Key to Myrmoteras of India
This worker key is based on: Bharti, H., Akbar and S.A. Akbar. 2014. Taxonomic studies on the genus Myrmoteras Forel (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), with description of two new species from India. J. Entomol. Res. Soc., 16:71-80.
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- Middle of labrum with a pair of long triggered hairs; surface of labrum visible in full face view conspicuously projecting, more or less triangular; frontal sulcus very feeble or absent (Subgenus Myrmoteras) . . . . . 2
- Middle of labrum without triggered hairs; surface of labrum visible in full face view rounded or truncated, not strongly projecting; frontal sulcus on head usually prominent (Subgenus Myagroteras) . . . . . 3
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- Head dorsum smooth . . . . . Myrmoteras brachygnathum
- Head dorsum strongly granulo-rugose . . . . . Myrmoteras scabrum
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- Mandible with 12 teeth with single apical denticle (mandibular tooth count including the preapical and apical denticles); palpi segmentation (4)3,3; in full frontal view, head and occiput smooth and shiny. . . . . Myrmoteras indicum
- Mandible with 14 teeth with two apical denticles (mandibular tooth count including the preapical and apical denticles); palpi segmentation 5,4; in full frontal view, head with occiput smooth and shiny with the exception of three to four rugae that originate from posterior to middle of the torulus . . . . . 4
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- Body uniformly light brown, coxae and femora pale yellow; sculpture on mesosoma not distinct; mesonotum with few longitudinal rugae; propodeum with few transverse striations, highly convex with summit virtually higher than mesothorax; rest of mesosoma smooth and shiny . . . . . Myrmoteras agostii
- Body dark reddish; coxae and femora dark brown; sculpture on mesosoma prominent; pronotum smooth; propodeum feebly convex with summit virtually at the level of mesothorax; rest of mesosoma granulo-rugose . . . . . Myrmoteras moffetti