]() Octostruma convallis worker (top) and queen. Scale bar = 0.2 mm face view, 0.5 mm lateral view. |
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- Antennal scrobe shallow, not or only feebly margined; base of scape without flattened anterior lobe . . . . . 9
- Antennal scrobe deep and sharply demarcated with a carinate rim; base of scape with flattened anterior lobe . . . . . 10
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- Mandible elongate, with basal margin meeting masticatory margin at oblique angle, closed mandibles with pronounced gap between anterior margin of clypeus and masticatory margins; metanotal groove impressed; HW 0.50–0.56 (Panama to Ecuador) . . . . . Octostruma stenoscapa
- Mandible subtriangular, basal margin meeting masticatory margin at close to right angle, closed mandibles flush with anterior margin of clypeus; HW > 0.68 (Colombia to Bolivia) . . . . . Octostruma inca
![]() Octostruma inca worker (top) and queen. Scale bar = 0.25 mm face view, 0.5 mm lateral view. |
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- Metanotal groove broadly impressed, promesonotum and dorsal face of propodeum forming two distinct convexities; basal tooth of mandible broad and blunt, differentiated from acute second tooth; HW > 0.66 (Colombia) . . . . . Octostruma impressa
- Metanotal groove thin or absent, if more broadly impressed then basal tooth of mandible acute and similar to second tooth; other characters variable . . . . . 11
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- Mandible with basal tooth blunt/truncate or in the form of a rectangular lamina (Fig. 2D); second tooth from base acute, differ-entiated from basal tooth or lamina; vertex lobes uniformly punctate and opaque, never rugulose or smooth; face rarely obscured by a layer of soil; HW < 0.68 (O. balzani complex) . . . . . 12
- First and second basalmost teeth of mandible similar in shape, either acute or rounded (Fig. 2A, B, C, E); vertex lobes punctate, rugose, rugulose, or nearly smooth; face sometimes obscured by layer of soil; HW > 0.57 . . . . . 20
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- In most workers of a series, posterolateral vertex margin with an erect spatulate seta (Fig. 3A, B); mesosoma usually with one or two pairs of spatulate setae, rarely lacking them . . . . . 13
- In most workers of a series, posterolateral vertex margin lacking erect seta (Fig. 3C, D); mesosoma usually lacking spatulate setae . . . . . 19
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- Posterior half of head with posterolateral margin shorter than anterolateral margin (Fig. 4A), giving head a more triangular appearance; basal lobe of scape weakly developed, margins proximal and distal to basal bend at approximate right angle . . . . . 14
- Posterior half of head with posterolateral margin subequal to or longer than anterolateral margin (Fig. 4B), giving head more transverse appearance; basal lobe of scape strongly developed, margins proximal and distal to basal bend at acute angle . . . . . 16
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- Mesosoma with one pair of spatulate setae, on mesonotum; anterior portion of face convex; dorsal surface of scape with thin ground pilosity; CI 99–103 (southern Brazil) . . . . . Octostruma stenognatha
![]() Octostruma stenognatha Worker |
![]() Octostruma stenognatha Worker |
- Mesosoma with two pairs spatulate setae, one on pronotum and one on mesonotum; anterior portion of face convex or some-what concave; dorsal surface of scape with thin or spatulate ground pilosity; CI 106–111 . . . . . 15
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- Dorsal surface of scape with short appressed spatulate setae; anterior portion of face somewhat concave (Amazonian South America) . . . . . Octostruma betschi
![]() Octostruma betschi worker. Scale bar = 0.25 mm face view, 0.5 mm lateral view. |
- Dorsal surface of scape with thin ground pilosity; anterior portion of face flat to convex (eastern Andean foothills) . . . . . Octostruma batesi
![]() Octostruma batesi Worker |
![]() Octostruma batesi Worker |
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- Mesosoma typically with two pairs spatulate setae, one pair in anterior half of promesonotum and one pair in posterior half (Lesser Antilles) . . . . . Octostruma lutzi
![]() Octostruma lutzi workers and queen (bottom). Scale bar = 0.25 mm face view, 0.5 mm lateral view. |
- Mesosoma typically with one pair spatulate setae, on posterior half of promesonotum (mainland Neotropics) . . . . . 17
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- In most workers of a series, a spatulate seta present between anterior seta on side of head (near eye) and anteromedial vertex seta; in profile view, metanotal groove completely absent or weakly impressed (Fig. 5A); first gastral tergite typically with 8–16 erect setae (Mexico to Honduras) . . . . . Octostruma trithrix
![]() Octostruma trithrix worker. Scale bar = 0.25 mm face view, 0.5 mm lateral view. |
- In most workers of a series, no spatulate seta between anterior seta on side of head and medial vertex seta; in profile view, metanotal groove usually visible as a small notch (Fig. 5B); gastral setae variable . . . . . 18
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- Color red brown; typically < 16 erect setae on first gastral tergite (<10 in northern Central America, where sympatric with O. trithrix), more clustered posteriorly, apically broader, more spatulate (Fig. 6A); HW 0.50–0.63 (average 0.57, n=27) (wide-spread in Neotropics) . . . . . Octostruma balzani
- Color dark brown; typically about 20 erect setae on first gastral tergite, more evenly distributed across tergite, relatively linear and less spatulate (Fig. 6B); HW 0.61–0.66 (mountains of Panama, Peru, Bolivia) . . . . . Octostruma megabalzani
![]() Octostruma megabalzani worker. Scale bar = 0.25 mm face view, 0.5 mm lateral view. |
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- Posterior margin of vertex usually lacking spatulate setae (Fig. 3D); color dark brown (mountains of Central America) . . . . . Octostruma gymnogon
![]() Octostruma gymnogon Worker |
![]() Octostruma gymnogon Worker |
- Posterior margin of vertex usually with medial pair of spatulate setae (Fig. 3C); color lighter red brown (Central America and northern South America) . . . . . Octostruma amrishi
![]() Octostruma amrishi.Scale bar = 0.25 mm face view, 0.5 mm lateral view. |
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- A single tall, transverse carina extends between propodeal spines, separating dorsal and posterior faces of propodeum, broad-ening laterally and extending to the apex of the propodeal spine, joining vertical plane of spine at a right angle, forming a roof-like structure over the posterior face of the propodeum and creating a thin-walled, concave propodeal spine that looks like a box corner (Fig. 7A) . . . . . 21
- Transverse carina between propodeal spines present or absent; if present, thin and fading medially, at most weakly expanded laterally (Fig. 7B) . . . . . 23
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- Pair of long filiform setae projecting from petiolar peduncle anterior to spiracle (these setae very fine and often difficult to see) (Fig. 8) (this character also present on Octostruma pexidorsum, elsewhere in key); shorter filiform setae projecting from sides of post-petiole; promesonotum with moderately impressed longitudinal sulcus; face with 8 spatulate setae, arranged around periphery of face, none medially (Fig. 3E); promesonotum and first gastral tergite lacking spatulate setae (widespread in Neotropics) . . . . . Octostruma iheringi
![]() Fig 8. Octostruma iheringi, dorsal view of petiole and postpetiole, showing sensory setae. |
![]() Octostruma iheringi worker (top) and queen. Scale bar = 0.2 mm face view, 0.5 mm lateral view. |
- Filiform setae lacking on petiole and postpetiole; other characters variable. . . . . 22
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- Mesosoma with two pairs erect setae, one on pronotum and one on mesonotum; dorsal promesonotum with broad, shallow, longitudinal sulcus; HW 0.74 (Ecuador) . . . . . Octostruma onorei
- Mesosoma lacking erect setae; dorsal promesonotum evenly convex; HW 0.85–0.90 (petiolar node in dorsal view strongly transverse) (southern Brazil) . . . . . Octostruma petiolata
![]() Octostruma petiolata Worker |
![]() Octostruma petiolata Worker |
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- Basal five teeth of mandible bluntly rounded (Fig. 2E); labrum about as wide as long; anterior labral lobes separated, about as wide as long (Fig. 9F); HW < 0.68 . . . . . 24
- Basal five teeth of mandible acute (Fig. 2A, B); labrum longer than wide; anterior labral lobes separate and longer than wide or confluent (Fig. 9A, B, C, I); HW variable . . . . . 25
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- Face sculpture foveolate with at most faint longitudinal rugulae (Fig. 10A); when covered with soil, any rugulae usually not visible; face with 10–14 large spatulate setae projecting above ground pilosity; ground pilosity curved, projecting from sur-face; first gastral tergite with > 10 spatulate setae; first gastral tergite punctate over entire surface, although puncta somewhat smaller and sparser posteriorly; color orange brown (Guatemala to Colombia) . . . . . Octostruma obtusidens
- Face sculpture longitudinally rugose, interspaces matte but not foveolate (Fig. 10B); when covered with soil, rugulae often project through soil layer; face with at most 10 spatulate setae; ground pilosity fully appressed; first gastral tergite with < 10 spatulate setae; first gastral tergite punctate on anterior half, fading to nearly smooth and shining posteriorly; color red brown (Mexico to Ecuador) . . . . . Octostruma excertirugis
![]() Octostruma excertirugis Worker |
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- Ground pilosity abundant, subdecumbent, woolly; apical half of labrum with parallel sides, apex blunt but not bilobed (Fig. 8); pair of long filiform setae projecting from petiolar peduncle anterior to spiracle (these setae very fine and often difficult to see) (Fig. 8) (this character also present on the more common O. iheringi); shorter filiform setae projecting from sides of post-petiole and anteromedian first gastral sternite; HW 0.63–0.71; CI 106–111 (Amazonian Colombia) . . . . . Octostruma pexidorsum
![]() Octostruma pexidorsum worker. Scale bar = 0.25 mm face view, 0.5 mm lateral view. |
- Ground pilosity sparse, fully appressed, not woolly; labrum shape variable; filiform setae lacking on petiole, postpetiole, first gastral sternite; HW and CI variable . . . . . 26
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- Labrum apex blunt, not distinctly bilobed; sides of labrum straight and evenly converging (Fig.9A) . . . . . 27
- Labrum apex distinctly bilobed, sides of labrum straight or slightly concave, anterior lobes porrect, parallel and separate (Fig. 9B, C) . . . . . 30
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- Head very narrow, CI 94 (Fig.3H) (Honduras) . . . . . Octostruma leptoceps
![]() Octostruma leptoceps worker. Scale bar = 0.2 mm face view, 0.5 mm lateral view. |
- Head broader (Fig. 3I, J, K), CI > 100 . . . . . 28
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- Face with at most six spatulate setae (Fig.3I); promesonotum never with spatulate setae; face and dorsal pronotum matte but mostly smooth, not rugulose (Central America) . . . . . Octostruma wheeleri
![]() Octostruma wheeleri worker (top) and queen. Scale bar = 0.2 mm face view, 0.5 mm lateral view. |
- Face with 8-10 spatulate setae (Fig. 3J, K); promesonotum lacking or with one pair of spatulate setae; face and dorsal prono-tum with stronger reticulate rugulose sculpture (although still faint compared to many other Octostruma) . . . . . 29
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- Mesonotum with a pair of spatulate setae (southern Mexico . . . . . Octostruma triangulabrum
![]() Octostruma triangulabrum worker. Scale bar = 0.2 mm face view, 0.5 mm lateral view. |
- Mesonotum lacking spatulate setae (Costa Rica, Panama) . . . . . Octostruma triquetrilabrum
![]() Octostruma triquetrilabrum worker. Scale bar = 0.2 mm face view, 0.5 mm lateral view. |
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- Anterior half of dorsal face of propodeum moderately to distinctly convex, demarcating broadly impressed metanotal groove (Fig. 11A); HW 0.6–0.7; face typically with 6 or 8 spatulate setae (as few as 2 on some Costa Rican O. montanis), seta-bearing pits along vertex margin large (Fig. 3L, P); mesosomal dorsum with or without spatulate setae . . . . . 31
- Dorsal face of propodeum flat or weakly convex over entire length; metanotal groove not impressed, or if slightly impressed, not as a result of a dorsal propodeal convexity (Fig. 11B); HW < 0.72 or > 0.80; face with 0 to 8 spatulate setae, seta-bearing pits not unusually large (Fig. 3M, N, O); mesosomal dorsum lacking spatulate setae . . . . . 32
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- Mesosomal dorsum lacking spatulate setae; face with 2 to 6 spatulate setae (Fig. 3P) (Nicaragua, Costa Rica) . . . . . Octostruma montanis
![]() Octostruma montanis worker. Scale bar = 0.2 mm face view, 0.5 mm lateral view. |
- A single pair of spatulate setae on the mesonotum; face with 8 spatulate setae (Fig. 3L) (Honduras, Nicaragua) . . . . . Octostruma cyrtinotum
![]() Octostruma cyrtinotum worker (top) and queen. Scale bar = 0.2 mm face view, 0.5 mm lateral view. |
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- HW < 0.72; face typically with 2 spatulate setae on posteriomedian vertex margin (Fig 3O) (Mexico to Costa Rica) . . . . . Octostruma planities
![]() Octostruma planities worker. Scale bar = 0.2 mm face view, 0.5 mm lateral view. |
- HW > 0.80; face typically with 0 or 6 spatulate setae . . . . . 33
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- Face lacking spatulate setae (Fig. 3M) (southern Mexico) . . . . . Octostruma gymnosoma
![]() Octostruma gymnosoma worker. Scale bar = 0.2 mm face view, 0.5 mm lateral view. |
- Face with 6 spatulate setae (Fig. 3N) (Guatemala) . . . . . Octostruma schusteri
![]() Octostruma schusteri worker. Scale bar = 0.2 mm face view, 0.5 mm lateral view. |