Key to Indian Tetramorium tonganum-group species

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This worker key is based on: Gaurav Agavekar, G., Hita Garcia, F., Economo, E.P. 2017. Taxonomic overview of the hyperdiverse ant genus Tetramorium Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in India with descriptions and X-ray microtomography of two new species from the Andaman Islands. PeerJ 5:e3800 (doi:10.7717/peerj.3800).

We exclude Tetramorium tonganum from the currently known Indian Tetramorium fauna. However, since the species is very widespread in tropical Asia and already recorded from Sri Lanka, it is possible that it occurs in the humid, tropical regions of India but has not been collected yet. Moreover, there is a possibility of human-mediated introduction of the species into India in the future. Consequently, in order to facilitate future identifications, we include it in the species key below.

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Figure 22. Differences in mesosomal armament and petiole shape. Mesosoma in profile view. (A) T. krishnani sp. n. (NCBS-AV940) (B) T. tonganum (CASENT0103250). Petiole in profile view. (C) T. barryi (CASENT0280889), (D) T. christiei (CASENT0901088), (E) T. tonganum (CASENT0171074), (F) T. salvatum (CASENT0909173). Images (except A and B) by April Nobile, Michele Esposito, Ryan Perry, Eli Sarnat, and Zach Lieberman; from
  • Propodeum armed with teeth or spines (Fig. 22B) . . . . . 2


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  • In profile petiolar node appearing enlarged and conspicuously elongated and convex (Fig. 22C) . . . . . Tetramorium barryi
  • In profile petiolar node not appearing enlarged and significantly less elongated and convex (Figs. 22D–22F) . . . . . 3


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  • In profile petiolar node clearly higher and appearing higher than long (Figs. 22E and 22F) . . . . . 4


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